4: I'm Sorry, I Can't Forgive You.

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"No, I just stayed over somewhere.

It's not any of your business.

Why would you assume I'm at (Y/n)'s?

Well, I'll see you at school."

I heard a sigh, causing me to fully wake up from my light slumber. I peeked open my eyes, seeing Hikaru looking down at me.

"Morning." He smiled.

"Hey." My voice was hoarse. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "We need to leave in like an hour for school, why don't you go shower? I had one of my maids bring me over a uniform a bit ago so I'll get changed."

I nodded, and went to my bathroom. The events of last night kept going through my mind.

"Stay?" I asked, my grip tightening on his shirt. He showed me a smile, and sat back down on the bed.

"Okay." He nodded. I was actually a little surprised how nice he was being, usually Hikaru was more hostile.

"I can see the confusion on your face." Hikaru laughed, causing me to pout.

"Kaoru and I have very little friends. And after high school, there's only going to be so many people who will stick around. I want you to stick around. You're like a sister to me."

I smiled lightly, stripping off my clothes and stepping into the shower. Hikaru was like a brother to me. He was always so supportive, and protective. It wasn't even that weird that he stayed the night, he just crashed on the floor. I was able to sleep better, knowing he was there for me.

Once I was finished cleaning myself, I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around my body. I took a second towel, twisting up my hair, and then stepping into my bedroom. I peeked in first, making sure Hikaru wasn't in there. Quickly locking the door, I got ready for school.

~~in the limo~~

"You nervous?" Hikaru asked, watching my leg bounce out of anticipation. I nodded my head slowly, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to see him, yet we have all the same classes."

"I know, but just ignore him. You can sit with me at lunch, too. We can find somewhere in the courtyard to eat or something. I'll invite Haruhi as well."

"Thank you." I smiled to the ginger, watching as Ouran came into view. I felt him reach over, and grip my hand for support, before we both exited the limo, and went inside.

"2...56...21..." I entered my locker combination, and began gathering my book for class. The morning had been going accordingly, until I closed my locker, and came face to face with the twin I didn't want to see.

"(Y/n), please talk to me."

I hummed, turning on my heel, and walking away. Though, this only caused him to grab my wrist, and drag me to a near by janitors closet.

"Kaoru!" I hissed quietly, glaring as he blocked the door.

"Come on, (Y/n)! At least hear me out!"

"I want you to stand in my shoes. Imagine you watched your best friend die. Imagine blaming yourself everyday. Having to ignore her family constantly calling you a killer. Imagine the first fight you get in with your boyfriend, and then he throws your biggest insecurity in your face, just to hurt you!" I snapped, my fists clenching. I saw him huff, running his fingers through his hair. He had bags under his eyes, probably due to lack of sleep.

"Please, I'm sorry, it just slipped."

"That's not something that just slips!" I looked down at my feet, clenching my teeth.

"How many nights did you stay up with me, because I was so upset at the thought that I killed her?"

"A lot..."

"Then do you really think I'll accept just any apology? Now let me out. I have class." I heard him sigh, and the door click. We both stepped out, and was approached by Hikaru. He glanced between us, glaring at Kaoru, then grabbing my shoulders. "You okay?"

"No." I sighed, and we left the younger twin standing there. I could Kaoru's eyes on me as we left, but I chose to ignore it.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Hikaru sighed, as I shook my head, wiping a tear that left my eye.


"Kaoru! Focus!" Tamaki yelled at Kaoru for the thousandth time. We had clients today, and they were fussing because Kaoru was not in character. He wasn't talking, and kept staring off into space.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to the males at my table. Time for a little revenge.

"Guys...do you think I'm a bad person?" I faked a sniffle, batting my eye lashes at them. I could feel the twins staring at me.

"Of course not, (Y/n)!" One shouted, grabbing my hands. I looked up at him, pouting. "I'm just so upset. Maybe you could help me feel better~?"

The man dropped my hands, his entire face red as he melted in his chair. The other guy began shouting random things, but I only turned, sending a sour face towards Kaoru. Hikaru grinned, and Kaoru glared, leaving the club room.

"You two need to work things out." Tamaki told me, after the last client had left. I felt my eye twitch, as I grabbed him by his tie. "Make. Me."
He whimpered, backing up and straightening his tie.

"Look, Tamaki, if I'm going to be nothing but a problem then I'll just leave the club. Kaoru's more wanted here than I am."

"That's not true." He frowned. Hikaru had walked up, placing a hand onto my shoulder. "Come on, boss. Give her a break. You should be yelling at Kaoru, not her."

"Unless he's taking Kaoru's side because he thinks I'm a murderer too." I mumbled, looking down. Tanaka I gasped, grabbing my shoulders. "No! I don't! Please, believe me, (Y/n)!" He sobbed, shaking my body. I only shook my head, and pulled away. "Yeah, Whatever."

I began to walk away, but Kyoya decided to be the one to pipe up. "We don't blame you, (Y/n). Kaoru's just an idiot."

Sighing, I nodded my head. "Yeah, I know." And with that, I left the room. I needed some fresh air.

While heading outside, I bumped into a figure, and fell onto my rear. Groaning, I glanced up and saw Kaoru standing there, tear filled eyes staring down at me.

I just wanted to go home.

Wow! This chapters short and I've been gone for a while ;-;
I'm sorry guys. I just started college, and I just recently had to watch a family member pass away from cancer, so I've been busy.

Also, I've been working on a short story for South Park, a Kenny x Reader, so if you like South Park, keep watch for that! 💕💕

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