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Chapter 23

*Emma's POV*

I hadn't seen Luke all day, I had called him texted him but he wasn't responding. I was getting really worried, it was 5 o'clock and I hadn't heard a thing. I decided to walk over to his house, I grabbed my coat threw it on and walked out of the house. The walk to Luke's seemed like hours, I finally arrived at his house to see blood on the door and step. I started really freaking out and pounding on the door. Liz opened it slowly, "No" she said shutting it. "LIZ!" I yelled pounding in the door. She pulled the door open a little bit. "Please Liz, I need to see him." I knew something was wrong. "Emma. He's not okay." She whispered with tears in her eyes. I walked in and hugged her. "Liz it's okay." I said patting her back. "Where is he?" I asked. "In his room"she said burying her head in her hands. I walked up the stairs, Liz followed close behind. I got to his door scared at the fact of what was behind it no matter what it was though I would always love him. I opened the door to see a beaten and battered Luke laying on his bed his eyes closed. I felt a warm tear fall from my eyes, I stood there in shock. That one year was soon followed by another and another until I couldn't hold them back. I slowly walked over to his bed. My legs felt weak I soon fell to my knees, I grabbed his hand, then placed my head on his chest and listened for something anything. Please I can't lose anyone else important in my life. Luke was all I had left. I heard it. His heartbeat it was there he was alive he would be okay. "A house doctor came in and looked at him, he said he'll be okay just needs some sleep. And time to recover." Liz said. "Do you mind if I stay here til he wakes up?" "No I think it'll be good for him to wake up and see your face. Im gonna go make something for dinner. You hungry?" She asked. "Sure" I replied. Liz walked out of the room, I didn't know what to do, I defiantly wasn't leaving him again though. I say there for what seemed like a couple seconds because my mind doesn't understand time. Liz walked in handing me a hamburger and some chips, then walked out. I ate as sat on a chair by Luke's bed, after I ate i grabbed Luke's hand. Holding it in both of mine I curled up in the chair and before I knew I was asleep.

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