Close enough

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She nodded in response and hugging me tighter

I love you too and its hella bad
*she said while smiling abit**

Time skipped
1 week later

Y/n pov
After that day i didn't get any chance to talk to taehyung or neither did he tried to talk with me. Me and sara were walking through the corridor of our school when i suddenly bumped into a guy ..

Och.....i am sorry i wasn't seeing straight.

Its okay .

Jimin *i thought *
Sorry again ( as i was about to walk pass him. He stop me )

Y/n wait .

What ??

Are you mad at me too ?? *puppy eyes*

Well you helped him so yes i am lil mad at you too ... * with annoyed face*

I am sorry y/n . I didn't thought you will mind that much . Please accept my apology. .. *showing the cutest sad face*

I mean why you need my acceptance. We aren't even friends *confused*

Well i am an angel . I dont like it when someone or anyone gets mad or upset because of me *pouting*

Hahaha (well he does look like an angel )

What happend did i said some thing stupid ???,

No its not that . Jimin you look so cute when you pout (what the hell i seriously told him he look cute what the hell y/n) *embarrassed*

Well thank you i guess *confused *
So that mean you forgive me ...

Ofc how can i say no to an angel . What do you say sara ??

Sara sara SARAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
(she was totally in to jimin handsome face even drooling like an idiot)

What ?!?

We should forgive him right ???

Yeah totally a hottie like him should be forgiven.. *stupidly smiling*

You just call me hottie ?
Jimin was confused even more

No i mean cutie no i mean sexy no ...(i put my hand on sara's mouth,to make her stop saying weird stuff)

I forgive you. Well okay jimin i have to go now my class starts in 10 mint.

Wait before you go can i have your number? 

Yeah sure why not (i handed him my phone he typed his number )

Send me text with your name please and then I'll save it too ..

Like now ??

Yes please ( i texted my name to him and then he smiled at me and said bye )

Sara: weird? 

Huh what do you mean ?

He didn't ask for my number *pouting* .

Heheh well he must be afraid that you will be going to eat him alive by the way your were drooling.

Oh shut up !!

She covered my face with her hand and we started walking towards our class again ..

Taehyung pov:

I was sitting in my class waiting for the stupid teacher as it was 10 mint before class starts. . Suddenly i saw backward where y/n sits . We haven't talked after that day . I should say sorry but why should i she was the one taking a lil joke all to seriously and she even slapped me .. she is lucky that i am not taking revenge on her . But i do miss her mom and their cooking .. i was in my deep thought when suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket i took it out to see who it was well it was a text from an unknown person, i opened the text and my eyes widen....

Its y/n save it.

I know its short but i am literally busy with my day to day assignment but i promise I'll update soon . Thanks for reading I 💜💜💜💜 YOU ALL..

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