There Are Weirder Ways To Learn About Death

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The soft clicking of feet on the floor echoes through the silent castle. Leo does his best to keep in step with the captain of the guard who walks swiftly across the shimmering tiles. "Could we slow down a little?" Leo asks, a nervous laugh breaking the awkward silence. "I'd like to admire the place a bit."

Drace doesn't slow his steps or spare the young turtle the slightest glance. "We'll see what her Majesty will have as your fate." The man utters. Leo looks down. "How optimistic." He mutters under his breath. 

At last, thy stop just outside a large pair of golden doors. Leonardo gazes up at the huge, gate-like entrance. The captain nods to the guards in front of the doors. A red-haired man with playful green eyes, and a blonde girl with stormy grey eyes. The two guards nod and step aside, pushing open the doors. 

Leonardo marvels at their strength. How are they able to push open such heavy looking doors so effortlessly? 

If the rest of the castle was paradise, the throne room was heaven. A blue and silver carpet runs alone the golden floor from the doors up to the gorgeous silver throne, which was...empty. 

Leonardo frowns. Surely the 'queen' Drac and the soldiers spoke of was supposed to occupy it. "Welcome Captain Drace." A voice as cold as ice rings out. Leo shivers on the spoke and notices a woman standing my the thone. She is dressed in a black and gold dress that flows down to the ground, hiding her feet. Her midnight black hair cascades down her back and compliments her ghostly pale complexion. Her piercing green eyes seem to bore into the young terrapin as a cat would. 

"This is one of the intruders I heard of?" Her voice is low and amused, yet still sends a chill to the air. Leo was confused. They had only minutes landed. How had this woman heard of their arrival? 

Drace nods. "Yes, Axelia. This is their leader." He gestures carelessly toward Leonardo. "The tall gothic woman studies Leo incredulously. "This...thing is their leader?" She questions, sounding rather bored. 

The young turtle steps forward. "My name is Leonardo, Ma'am. My...comrades and I have come here to seek shelter and repair our ship. We pose no threat to you and your kingdom." He introduces, then gives the woman a puzzled look. "Pardon me but, are you not the queen the captain spoke of?"

Axelia throws back her head and bellows a laugh that was more of a maniacal cackle than a humorous chuckle. "Goddess, no! I am her Majesty's personal advisor and her legal guardian. Poor thing is too young to be left to rule on her own." Axelia explains, her green eyes flickering a slight dark green. "The young queen was notified of your arrival and is on her way as we speak. She should be here any time now. A believe she is returning from a hunting trip. Forgive her if she seems a bit...harsh. Royal affairs after a stressful hunt put her in a dark mood."  

Leonardo doesn't know how to respond. So he nods. Beside him, Drace scoffs. "I hope for your sake, that she doesn't rip your green throat out." The captain growls lowly. Leo gulps, the lump in his throat expanding. 

He already didn't like Drace and didn't know how to feel about the dark woman in front of them. 

Suddenly the throne doors were thrown open with such force, it made Leo wince. "Axelia, today couldn't get any worse!" An annoyed, husky voice calls out. Leo doesn't get a chance to turn before a cloaked figure marches past him and Drace. 

The cloak they wore was a dark blue, around their shoulders, hung a black and white fur pelt. Leonardo's nose caught the silage of pine and fresh cinnamon.

"First I wake up drenched, then I can't find my helmet for training, now after four hours of hunting, there isn't a single Weska in the forest!" The person complains. Leonardo watched the leather cloaked individual toss their sword to the floor and slump into the throne casually, the hood remaining over their head, concealing their face. 

"You're Majesty, we had intruders who seek sanctuary and repairs to their ship," Axelia informs. The person seated on the throne takes the silver crown hanging on the arm of the throne, flipping off their hood in the process, placing the crown on their head. 

Leo's heart skips a beat. So this was the queen. She looks about his age. Fair tanned skin and soft pink lips. Chestnut brown hair falls past her shoulders and her dark brown eyes travel to Leo. Their eyes meet, the turtle's sapphire orbs clinging to the doe brown ones of the girl's. 

The girl seems to study Leo with a wondering gaze. "You are?" She questions, her voice calmer but still husky. The turtle blinks then bows politely. "I'm Leonardo. My family and I were escaping the Triceritons when our ship was damaged. This planet was the closest and we came seeking shelter and repairs." He announces. 

The young ruler on the throne, leans back, crossing her legs, resting her elbow on the armrest and her temple to her hand. "Hmmmm......Drace, do we have any open guest room?" She addresses the captain. 

Leo can feel the man beside him tense up. "Your Majesty?" He queries. The queen barely looks to her captain of the guard. "Escort Leonardo and his companions to the guest quarters." She commands, her deep brown eyes on the boy in front of her. 

A guttural growl rises in Drace's throat. "These trespassers have intruded on our land and you just want to serve them pastries and treat them as honoured guests?!" The captain shouts, his eyes turning red once more. 

The air in the room turns cold almost immediately. Leo shivers and his spot. The girl's soft eyes grow dead cold, shifting to stare at Drace in utter rage. Her head lifting from her hand. "What did you say?" She demands, standing up and raising her voice. 

On instinct, Leo stumbles back a step, the power in her voice overwhelming. The captain, on the other hand, doesn't move, though Leo catches his fingers twitching. Drace's eyes turn yellow. 

"Is that how you speak to your queen?" The girl steps down from the throne and strides across the floor to Drace. "Your Alpha?!" 

Leo watches in silence as the girl, although being a couple of heads shorter than the captain of the guard, her presence emanated a higher level of authority. The young turtle is frozen in his spot, unable to move as the girl storm in his general direction, her fierce gaze on the man in armour. 

Leo notices that for some reason, the girl's eyes didn't change colour as the other Lycaons' did. Just before the young queen reaches a step away from Drace, the man collapses to his knees, his head lowered and his shoulders slumping. 

"F-forgive me, my queen." The man murmured, raising his wrist up at the girl, his icy blue eyes on the floor. As the girl growls at the submissive man before her, Leo catches sight of her teeth. The brilliant white canine teeth in her mouth seem to sparkle in the bright room. 

The young queen smacks Drace's outstretched hand to the side. "Out!" She snarls, watching the captain stand and shuffle out of the room. Turning to the mutant turtle, the girl's expression changes. Her gaze softens and her previous glare slackens. 

Being this close, Leo notices the lagged scar that runs across the bridge of her nose. The faint glow in her eyes and the barely visible dark circles under her eyes. 

"You say you and your family mean us no harm?" The young Asks, her brown eyes slicing into Leo's, her finding itself inches from his. The young ninja feels paralyzed, unable to move a muscle or speak a word. So he does the only thing he can do. He nods.

The girl lifts a perfect eyebrow, a mischevious smile growing on her lips. She backs away from him. "Good. So you won't be any trouble." 

Here you are, chapter 2! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know what you think about these new characters, Axelia and the young queen!

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