14: Where Am I?

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"...ak up."

"co.. on. wak....p."

I could hear someone speaking above me, the voice growing more and more irritated. I finally felt something really cold hit my face, causing me to shoot up. "Ah!" I yelled, wiping the water from my face. I looked over, seeing a girl sitting beside me with a now empty water bottle. I've never met this girl before.

"Who are you?"

"Worry about it later." She said, holding out a bottle of water towards me. I took it, and slowly drank to the cold liquid, which felt good on my dry throat.

"Boy troubles?" The girl asked, making me nearly choke on the drink. "Excuse me?"

"You kept saying someone's name while you were asleep. Kaoru, I think?" She crossed her arms, and continued to stare me down. I widened my eyes slightly, my cheeks glaring red as I looked down. "Yeah. You could say that."

"Okay." She said, looking at me with this dead serious look. My eyes were finally able to adjust to the area. It seemed I was on a bench outside of a gas station. This girl sat on the other end, her arms staying crossed. "You passed out in the street. I was about to call an ambulance if you didn't wake up soon. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, thanks for not calling an ambulance, I've seen enough of the hospital for my entire life time." I was finally able to to see her features. She had long purple hair and green eyes, and she seemed rather short. "You seem stressed out." She said, looking back over at me. I fully sat up, feeling my back pop as I shifted to sit down facing forward. The sun seemed to slightly be setting, and now I realized I don't have my phone. Nor did I know where I was. "Crap. My dads gonna kill me." I sighed, setting the water bottle beside me and crossing my own arms.

"So, do you wanna talk about it?" She asked. I wasn't sure. Should I? I mean, not like she knows any of us. I doubt she goes to Ouran. She didn't seem like the girl to go to that kind of school. "Sure." I said, before taking a deep breath and just unleashing my life story on this stranger.


"And then he said either I stay with Kaoru, and leave the host club or break up with him and stay a host. And he wants me to lose all of my friends if I leave. But, without them from what I do remember, I have nobody else."

"Jesus Christ dude." The girl said, her eyes wide as she stared at me. I looked back at her, wiping away some tears that strolled down my cheeks. I never really sat back and just realized how messed up my life was. My best friend was dead, my mother hates me, I can't even remember anything, and I'm about to lose the last bit of happiness I have. "Maybe things would have been better if I never started dating him. Kairi would be alive, and I wouldn't be in as much pain as I'm in. I'd rather not have the memories, than to remember people who I'm not allowed to be with."

"Alright. This is what I would do. First of all, if this Kyoya guy wasn't so rich I'd kick him where the sun don't shine, but he'd probably find a way to sue you. So, instead maybe you should take a break from the host club. He can't force you to stop being friends, and it seems all the others want to be friends with you still. So for now just stay to yourself, keep recovering and don't worry about him. You don't need that kind of negative influence right now."

She had a point. He can't actually force me to stop being friends with them. They could make their own decisions. She just needed to talk to them before he got ahold of them.

"Thank you. I'm gonna go talk to them now, call Tamaki and tell him what he's doing." I stood up, realizing one more thing.

Where am I?!

"Uh." I mumbled, looking around. I don't think I've been in this part of town before. How far did this girl carry me?

"You're lost, aren't you? Never gone anywhere without a limo driver?"

"Well that was only recently. I used to not be driven around, I've just never been to this part of town." I admitted, looking around at the more urban side of town. Fast food chains and gas stations littered the streets, and crowds of people slowly dispersed as dark drew closer.

"Well, I'll try to find my way home, it was nice meeting you-"

"Emiko." The girl, or rather Emiko smiled. "If you want I can walk you back to Ouran. Think you'll be able to get home from there?"

"Definitely! Thank you." She stood, and began leading the way back to my school. The walk was silent, and the streetlights buzzed on above our heads. It wasn't that long of a walk, I was finally able to see the top of my large school. And when we walked up to the school I saw a small crowd of people standing out front. I quickly realized it was the host club, but I kept quiet when I heard Tamaki start yelling.

"WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT?!" He screamed, clenching his fists. Kaoru had his head lowered, fists clenched ready to punch someone. Hikaru had a hand on his shoulder, but his glare was set on Kyoya.

"I'm just looking out for the club, Tamaki."

"What if she was kidnapped again?!" Tamaki yelled, as he ran a nervous hand through his hair. "You can't control us or her, Kyoya! This is my relationship and my choice! I don't care what the hell happens to the club, I love her! If people wanna have a problem with it then they can take it up with me! But you are the LAST person who gets to decide who I can and Connor be with!" Kaoru yelled, looking up and visibly shaking. "What, it wasn't enough you're the reason that she can't even remember us, you just had to go and run her off again?"

"Guys, I'm okay." I walked up, earning a glance from them. Kaoru rolled his eyes, turning back to Kyoya. "Not now Y/-" he quickly took a double take, looking back at me. "Y/n!" He said, rushing up and wrapping his arms around me. I quickly buried my head into his shoulder, holding onto him. "You're okay! Are you hurt? Who is this?" He looked up at Emiko, who slowly waved. "Hey, I'm the one who found her. She passed out in the middle of the street to I kept watch of her."

"Why didn't you call an ambulance?" Kyoya asked, raising a brow.

"I mean, I was gonna check to see if she would wake up on her own, first. I don't know." She shrugged, before turning on her heel and walking away. We all just watched her, before returning back to our own conversation. "You okay? Why did you pass out?" Kaoru asked, sorry laced in his voice. I sighed, clenching onto his shirt. "I'm okay, just an overload of stress. Between trying to regain my memories, then being told I shouldn't even be associating with you guys I.." my lips quivered, and I looked down. I watched as tear droplets fell onto the asphalt, leaving small dark dots.

"I don't have anyone but you guys. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be stuck remembering these amazing memories, only to become sadder with each one."

"Y/n, you aren't going to lose us." Kaoru said calmly, his finger going under my chin and pulling my face up to look him in the eyes. "You're apart of our family, we would never leave you behind."

"And besides, our job is to make young ladies happy. We wouldn't especially be doing our jobs if you were unhappy because of us." Hikaru said, a smile on his face as he stood beside Kaoru and I. Tamaki nodded in agreement, before crossing his arms. "Just ignore what Kyoya said. Do whatever you feel is right. We aren't gonna force you to host, but we do wanna be your friends."

I smiled, but heard Kyoya sigh. He rolled his eyes, turning away and walking towards a limo. I couldn't help but to frown. I didn't understand why he hated me so much. What did I do wrong? "Do you hate me, Kyoya?" I widened my eyes. I didn't mean for it to slip. But it seemed to cause him to stop in his tracks, and release a long sigh.

"I don't hate you." He said, turning and looking at me. "I'm doing this to try and protect you. The girls have caught wind that something is going on between you and Kaoru. And they don't like it. They already went as far as to push you down a flight of stairs and turn Cherise against you. I don't want to see what else they could possibly do."

Honestly? I think all of us were surprised. His face was rather sincere, and his hands were in his pockets. "Oh..." I said, looking at Kaoru who was a little wide eyed. He then met my gaze, his eyes telling untold stories. "Yeah..that's true...our relationship could prove to be a danger to you..." his voice slightly cracked, and he stepped back. I looked up at him, and he turned away.

"Maybe we should break up for now?"


Wow it's been a while! Guys I've been having a horrible few weeks, month. I'm sorry for the long update. I hope you guys will forgive me 💕

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