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Bucky started to hear noises from outside the door. He looked at a small clock next to the mirror in the bathroom to reveal it was already 6 am. He used his good hearing to his advantage and got the sense that most of the noise was coming from the staircase. It must be Nat. Jesus, why did these people get up so freaking early.

He reached for a towel next to the bath to dry his bloodshot, sleepless eyes as well as clean his new cuts so they wouldn't bleed through the shirt he was wearing. They stung more than usual this time

Once he could be sure he looked presentable he drew breath in and out to prepare himself for whatever he would have to deal with. His eyes flickered between the golden doorknob and the open window

No, he must stay until he could gather intel on where he wouldn't be tracked, hunted.

So he pushed the door ajar to see Natasha stood pouring yet another pot of coffee talking to a semi-conscious Steve

"Honestly Steve, who the hell sets an alarm at 6 to go running on a weekend. You have the whole day for Christ's sake. It's the middle of winter!"

A smile played on the brunette's lips for a moment as he knew that's something he would totally shout at Steve for back in the 1940s

"Nat, what exactly happened, why are you here anyway?" Steve said groggily before looking to his open bathroom door where the man he never dreamed would be stood there

"Bucky!?" He gasped, his entire face lighting up at the sight

"Yeah it's me" Bucky smiled slightly. Fighting the urge to run into the man's arms

Don't get attached

You're leaving soon, remember

So the voice in his head was warning him, but he didn't get a choice either way as Steve jumped down of the sofa and almost dashed over to his friend to pull him into an embrace

No words were spoken between the two men for a second. Bucky clenched his fists hard. The winter soldier in his head warned him of the fact that a hug of just 10 seconds can increase bonds greatly. Bonds he wanted to make but was too scared to break He wanted so much to lift his arms and clench on to him for dear life. But his mind just forced him to clench his jaw. He was really just a prisoner here

"Missed you" Bucky mumbled into Steve's jacket

"What was that?" Steve asked, pulling back to reveal a shining smile on his face

Don't get attached

Don't get attached

"Uh nothing" the brunette whispered staring at his shoes

"Come sit down" Steve gestured, holding a hand to his back which obviously looked sore

"I'll stand" Bucky replied "I don't wanna cause I problem"

"Uh ok" Steve answered, looking a little confused "So how'du get here anyway"

"Well you woke me up, I freaked and next thing I know I'm defending you in a fight, just like..." he trailed off

"Old times" Steve finished with another smirk

"And I have to ask" Steve paused "where the hell did you get this?"

He gestured to the old metal contraption Steve used as an inhaler in their past life

"Oh yeah, that um... I... kept it I guess" Steve looked bemused at his accusation "I had when we were kids because you would always forget yours. I didn't let them take when I enlisted, then it gets a bit blurry in my mind but I still had it my back pocket when I woke up in that HYDRA base after a prolonged coma and they just never took it. When it finally came to change out of what I had been sleeping in for 5 months. I held on to it, don't know why. If you look closely you can still see your initials scratched into to the side"

Bucky tried to keep his tone, slow and steady and monotone. He didn't want Steve to think that he was the kid he once knew. He was in his mind, but he didn't want Steve to think that. He must say he was struggling to keep up the act as his heart was leaping but he promised himself that this would be the best thing for both of them in the end. It was all about the long game? Wasn't it?

"So what's going on with you lately?" Bucky blurted out, wanting to get the subject off him.

So Steve started talking about all the things that had happened since he was pulled from the ice. He spoke about The Avengers and Loki and Tony ( being careful not to bring up the subject off a certain Howard or Maria) and then he spoke about everything that had led up after their fight had happened ( yet again skipping over it quite briefly, not sure if it was still an open wound, which it definitely was,)

Bucky wasn't really listening though, not because he didn't care or didn't want to know but because he was somewhat distracted

Had he developed that jaw when they chiselled him out like a popsicle? That wasn't natural, surely. Also, his eyes were like perfect, beautifully kaleidoscopic round and full of hope, just like he had remembered.

Even when he was small, Steve had the bluest, most beautiful eyes of everyone he ever knew and you could just sit there and get lost in them like they were pools of water

Don't get attached

No, no this was stupid - this was ridiculous.

"And now I have a girlfriend" Steve continued, pulling him out of his dazed reverie "Sharon Carter"

"Carter" the brunette gasped, trying to mask his surprise with a boring, unimpressed tone "like.. Agent Carter, Carter?" he asked, referring to Steve's first love who he remembered only briefly

"Yeah" Steve giggled "Like Peggy, I know. I have a type I guess, she's good though, you'll like her"

"No you won't" Quipped Natasha, who everyone had forgotten was still in the room

"Oh but Natasha hates her for some reason" Steve added, a tone of annoyance entering his speech

"'Cause she's a stone cold bitch" Natasha replied

"And you?" Steve laughed "Actually she wanted to come to pick something up. You can meet her now Buck"

Attached (stucky: Steve/Bucky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now