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Long chapter ahead.


Its been three week since i found out that Tae was Jimin . Tae have tried to say sorry countless of times but I don't know why i still don't find the courage to talk to him . Well i also realized that i have a thing for Tae that's why i get more nervous than ever. Suga is still keeping on the lie that he's my boyfriend who finally came back after being away from me for Two year and that we were having a relationship break and now we're again continue what me started. And Rumor have spread that i broke up with Tae because my ex boyfriend came back and now he is suffering while nobody knows what shit is going in between us . My life in college have sucked so bad . Now i am on the bad list of every girl who thinks i have broken Tae's heart . Because they all thinks that i broke up with him . Well actually that is kind of true but never mind .

We're right now sitting in the cafeteria on the table far left near a window. Its safe here or else I'll have endless of stares and by we i meant was me and Suga . Sara is all lovey dovey with jungkook sitting with him , jimin and Tae on the table far right . Sara was having a trauma whether she sits with me or Kookie. Who have finally made their couple official . So i told her to follow her heart .

"And to my dismay she chose Kookie huh true best friend" i think sarcastically.

"You're thinking loud again cupcake" Suga said smiling.

"Oh sorry . And what's with the clingy Nick name" i said rolling my eyes.

"Well even fake i am still your boyfriend so i should call you with names" He said smirking.

"Wow lucky me all of my Boyfriends are fake plus the fake ones care for me like they love me alot while they dont give a two shit about me" i spat.

" Baby you have been grumpy since week. Are you on your period or something . And if not than try to calm your self . I am helping you here. People will laugh and probably get mad at you if they found out you faked your every relationship" he said calmly.

"I hate my life" with that i hit my head on the table we are sitting at . I hit it again and again till i felt something soft touching my head when i hit it this time and look down and saw Suga's hand preventing me from hitting the hard surface. He is so sweet.

"Stop it you're embarrassing me " i take that back he is mean . And cold hearted. I tried to hold his hand and bite it but he pulled it away on time .

Then playfully started grabbing my nose that's when i felt something burning my back i turned around to see what is it . Only to find Tae glaring at me like he is going to kill me . I gulped and turned again.

"I think we should leave Suga " i almost begged.

"Why i still haven't finished my lunch" he said picking a fries .

"Than i am leaving " with that i left Suga alone and came out of the cafeteria.

I was walking towards the locker room when i felt someone pulling me in an empty class . I got so startled by the moment that my eyes got closed i mumbled something without thinking.

"Please don't rape me Tae"

" Open your eyes and why would Tae be raping you? " Jimin spat in his beautiful angel voice.

" I am leaving. I don't have anything to do with you guys " i said and was about to leave .

"Please let me give me 5 mint to explain things"

"Why should i ? " I said Crossing my arms over my chest.

"Listen Y/N . I really don't give a shit whether you forgive me or not . But its about Tae he..... I mean he is having trouble because of you be---"

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