You Won't Believe This False Hope

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Asterin cleans up the mess the day's work produced. She gathers the extra metal and throws it into the scrap bin. She'd use it later. To melt down into something more useful than a pile of jagged alloy. 

She hadn't attended the execution in the square that afternoon. She wouldn't give Drace the satisfaction of her attention. The young red-head pulls her blacksmith's apron over her head and throws it on a hook on the wall. 

With a sigh, Asterin drags her feet across the wooden floor to the living space of her small house. She collapses on the cot she calls a couch and throws an arm over her face. Raphael and his family must have left by now. They would be fools to stay. 

The girl thinks of her mother, who had died a couple of years before. The smiling woman with red hair, smiling eyes, and the side braid that fell over her shoulder. She remembers her grandfather who always told old legends of Lycadian lore. 

A particular one stands out in her mind and she feels terrible for even thinking about it. But if the myth was true... Well, let's just say that Drace better say his prayers. And soon.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Guys, do you think we can stop by the lounge and grab a snack, I haven't eaten in ho-" 

"Shut up Mikey!" Five voices hiss. 

"Okay, geez." The orange masked turtle grumbles, patting his stomach. "Don't listen to those meanies. We'll find something yummy soon." Mikey whispers to his stomach. Casey rolls his eyes as they all creep up the stairs. "I can't believe you knocked those guards out. How can you be so two-faced?" 

The baby-blue eyed turtle turns to look at the dark haired human boy. "I am a secret weapon. Silent but deadly." Casey laughs. "Dude, that's what they say about farts!" 

"Shut up, you two," Raphael warns. "Also Mikey, you are anything but silent." He adds, rolling his eyes. "Enough." Leo hushes. "We have to get out of the castle and to our ship. Then we're out of here." 

No one argues. They wanted nothing more than to put the events of the last two months or so behind them. "Almost there," Honeycutt whispers. As the crew rounds the corner, they are met with two guards. The turtles whip out their weapons and prepare for the worst, but are surprised when the two soldiers turn their heads, not looking at them. 

"Go." One of them breathes. "We didn't see you." The crew look at each other before running past the soldiers and out of the castle. As they run through the courtyard and into the town, the earthlings become more and more relaxed. 

"Wait." Raph skids to a stop. "What?" April looks to him. "Um..." The turtle blushes a little. "Asterin...W-we should say goodbye." Donnie's brow furrows. "The mechanic? We only met her once." 

Casey snickers. "The first time we were in town, Raph and I met her. Asterin and lover boy here hit it off right away." April rolls her eyes and sighs. "Of course Raph has a crush on the witty mechanic. Why not?" 

Leo shakes his head. "No, guys we have to keep moving. Drace could be on our tail by now. We can't risk being caught again." With that, the hot-headed turtle lunges at his brother. "Just because you lost your royal sweetheart doesn't mean you have to keep the rest of us from the people we care about?" 

Leo glares back at his brother. "Don't you dare talk about Grayson like that, Raph! You didn't know her!" Raph, being held back by Casey and Mikey, shouts the unthinkable. "I didn't need to know her to know she was a stuck up, princess brat!" 

Anger clouds Leo's judgement and his next words. "At least, I didn't meet her once and was already prepared to risk my families life on my feelings!" 

"Shut up!" April shouts. She and Donatello hold back the blue-masked leader. "Both of you! Your arguing is useless and it won't bring Grayson back! It will get us caught." A creaking door makes them all jump.

"Lycadians have an exreamly accurate hearing," Asterin says, peeking out from her door. Looking around, she motions for them to come. "Hurry. Before they get here." She urges. The turtles, humans and cyborg need no further encouragement and race for the shop. 

"Thank you, Asterin," Raphael says, scratching the back of his neck. The red-haired girl smiles, averting her gaze and biting her bottom lip. "It's nothing, Raphael..." 

Honeycutt takes the girl's hand. "It isn't anything my dear. We will be forever in your debt." Asterin nods. There wasn't much she could respond to that. Besides. She had more pressing matters to discuss with them. 

"I have some serious information you all should hear." What is she thinking? How could she possibly be considering telling them what her late grandfather believed? False hope is worse than no hope at all. 

The turtles, humans, and cyborg look at the girl quizzically. "What is it?" Leo asks. With a sigh, Asterin reaches up and threads her fingers through her fiery red locks. "There is an old legend." She begins. "A myth passed down through my family's bloodline." She holds her finger up, silently asking them to 'hold on' as she leaves the room for a quick moment. 

The earth crew look at each other, confused as they could be. Asterin returns with an old book. She drops it on a wooden table and blows the dust from its dark brown cover. The red-haired girl looks up to the outsiders, a nervous and yet completely serious expression on her face. 

"There is a chance that Grayson may be alive."

Leo burst out in emotionless laughter. "Are you serious! That's a good one!" His expression changes to an angered and offended one. "She died in my arms! I watched her eyes close and felt her last breath leave her body!" 

Asterin looks down. "Yes, I saw. We all saw. But I am not saying she didn't die. She did. And to be honest, I'm glad she did, or this would not make sense." Oh, Goddess, what was she saying? Glad that Grayson was dead? What kind of fool was she to tell the guy who clearly loved her that she was glad the girl he cared for was dead?

Leo's face burns with rage. Who did this girl think she was telling him that she was glad Gray was dead? He tenses and takes a step forward but April puts a hand on his chest, stopping him. "Hey. Calm down." She says, calmly. 

"Calm down?!" The blue-masked turtle shouts. "She's talking nonsense! How could she ever think she knows ANYTHING about Grayson!" Mikey looks up at his brother. "Leo, let her explain....she rescued us after all." 

Leonardo doesn't attack Asterin but stays as relaxed as a guard dog on patrol. "So, Asterin." Raph says. "Go on." The Lycadian nods. "You might want to sit down. This is going to be a long story..." 

Sorry for taking so long. Applying to university is a time-consuming process and studying is stressful. But here you are!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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