11: Kyoya, Tamaki, Haruhi, Honey and Mori

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A/n: as you guys have noticed, or hopefully have, whenever the whole paragraph is italicized it means it's a flash back. Most likely something from either the beginning of this book or last book.


The door slowly opened, revealing Hikaru. My eyes widened slightly. He looked taken back a bit himself, probably due to my attire.

"My brother really messed this up." He sighed, immediately making his way to my closet. I watched as he searched for a few seconds, then walked out holding some pajama shorts and a baggy shirt. "Come on, I know that dress isn't comfy. I'll turn away until you're done." And just as he said, he turned away so I could change.

I quickly threw off the dress, and replaced it with the plaid shorts and baggy black tee. I did feel a lot better in this. "Okay." I softly spoke, causing him to turn around. He gave me a small smile, walking forward. My body tensed up as his hands suddenly reached behind my neck.

"Calm down. I wouldn't take advantage of you while you're so vulnerable." He pulled his hands away, the necklace I had on early now in his grasp. I hummed in response, and removed the earrings.

I groaned in pain as the sudden flash back surged through my mind. I've been having them more frequently lately, ever since I've been spending more time with those I've forgotten.

Speaking of. Yesterday with Hikaru was rather...interesting. What he said to me...he's really had some sort of crush this whole time?

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, as I began to get ready for today. My dad won't tell me who was picking me up today, so I was rather anxious.

"Guess I should get ready." I sighed, and got up to go get dressed. I put on a band tee and some black jeans, some converses and left my hair how it naturally is. I assume I would be seeing another member of the host club. Maybe that one girl from my hospital room? Maybe even Kaoru.

"Hun, your friends are here." I heard my dad shout, making my nervous state worse.

"Coming." I replied, leaving my room and jogging down the stairs. I was met by my father, who had a cheerful smile on his face.

"You take your medicine?"

"I did."

"Good, stay safe." He kissed my forehead, and led me out the door where a limo sat. I walked up to it curiously, watching as the door opened.

"Don't be shy, get in!" The blonde, known as Tamaki said as he stepped out so I could get in.  And I did. Sliding in beside the other blonde, Honey, Tamaki sat beside me and closed the door.

"Where are we going?"

"That's a secret!" Tamaki pointed a finger into the air, causing the others to sweat drop. I looked around, noticing who all was here. Tamaki, Kyoya, Honey, Mori, and the brown haired boy from the photo.

"Before anything else, I know everyone except him." I pointed to the brown haired boy, who only frowned.

"I guess that is expected. My name is Haruhi Fujioka. I'm in the same class as you and the twins."

"Well, it's nice to meet you..again I guess?" It's weird. I feel like I've known them all for so long. Well, I guess I have.

I felt the limo begin to drive, unsure of where we were going or what direction, I chose to look out the window.

"So, you really don't remember us, y/n?" I looked over to see that Honey had grabbed the sleeve of my shirt, a pout on his face and tears in his eyes. I felt so bad for not being able to know them.

"I'm sorry." I let my hand pat the top of his head, and I smiled to the poor boy.

"But, I'm sure that I'll remember you soon, Honey."

This caused him to smile, and hug onto me. I was glad I could cheer him up some, at least.

"We're here!" Tamaki shouted. I looked over, my brows furrowing at the looks of a karaoke bar?

"Why are we here?" I asked, following everyone out of the limo.

"Because, this is the pace where we all had a lot of fun together!" Honey grinned, jumping onto Mori's back. I glanced to Tamaki, who only smiled as he led us inside.


We entered a room, which seemed oddly familiar. The couches, the stage, the song book.

"Last time we came everyone was with us, so it is a bit different. You and Kairi sang some sort of song, and then we all played the kings game." Tamaki said, leading me to one of the couches. I said a silent 'oh', and picked up the song book.

"Do you have any questions for us?" Kyoya asked, sitting on the couch adjacent from me.

"Yeah, how did I become apart of the host club?"

"Well, we noticed how popular you were with the boys. It seemed to boost some of the rating in the club having you around, so we had made it official. Kaoru was against it at first, but learned to get used to it."

Kaoru, huh.

"And Haruhi and I are the only girls?"

This caused them to gasp. I looked up to see them all staring at me.

"You remember that Haruhi's a girl?"

"I...do..?" I looked at Haruhi, who also looked rather shocked.

"I don't know, I just...felt like I knew it. Even though I originally thought she was a boy..."

"Interesting." Kyoya stood, and was suddenly out the door. I looked at Tamaki, who only smiled. "This is great, you might get your memory back soon!"



>>Kaoru's POV<<

"Kaoru, stop pacing. You're causing a draft." My brother groaned, standing up and stopping me. I turned to him, frowning. "I don't know what I'm gonna do, Hikaru. What if she doesn't get her memories back? And when we try to be friends again she ends up not liking me this time?"

"That's impossible, Kaoru. There's no way she wouldn't like you." He crossed his arms, sitting down on my bed. I only sighed, sitting beside him. "Did they ever figure out what happened to her?"

"When the police went over the tapes, it appeared a group of girls had shoved her. The faces and voices weren't able to be picked up."

My heart hurt. Why were people so mean to her? Because of the Kairi accident? Because of the host club? I hate to admit it, but if being in the club is this harmful to her, then maybe kicking her out was the best option. I know she doesn't want it, but we can't risk her safety like this.

"What should I do when I take her out tomorrow?"

"I don't know man, whatever you think is best."

"You're such a great help." It felt like all I ever did lately was sigh, which was what I did again. Hikaru only frowned, playing with his fingers as he stared at the ground.

"What if she ends up just forgetting us?" He mumbled, making my heart nearly shatter.

"S-she can't. She said she was always there for us."

"I know, but if it turns out she can't remember, will she even want to stick with us?"

I never thought of it. I wouldn't think she would just abandon us. No, I know she wouldn't. I have hope that things will turn out for the better. Life can't be that cruel...

My thoughts were interrupted by Hikaru's phone ringing. He had opened it, revealing a text from Tamaki.

"No way!" He smiled, and pointed the phone towards me. My eyes widened as I read the text, and I threw my arms around my brother with such joy.

Boss: She's starting to slowly remember

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