6: Who She Is

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"No way, you've been there before!" One of the clients shouted at Cherise's table. She was laughing with them and they freaked out over something, nearly dropping the tea cups that sat on the table.

She grinned, nodding her head and crossing her arms. I'm glad she was enjoying things at the host club, people warmed up to her rather quickly.

I was happy for her.

I brought my attention over to the twins area, where they were both focused on her, then on me. Hikaru sent a small smile, as Kaoru just looked away. I was growing tired of being angry at him. But, a part of me couldn't forgive him. But, I also missed him.

Sighing, I stood up as the guests began to leave. I figured maybe I could speak with Kaoru now.

>>Cherise's POV<<

"Bye guys!" I waved, as I noticed some of the female clients approach me. This peaked my interest as a lot of the girls don't seem to really like me that much in this school, due to my position at the host club and past engagement.

"Hey, Cherise!" One smiled, waving. I sent back a smile, curious. There were a total of five of them, and they quickly sucked me into their group and took me outside with them. I just followed along, confused on what they wanted.

"May I ask what's going on?"

"We just wanted to talk to you. About your new friend." One who is short black hair said, glancing around then taking all of us to the rose garden. New friend? Do they mean (Y/n)?


"Precisely." One with long brown hair said.

"We just wanted to let you know who she really is before you get hurt."

"Before I get hurt?" Now I was more confused than ever. (Y/n) would never hurt a fly! Let alone me.

"She's not as harmless as she seems. We have a newspaper from a few months ago that you need to read, okay?"


They handed me the newspaper, where a girl was placed as the headline picture. She had shoulder length red hair, pulled up into a side ponytail and blue eyes. She was beautiful.

Heroic girl gives life for best friend

That was the title of the article, making me raise my eyebrow.

Kairi Suzumoto, age 16 who attended school at Ouran Academy has died Tuesday morning due to a fatal car crash. It is been reported that she ran into oncoming traffic, to save her best friend, (Y/n) (L/n), who some have said was 'standing in the road daydreaming'. (Y/n) suffered minor scrapes and bruises, her life spared due to Kairi shoving her from the approaching vehicle.
The parents of Kairi have reported that she would give her life for anyone, and would be honored to be known as a hero. Though, speculations are out there that maybe this was no accident?

Funeral services...

I stopped reading, handing them the paper. (Y/n) never told me about this. I can't believe she suffered such a traumatic event.

"That story is a lie." The ravenette said. I glanced at her, humming in response.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She knew what she was doing. She knew Kairi would save her. Look, we know (Y/n) has some sort of thing for Kaoru, and we think maybe Kairi did too. So she did what she had to to get rid of the competition."

My eyes widened as I felt my heart quicken. I was confused. She wouldn't do that...right? She's not like that. But...when she found out I was his fiancée, she was acting strange. But...she wouldn't resort to murder...would she?

>>(Y/n)'s POV<<

"Thanks for letting me come over." I sighed, looking up into his Amber eyes. Kaoru gave me a small smile, nodding as we both sat on his bed. I exhaled a breath, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Look. It's been like two weeks since that day." I started, looking over at him. He nodded again, looking up to his ceiling.

"Kaoru, I need to know the one hundred percent truth. Do you think that I'm a murderer? That I killed Kairi?"

"No." He stated, looking at me. "I don't know what came over me. I'm so freaking sorry, (Y/n). I think the world of you. I love you. I was just so mad and overcome with jealousy. I'm scared I'm not good enough for you."

"Kaoru." I mumbled, frowning. He looked at me, genuine tears in his eyes.

"I love you so much. And I know I'm not the greatest, but please, give me another chance? I'll trust you more, and show you how much you mean to me."


"And I swear-! What?" He stopped, as he had grabbed my arms. His now red eyes wear staring deep into mine as I smiled.

"I said I forgive you."

"Oh my god." He hiccuped, and pulled me into a deep kiss. I could feel all the sorrow, and need in it. He truly felt sad, and sorry. I can't believe I stayed mad at him for so long.

I pulled away, wiping the stray tears that fell from his eyes. He sniffles, and gave me the goofiest smile he could muster.

"I love you." He muttered, as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you too." I muttered back, lacing my fingers behind his neck.

"Well, thank god that's over. I was tired of being the middle man." Looking over, Hikaru stood in the doorway with his arms cross, a grin plastered onto his face. Kaoru groaned, grabbing a pillow close to him and tossing it at his brother.

Hikaru laughed, taking the pillow and rushing forward to attack his brother.

Man, I love these guys.

~~next day at school~~

I yawned, dreading this school day. I finally had a good nights sleep, but my damned alarm clock ruined it.

Last night was great. After I got home, Kaoru called me and we just talked for a while. It felt like nothing had happened, and it felt great.

Smiling to myself, I made it to my locker and began gathering my things for class. Everything was going fine, until I saw the terrified figure if my new friend through my peripheral.

"Cherise?" I asked calmly, looking to her as I shut my locker. She stepped back a little, taking a deep breath.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what...?" I grew confused, beginning to walk toward her, but stopping when she stepped back some more.

"About Kairi."

Her name struck my heart, but I took a deep breath.

"I didn't want to scare you off, we've been friends for like a week, I didn't think that was something you should know about, yet."

"Oh? Because you were gonna kill me, first?"

"Excuse me?"

"Just, stay away from me you murderer!"

And she ran.

The Pain Called Love (Kaoru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now