3: I Can't Forgive Him

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I lay in my bed, staring up at my ceiling. The tears were all dried up, leaving only stains on my cheeks from the past few hours of crying. I couldn't breath through my nose, due to sniffling, and my eyes felt like they might fall off. I hadn't even managed to get out of this dress Tamaki had me wear. I just didn't have any motivation.

'Well maybe I don't want to be with a murderer!'

The sentence kept going through my head. Every time I closed my eyes, I would be jolted by horrible images. Those of either Kaoru screaming at me, or those of...

I stared at her limp body, lying in front of the car. Blood was everywhere. She wasn't breathing. I killed he-

"(Y/n)?" I heard my dad call, as he knocked lightly on my door. I sat up, taking a deep breath. "Come in."

"Hun, I'm worried about you."

"I'm okay, dad. Just some boy troubles."

"I'll beat up that Hitachiin boy if I need to."

I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Ever since I moved here, everyday my dad made up for all those years he was gone. I never heard from my mother again, though I did here some one sided arguments from my father while they were on the phone. He really made it up to me, and I truly did love him.

"I love you, dad. I just wanna wallow."

"I love you too." He placed a caring kiss on my forehead, and left the room. I glanced over at my nightstand, seeing my phone light up for the ump-teenth time. I knew who it was. Well, who they were. I took a deep breath, finally opening my messages.

Kaoru💕: omg (Y/n), plz hear me out!

Kaoru💕: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I was angry and I'm sorry.

Koaru💕: please pick up. I'm worried. You won't answer anyone's calls.

I rolled my eyes, and opened the next thread from Hikaru, not wanting to read the other 20 messages Kaoru sent.

Hikaru: (Y/n), my brother is an idiot. I'm here if you need to talk.

Hikaru: but, I'm not gonna force you. Though, I am worried. Please give some indication you're okay?

I smirked slightly, giving him a reply.

Me: I'm okay. I went home. I'll be at school tomorrow.

I noticed I had messages from Tamaki and even Kyoya, so I opened those.

Tamaki: (Y/n)!!! I'm so sorry about what happened! Please be okay! We are all extremely worried!

Tamaki: and don't worry, I'm gonna give that horrible twin what he deserves.

I snickered, it was amazing how fatherly Tamaki really was.

Me: I'm okay.

I sighed, and looked at Kyoya's thread.

Kyoya; I apologize for Kaoru today. The host club is here for you.

Me: thank you

And finally, a message from Haruhi.

Haruhi: Hey, I'm sorry about Kaoru. You know where to find me if you need to talk.

It warmed my heart knowing everyone was there for me. I smiled, but raised my brow as a new message appeared.

Hikaru: okay, good. If you want, I can come pick you up in the morning? Just me, honestly I'm giving Kaoru the cold shoulder. Everyone is.

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