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Y/N pov:
"I-I really don't love him " i whisper shouted at suga. " or do i?"...

"Yeah yeah whatever you decide" suga said and enter the cafe. I enter behind him.he was sitting near the window on a occupied table. "Over here" he waved at me .

"I CAN SEE where you're sitting you don't have to wave like that " i almost shouted

"Well i was just being nice " he rolled his eyes .

"Order now will you?"

"Uh okay okay "
Taehyung pov:
" Did you talked to her ? What does she said? Will she forgive me? "

"First of all calm down" Sara sips his juice "because of you she is not even talking to me "

"Uhg i knew you were of no use "

" Hey . Be polite . Now i know why she said you're Arrogant as hell"

"She used to talk about me " i dont know why this send butterflies in my tummy ew what the hell Tae.

"Yeah like all the time but why are you smiling like that idiot" She is right why i am smiling while i should worry about my girl.

"Do you have any plan.?" I said now being serious.

" Well we have to wait till monday . I am going to talk to her at school "

"Can't you just. Go. To. Her . house . Like you're her BBF " i said gritting my teeth.

"Well ........... Actually you're right" she said rubbing her neck .

"Actually you're an idiot" i said but than i heard a familiar voice .

""I CAN SEE " she shouted and after that she said something which i couldn't understand. I look around and there my princess was sitting near the window . But than a guy came to her with two coffees in his hand .


Why the hell he is touching her hair. I hate when someone else touch her . Oh now he is sitting beside her . I don't like him . May be i am over reacting.

"Tae? Taehyung?"

May he is her brother . Yeah i am sure that the case. But she don't have one . She just-- Ouch ouch

"Why the hell you pinched me " i said to sara.

"I was calling you for 10mint you were not answering that's why. You were looking at Y/N and that Guy like you'll kill them" she said

Who is this guys? "

"Don't know . But he is so handsome. "

" From where ? "

"Look at him he is 10/10. "

"What about me ? "

"You're 9/10 "

"Make to remind me ? "

"What ? "

"To make Kookie breakup with you "

"Yah what the hell is your problem . Your attitude doesn't match your face. Such innocent face and such evil mouth/attitude" she said Crossing her arms over her chest.

"Whatever lets go" with that i stand

"Whe-" before she could said any thing .

I walked towards the Annoying couple.

"Meow is a nice nick for you" he said to Y/N .

"Stop talking about that " she said while putting her hand on his lips . I hate this .

"Uhem ehem" i cleared my throat. Okay now they are finally looking at me. "Hello" i waved at them.

"Hello . Do we know you? " . That Annoying man said .

"Hey Y/N" i smiled at her . And ignored the man.

" He is KIM TAEHYUNG . The fake one . I told you about Suga. " she ignored me and said to that man .

"Oh that guy . Well why is he here than" he said looking at her. I am super annoyed now.

"I am here to talk to her sara is also here " i turned to point at sara but she were no where to be found. Uh that stupid girl now i get why she is not going at Y/N's home . She is afraid to face her . Uhhhhhhh.

"I don't see anyone well nice to meet you sae or whatever let's go Y/N we are getting late " he holds her hand was about to leave.

"I need to talk to you" i said while holding her other hand .

"Em Tae leave my hand" she said but i can't let her go. Please don't go .

"Leave her hand. You have no right on her " Suga said.

"And what right do you have . That you're holding her hand" i snapped.

"Well" he smirked and pulled Y/N in such a way that my grip got lose and he was side hugging him .

"I am her boyfriend"


Its short but hope you guys like it . Please take care of yourself and stay happy .

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I purple you all 💜💜 💜

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