7: Who are you?

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>>Y/n's POV<<

Two weeks. Two whole weeks since it seemed that most of this school has turned against me. Word went around about Cherise's outburst, and soon many people began to turn a cold shoulder to me.

Not only that, but my customer count had decreased, as Cherise's increased. My clients, and even some of the girls would request her from pity of thinking I threatened her out of her engagement.

It seemed the rest of the host club was by my side, at least. I could tell Kyoya was growing impatient with me being more of a waste of space than a host. So, he devised a club meeting after school today.

So, here I sat at this round table with all of the other host members. Kaoru, Hikaru, Haruhi and I sat on one side as Kyoya, Cherise And Tamaki sat on the other. Kaoru could feel me tense up in the silence, so he placed his hand on top of mine on my lap, squeezing it to give me reassurance.

"We have an urgent matter to discuss." Kyoya addresses, eyeing me and Cherise.

"I've noticed that all of Y/n's customers have migrated to Cherise. Each club day her count continues to shrink. This is a problem because money goes into costumes and supplies for Y/n, but if she isn't hosting then it is just a waist. I also can't profit pictures and magazines because people refuse to buy them with Y/n in it." He sighed, pushing up his glasses and looking at something on his laptop.

"What do you suggest, then?" Tamaki asked, his arms crossed as he stared at the ravenette.

Kyoya took a deep breath, his eyes meeting mine once more.

"Maybe Y/n should take a temporary leave from the club. Until things get settled."


"Just say it, Kyoya." I stood from my seat, daring the tears to slip from my eyes. I refused to cry this time. Not anymore. I refused.

"I'm a liability. At this moment, I'm just a burden to the club."

"That's not what I am saying, Y/n."

"No, it's fine. Everyone else hates me, you guys are only adding onto an already long enough list. Who needs friends when everyone's your enemy."

"Y/n!" Tamaki stood, glaring. I turned from the table, but felt Kaoru hold tighter onto my hand.

"Save it, Tamaki. It was inevitable." I pulled my hand from Kaoru's grip, and left the room. No tears. I wasn't going to cry anymore.

>>Kaoru's POV<<

I watched as she slipped out of the club room. I expected her to cry, or defend herself, but she just seemed to accept it.

"You guys are all despicable. I can't believe you'd just throw her out like that!" I yelled, slamming a fist onto the table. I felt Hikaru's gaze soften, as he clenched his own fists into his lap.

"I'm sorry, Kaoru, but weren't you the first one to throw that word towards her? I'm just keeping the good of the club in my best interest." Kyoya scoffed, crossing his arms.

"So that means make her feel more hated than she already is?!"

"I don't understand, you all witnessed her kill that Kairi girl, why do you still interact with her?" Cherise suddenly butted in, causing me to glare at her.

"Excuse me?" I snapped. I could feel my fingernails digging into the palms of my hands. Hikaru grabbed my shoulder, standing beside me.

"Yes, we were there, Cherise. But whatever newspaper or person or whatever failed to leave out the horrible week Y/n had before the incident. Did you know that my idiot of a brother had kissed her, then ignored her for a whole month?! Did you know that every time she tried to reach out to him, she grew more and more upset and distraught. Did you know that after Kairi died, Y/n spent the next few months in absolute hell? Don't turn a heroic act into a murder. So either dig your head out of your-"

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