Wolf in Sheep's Wool

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(AN: There is a picture. And I love this song. It fits this chapter so well!!!! Good luck reading this! ;)

"So, you've been neglecting us for the queen?" Raph's frustration is evident in his eyes as much as in his voice. "Raph..." Leo began. "I haven't been neglecting you guys. I've just been hanging out with Gray once in a while." By once in a while, he meant slipping out every night to meet Grayson in the library to read the book. 

"Aw, you have a nickname for her already." Mikey coos. "That's adorable!" Leo flushes and shoots his brother a panicked glare. "Leo." April says, her voice softer than the boys'. "No offence, but you really shouldn't let yourself develop feelings for this girl. We are leaving as soon as our ship is repaired. I don't want you to hurt yourself by having to leave her when we do." 

The leader sighs and looks away. He wouldn't admit that the feelings he felt were there. He can't bear to admit that he felt some sort of way towards the half-breed girl ruling this kingdom. The soft rays of the run soon fall and the night creeps upon the crew as they all prepare for bed. "Good night everyone!" The professor calls cheerily. 

 "Hold up!" Raphael says, looking around. "Where is Casey?" Everyone freezes. Accept Mikey, who whistles innocently and looks around as if suddenly interested in the room's architecture. The others stare right at the orange masked turtle accusingly. There is a long rigid silence. 

"Okay, okay!" Mikey cries. "He said he was going out to find some sort of animal he heard some villagers talking about! He said he would kill it and become some sort of hero! I'm sorry, I didn't think it was that much of a big deal! He made me promise not to tell anyone!" Mikey blurts out. "Oh, dear." Honeycutt groans. "The Lycadian wilderness is no place for a cocky teenage human boy. These forests are home to some of the most dangerous wild creatures in the galaxy!" 

Now everyone was starting to panic. "We have to go after him!" April encourages. "I'm with...April." Donnie says. "Let's go, team," Leo says. "Let's go get that idiot friend of ours back before he runs into a bear or something."

 "Oh, there are no bears on Amarog." The Fugitoid explains. "There are much worse things like Gnashars, these large furry reptiles. There are Harmlancers, pure evil aquatic horses that lure their prey to the water's edge before dragging them in and eating their internal organs. And...... let's not hope he comes in contact with.....a Znichar."

Leo shudders at the thought of coming in contact with the creature he saw the book Grayson showed him all those nights before. The thought of Casey being attacked by that thing and the result made Leo's blood run cold. 

The air is cold, yet not unbearable. The scent of fresh rain is almost calming to the crew. "Casey!" Raph calls. "Casey, where are you?" April shouts. "Woohooo, Casey!" Mikey holler. "Quiet down, my friends." The professor cautions. "These creatures are no fools. They will hear you a mile away. That is if they do not smell you first." 

"Come one, professor," Donnatello says. "We've beaten some crazy creatures before. Whatever these woods throw at us, we'll be ready." The cyborg shakes his head. "Not like these. Lycadian creatures are not like your ordinary wildlife. Weska, Fintails, and even Gnashars are the most......reasonable. Znichars are the real danger. They prey upon the weak and even the strong. They are extremely intelligent and have no emotions whatsoever. They have no empathy, no sympathy, no remorse for their kills. They do not kill for food. They kill for pleasure. For the mere enjoyment of the hunt and the chase." 

April shivers. "Suddenly, I don't want to be on this planet anymore." She mutters. Suddenly, there is a disruption in front of the crew in a bush. A dark, lanky figure jumps from the bushes. "Ahhhhh!!" Mikey and Donnie scream, leaping into each other's arms. Casey's gap-toothed grin widens as he doubles over in laughter. 

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