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Y/N pov:
I went straight home no one was there i went in to my room and laid on my bed and cried my heart out. I feel really betrayed and hurt. The person i thought i started to like ,thought was starting to have a connection with betrayed me . I hate Taehyung for lying to me , for making me feel like i have someone to trust. I was crying so much that soon i drifted to sleep.

1 hour later:
I finally woke up *Yawn* " what time is it ? " I look at the clock it 4pm. I checked my phone and there was no msg from Jimin. Its strange.jimin always text me after school. Well i should text him.

To Jimin:
Are you busy ?
You didn't texted all day .


Taehyung pov:
"He said i am Doomed" that all i could say to jimin.

"What ?" Jimin asked "she found out jimin. Now what the heck am i suppose to do " i said

"Leave her . Its not like you liked her for real. right!?! Tae . She was just some other girl you're having fun with" jimin said mocking me . I fist my hand tightly.

"SHE IS NOT SOME RANDOM GIRL JIMIN!! SHE IS DIFFERENT. I LIKE HER no I-I-I LOVE HER " Jimin widened his eyes. And that's when i realized it too . I love her its not just simple attraction i fricken love her .

"OMG jimin I LOVE HER . i have to tell her that i love her . How can i be so stupid to not notice that . All this time talking to her, making her my fake gf and teasing her everything was because i wanted to spend time with her i just don't like her Jimin i fricken love  her." I said every thing while holding jimin shoulder moving him back and forth while jimin was being bewildered by my action.

"Than get your girl Tae " jungkook said from behind . "She doesn't look so good. She look really hurt ,and i am sorry this happen because of me " he said dropping his shoulders.

"It wasn't for you . Its my mistake for not telling her before. Please tell me where is she " i asked more like pleaded.

"She is in the hallway of ground floor with Sara. I rushed here as fast i could. Now go talk to her " "thanks" was all i could say . I rushed my way and when I reached the hallway i saw them . They were arguing i went closer and heard.

"What happ--" sara tried to speak but she cut her off . "How did Kookie got your no since when did he started calling you babe, when did you guy got this close ? TELL ME ." She was crying.

"Let me explain. I was willing to tell you but kookie said he wanted to tell his boys first and then i thought if i tell you you'll tell Taehyung so i wanted things to settle down first." Sara said trying to pull her in a hug. She pushed her again.

"Wow now my best friend is also betraying me . Keeping secrets that's not how we roll sara" she said tear falling non stop i never thought she'll get this hurt but sara and kookie are together since when.

"I didn't betray you Y/n . You just dont have time for me since you started FAKE DATING Taehyung.I DIDN'T BETRAYED YOU . YOU JUST LEFT ME" sara almost screamed.

"So now its my fault that you're keeping secrets from me. You know if i am the problem . So may be i should stop giving you any more hard time" she said wiping her tears.

"Listen bab-" sara tried speaking again.

"Just leave don't talk to me ever again YOU , TAEHYUNG ,JIMIN AND THAT JUNGKOOK. can.all.go.to.hell". With that she ran through the main gate . I tried running after her .

"y/n wait!!! " I said but she didn't listen to me and left. Sara hold my arm .

"Please let her go. She is not herself right now. I don't know what happened to her but right now she is in no mood for your teasing. She won't listen to you or even me give her time" she said

"I am the reason she is like that" i said dropping my head .

"How ?? What did you do ??"

"Can we go somewhere private? " I asked sara i need her support. Only she can help me .

"Yeah sure lets go to the Art room" sara said.after reaching there i told her everything.

*Slap*" how dare you do that to her . She trusted Jimin . She like him omg Taehyung why what did you get from this why did you do it and i scolded her too without knowing what she was going through Taehyung you're a jerk" sara was about to leave when i hold her hand.

"Yes i was a jerk before . At first i thought i was doing it so i can make fun of her later . But after sometime i started liking it . I was lonely, my parents never showed interest in me. I only have jimin and kookie but sometime even they were not enough. But what I didn't realize was i was falling for her ,her innocence,her laugh, her anger ,her cute embarrass self. And after being her boyfriend i always become jealous whenever she talk with other guys .i even lied to be her bf i now realized that i LOVE HER I LOVE Y/N " i sit on my knees in front of sara " please help me get her back please sara I'll do any thing for please please " .

"Awwww you love her that much. Get up on your feet. I am not a stone hearted person but i still need proof that you love my girl very much "

"What proof" i asked and then she whispered something in my ear and my mouth dropped "I can't do that i am the popular guy of the school"

"Well than say bye to her " sara was about to leave "okay okay I'll do it . Just help me" i said .

"Fine first do what i said and proof your love . And then I'll help you" she smirked. I hate her .

I went home it was a rough day i was laying on my bed scrolling through some YouTube video on my laptop.when suddenly a notification popped on my phone.

Message from Fiestygirl.

I quickly unlocked my phone and saw the msg .

From Fiestygirl:
Are you busy ?
You didn't texted all day .

Calling Fiestygirl ~~~~


Thank you for all your support guys

I purple you all 💜💜💜

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