8: Dad

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>>Y/n POV<<

I was discharged from the hospital, and apparently going to my fathers house? I was diagnosed with temporary amnesia, (don't kill me idk if it's real it is now deal with it) and within the last year I have gone through a lot. According to my dad, at least.

I couldn't get rid of this uneasy feeling, though. Like something happened, that I need to know about. I still had so many questions. How did I rekindle my relationship with my dad? Where is mom? Why was the host club in my hospital room?

"How is your head, hun?"

"The more I think, the worse my head hurts. I have so many questions."

"I understand. I think I might have a plan on how to help you, though." My father smiled, placing his large hand on top of mine. I looked up into his e/c eyes, that observed me so carefully.

"What's that?"

"So, I'm going to start with me, for example, we will spend the next two or three days together and I will try to answer any questions you have about me, and try to get some kind of spark of memory. Then, after the few days, I'll have one of your friends come over to try. Only one at a time, though, so you aren't overwhelmed."

"That...makes sense...I think..."

He only smiled in return, taking his hand off of mine, and looking out of the window. We sat in silence the rest of the car ride, just watching all of the scenery pass by.

Once we pulled up to a large mansion, Hunter stepped out from behind the wheel of the limo, and helped me out. He gave me a sympathetic look, bowing to my dad as we began making our way inside.

"Hunter, can you show Y/n to her room? I'll send one of the maids to help you out if you need."

"Thank you, but I think I can handle it." I said, following Hunter up the large set of stairs. He turned right, and I followed. We soon stood in front of a door, and he opened it to reveal the room that was presumably mine.

"Thank you." I waved to Hunter, and walked in. I glanced around the room, noticing the walls were f/c. The bed was neatly made, with satin sheets and a beautiful, fluffy comforter. I turned, and came face to face with a bulletin board with a large amount of pictures pinned onto it.

I stepped forward, and began to observe each photo.

The first one that caught my eye was a photo of Kairi and I, one that looked like that it was taken not too long ago. So I guess we were friends again? I'd have to ask dad about that.

The next photo was one of the entire host club. I noticed the twins, with me standing between them. Tamaki hugging onto some brown haired boy, Kyoya staring at him disapprovingly, and then Honey and Mori senpai. I knew them all just by their names and social standings, except for the one boy being hugged by Tamaki.

Guess I did become friends with them, huh.

My eyes shifted to the next picture, causing my cheeks to flare red. It was a simple picture of just Kaoru and I. It appeared to be a selfie, I was holding up the camera as Kaoru stood behind me with his arms around my waist, and planting a kiss onto my cheek.

That doesn't make sense. Were we...are we dating...?

I watched as Kaoru was the last to leave the room, his eyes focused on mine. A single tear fell down his cheek as he walked out.

That would make sense. That's why he took the news so hard.

Wait, if I supposedly rekindled my friendship with Kairi, why didn't she come visit me in the hospital? And that one purple haired girl, she came yet there's no photos up here of her.

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