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Taehyung pov:
After i said good night i quickly fell asleep.  I guess i was really tired of all the morning sleeping . Well this stupid floor matress is like hell. I don't feel even the slightest comfortable on it but i am good sleeper once i close my eyes i open them with sunlight, okay i am kidding i open them when someone calls me, nope not really . Well i put my hand on the pillow i placed on my right so i could cuddle it later . As it is my habit to cuddle while sleeping but why i am feeling heavy weight on my chest and this pillow its not comfortable anymore . But i am too lazy to move or too open my eyes . But Y/N is sleeping soundly and that's what matters.  I hate seeing her crying . It was like my whole world collapsed.  I think *no tae* i am going to say it *you'll get screwed* I LIKE HER like really much . With that thought i decided to open my eyes to see her sleeping face . I bet she looks ugly as hell while sleeping *laughs* . As soon as i opened my eyes they widen in shook.

"What the f---" i stopped my self for shouted.  There she was laying under my arm hugging my torso . Her face was iches away . So the pillow was not a pillow actually. I silently kept looking at her . I take my past words back . She is "BEAUTIFUL" i whispered.  Her hair strands are Falling over her face a little . Her cute nose,Her mouth little apart and soft snoring coming out . She looks perfect. Why the hell i am smiling.  Oh yeah . I like her . Only she has a ability to fight me and make me do thing i would never do for anyone.

20 minutes later:
I kept looking at her . She is like my favorite porn movie from which i can't get my eyes off and i want to watch it again and again. But slowly my eyes started betraying me and i drifted in my dream world.


"MOM!!!!! Y/N!!! LOST HER VIRGINITY! !!" . Elsa shouted as soon as she entered your room.

"Langua-- ". Your mom cut his words while seeing you both sleeping . On the floor on a small matress. While tightly cuddly eachother.  Taehyung chest pressed against your back and his head iches away from you neck . One Arm around your waist while you're holding his hands. And another under your head around your neck .

"I knew something was going on between them it doesn't looked faked at all like she said " *click*

"Mom what are you doing" Elsa asks while watching her mom taking pictures.

"What". Your mom asks.Elsa roll her eyes. "Common they looks so cute together. And finally my daughter have a real boyfriend"

"Wow you're such a good mom." Elsa said while popping the word good ."You should pull her hair and ask her what the hell is she doing with a boy "  she continued.

" Dont be so old fashion Elsa. Plus tae is a nice guy. And i know nothing happened"

"How do you know ???" Elsa asked sarcastically.

" I know because~~~ i just know . I trust them" your mom says innocently.

"Ughhh i hate this family." with that Elsa leaves the room.

"i should wake them" with that your mom walk up to you. "OR never mind . They look too cute to disturb. Sleep well babies." She kiss both tae and your forehead and leaves the room too .

"Sign~~" Tae let the breathe out which he was holding for a good minutes.  Actually Tae woke up the moment Elsa shouted.  But he was too embarrassed.  But now he was smiling because both your parents love him and approved him to be your boyfriend.  He was feeling happy and excitedly he hugged you even tighter and soon saw you scowling in your sleep . So he quickly close is eyes to pretend he is still sleeping.

Y/N pov:
I slowly opened my eyes and *bam*

( Imagine he is wearing shirt and he have his hand around you)

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( Imagine he is wearing shirt and he have his hand around you)

How can someone look you perfect in his sleep . Like wow . But why is so clo- oh yeah i came down because his night wish made me scared. But since i get this close i sure did place a pillow between us . I removed his hand off me . And slowly move up in a sitting postion. I turned to look at him once again.

"So perfectly cute " i said unconsciously touching his lips .

"I know baby"


I know its short but i have so much homework these days . Pending assignment ugh i hate life 

Well any ways .Please VOTE and LIKE . And kindly check my second book as well.

I PURPLE YOU ALL 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

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