Relationship's SUCK!!!

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"BOY. FRI. END" he said slowly and with a smirk. 

"Your what. Are you craz--" he put his hand on my face.

"Shh Babe let's go somewhere more private. I know you didn't wanted the college to know about us but babe please come with me without saying a word okayyyyy" he said looking start in my eyes hypnotizing me in them "okay??? " he asked again . I slowly nod . "Hm good " he said removing his hands .

*Badum Badum Badum*

He moved away from me. What's this noise in my chest . Its like my heart is playing drums . I never saw his eyes this close those beautiful dark eyes are so captivating. * walking*. How did i never seen them before . His cute nose mole and his lips omg so thin and soft . Yeah i know "ehemmm??"
*clear throat again**cough*. They were perfect last night so perf-.

"Y/N!!!!!!!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING" his loud voice pulled me out from my maze . I look around . I was that now we're in one of the empty classroom. When did he drag me here . *waves hand*

" are you okay ??" TAE asked me looking at me with worried eyes .

"Yeah i am"

"Then stop dozing off please "

"Ok-- you said I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND" i almost screamed.

" hey keep it low . I am sorry but look from now on you have to pretend to be my girlfriend just like i did .i am going to explain everything later okay".

" and why would i do that " cross arms

"Hey i helped you . Now you are going to help me too . Weither you like it or not " he said sternly.

" Hey! you help me because of that stupid pen " i scoffed.

"Oh really . Okay than give me my pen and i wont distrub you again" he said Extending his hand out.

"I dont have it here . Its at home ." I gulped.

"Fine just pretend to be my girlfriend for today and when you're going to return my pen . Which i am going to come and take after college. You're free" he said smirking.

Why the hell he is smirking.  Well whatever my dad is going to leave tomorrow night so . After that i wont be needing him. So i am going to tell him that i don't have that stupid pen. Right.

"No . Not today . Tomorrow you can come take it. "

" fine then you'll be my babe for 2 days"

"I will not "

"Then give it back "

"Tomorrow I'll  give it" i said gritting my teeth than i stromed out of the class .

I went to my 2nd class . I was still thinking about the stupid idoit pen .but where had i kept it ahhhh .

"Excuse me "

"Yes " i looked as the source of the voice . Saw my teacher standing there .

"Why are you still here the class is over " i looked around and yes no one was there .

"Sorry i am just leaving" . With that i picked my bag and went to the locker put my book and bag in it. And went to cafeteria to search for sara.

"Ah sara where can she be?? " i asked my self.  But than saw Taehyung and his gang sitting in the corner table . Just near the food counter . I have to buy lunch for me as i didn't brought any because of being late but now i have to walk pass them ahh . I hate this .while i was walking near their table . Someone pulled me and i started falling i instantly closed my eyes but i didn't land on the hard floor . Instead it was comfy . What i opened my eyes again . I was on Taehyung lap.

"What the hell "

"You were looking for me right" Tae said smiling.

"Cut you guys " Jimin snapped.

" i am sorry he pulled me" i tried to get up but Tae put his hand on my waist holding me tight so i can't get up.

"Let me go!!" I almost screamed but then Tae slowly and dramatically moved his fac toward my face and whispered in my ear.

"Stop it and pretend.  Dont make me blow your cover too" he than lick my ear . It send shiver down my spine . Ewwwwww but i really liked it .

"Okay " i said putting my hair behind my ear and i blushed. 

"You look cute baby"

"Thanks" i slowly look up and saw the whole cafeteria looking at me and than i saw sara being a statue . Her eyes are popped out and mouth was dropped.

"Sara!" I quickly got up from Tae's lap and walk towards sara but i turned around "BABE i will meet up with you later" than i throw a flying kiss . I am such a drama queen. But before Tae could catch it . Jimin Did a flick.  Making it look like he flicked the kiss away .

"Don't make me puke TAETAE" said kookie.

I turned again and walk towards the statue . I have to make her realize that we are faking it.

But relationship really sucks sometimes but i don't know why but i want to try this with Tae because he's  different than what he is infront of my father. More passionate but i am not complaining.

"I think i like this BOYFRIEND VERSION of Taehyung. "

"AND WHAT THE HELL I AM THINKING +!!!!!!!" *wide eyes* i put my hand on my mouth.  Me and my stupid mouth. I am near sara but she's still in statue condition.but Tae come to me almost jogging . "So you like this version of me huh". He said winking. And than went out of the cafeteria. 

"You are an idiot" sara finally spoke .

"How much did i said out loud " i asked her

"I think i like this BOYFRIEND VERSION of Taehyung. AND WHAT THE HELL I AM THINKING +!!!!!!! . Only this much you stupid ass. Now tell me all the juicy stuff Now " sara said while slightly hitting my head .

"Yes first lets get to the roof top and just for the records.  I STILL HATE HIM" i whispered shouted.

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