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If there is anything I've learned in life it's that not everyone you love will stay, not everyone you trust will be loyal, and some people only exist as examples of what to avoid. 

I never asked to be queen. I never wanted that kind of responsibility. Not yet anyway. Ruling a kingdom isn't as grand as it seems. Don't get me wrong, the lifestyle is comfortable, and I do enjoy the hunting trips and combat training. but the great burden of signing laws that decrease the common folks' income makes me guilty at times. The life is demanding. It's also constant zero privacy. 

But that's not the worst of it. I'm different. Not stereotypically different, or mentally different, or even physically different. I'm genetically different. 'One of a kind' dad used to say. Literally. I'm one hundred percent certain that there is not a single being like me in all ten dimensions. 

Ever since I was born, I've been a freak. An outcast. I've been called many things. Half Breed. Mongrel. Half-blood. Child of Znichars. But none hurts worse than Mutt. A worthless dog. It's not just the derogatory term itself. 

It's the fact that the one person I thought I could trust growing up. The one person I trusted, loved and treasured used that same word to stab me in the back. Since then, I've been alone. I have my advisor, Axelia, who aided my mother, but even she looks at me like something the sewers threw up. 

Whenever I catch a glimpse of myself in a pool of water or a mirror, I see nothing but a failure. A broken girl. Sad, doe brown eyes and light brown hair that cascades past my shoulders. My set jaw reveals the held back defiance. 

There is definitely another part of me that longs to put the pathetic bullies in their place. To claw out the eyes of the royal attendants who whisper to themselves everytime I pass by. A part of me that wants to tear their criticizing throats out. But thankfully I can control that dark, brooding side. 

The pain that keeps me from changing the laws, is the same pain that keeps me awake at night. The monstrosities that haunt my dreams, frighten me more than the demons that lurk the darkened forests outside. 

Here you guys go! Hope you like it! What do you think so far?

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