Undeserved Mercy

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All is silent as Greyson looks up emotionless at her childhood friend above her. His chest pierced by the very sword he used to skewer her. Thick red blood freshly falls from the larger wolf's mouth. He slumps to his side on the ground. Grayson stands shakily. 

Drace's ice blue eyes hold many emotions. Sadness, anger, pity.....regret? It was hard to tell. He looks up at the Lycadian whom he had stabbed in the back so spitefully.  The glassy eyes looking into Grayson's pleaded with her. Pleading for mercy. A pained whine rasping from his lips. Drace angles his head so that his throat is exposed and vulnerable. 

So the girl does the only thing she could do. She lowers her head, opening her jaw over his throat......and putting him out of his painful misery. 

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Raphael helps a groaning Asterin to sit up. She winces and holds a hand to her head. "Did we win?" She mutters. Raph hugs her. "That was stupid!" He scolds, his voice thick with emotion. "Stupid?" She asks. "Doing nothing would have been stupid." Raph chuckles and hugs her tighter, glad she was alive and breathing. 

Leo stares at the white wolf as she back away from the unmoving dark figure. He notices the sadness in her golden eyes. "G-Gray...?" He says. The large head turns to look at him. Her mouth soaked and dripping in blood that was not her own.

Grayson looks once more at the lifeless body below her and drags the sword from Drace's chest. She collapses onto her launches, looking down at the body of the young man who used to play with her as a child. Who, like an older brother, would carry her on his shoulders. They would chase her through the fields and he was the one to bandage her when she cut the bridge of her nose. 

A near silent whine leaves her lips. Leo appears by her side, his hand in her fur. "I'm sorry, Gray..." He says, quietly. The wolf heaves a heavy sigh and turns away. She stands and makes her way to the others. 

Asterin dips her head as the wolf approaches. "Your majesty...." Grayson grunts lowly and leaves the throne room. The turtles look to Asterin. "She says she needs some time." The lycadian girl explains. Leo looks at the retreating tail of the white wolf. His heart ached for her. 

Grayson trudges through the forest, her head low and her steps weak. She approaches a river and catches a glimpse of her reflection in the clear, pure water. All she sees staring back is 'A monster.'  Her ears droop. 'That's what I've become.'  

With a splash, Grayson enters the river. The blood on her coat washing off and rippling out into the water. Corrupting it. After swimming around for a bit, ridding herself of the dark red stains, Grayson climbs out of the water. She shakes herself before rolling around in the green grass to dry off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Days later find the crew in the throne room. The mess from the couple days before had been cleaned up and there seemed as if nothing had ever conspired in the very room. Greyson sits by the throne, looking at them. 

Asterin nods and turns to the turtles and their companions. "Axelia has fled." She translates. "She is nowhere to be found, but we have royal guards out on the hunt for her. She will be brought to justice for her crimes."

Donatello nods. "Will the Alpha be alright here without us?" Asterin looks to Grayson who looks back, her ears swivelling. "She will." The red-haired girl confirms. She has decided to choose....me to...be the next...advisor." 

Asterin's green eyes grow wide. "Really?" She asks Grayson who just tilts her head. Raph grins and mutters, "That's my girl..." 

"Achem." Professor Honeycutt claps. "We should really be on our way." Asterin nods. "Of course. Please, be safe." The cyborg nods and turns to leave the throne room. The turtles and their human pals follow. 

As Leo walks the halls, a nudge at his shoulder makes him stop and turn. "Hey." He smiles at Grayson. The snow-white wolf jerks her head, motioning for him to follow. 

The blue-masked turtle turns and follows the wolf to her room where she pads across the floor to her bed. Once there, the wolf lies down and snuffs her muzzle under the bed. Leo waits while she searches for something. 

Finally, Grayson's head emerges, dragging a box from under the bed. "What's that?" Leo asks, kneeling next to the box. The wolf nudges it toward him. Leo arches an eye ridge curiously and unclips the locks holding it shut.

Inside the box, lying on a leather cloth are two pairs of throwing daggers. The blades sported bright silver blades and blue bands tied on the handles. "They look amazing." The turtle smiles and hugs the wolf's broad neck. 

Grayson rests her head on his shoulder gently. Leo doesn't let go. His eyes growing. Wet. This was really happening. "I don't want to leave..." He whispers. "Honeycutt says that when we leave, we'll go back in time....too before we meet...." 

Grayson heaves a heavy sigh. Her eyes close and she tries to enjoy the intimate moment they are currently sharing. Leo's voice crackles with emotion. "You won't know we meet. You won't.....remember me....What if you don't find out that Drace and Axelia-"

The large wolf nudges the turtle back. Her eyes are filled with sadness and regret but also seemed to say, "Don't worry about me." Leo smiles a little. 

Without thinking, he removes his mask and bends down, tying the blue cloth around the fluffy white leg close to the paw. "Don't worry. I have more." The turtle teenager stands and takes a good look at the lycadian. 

"I'll miss you, Gray." He breathes. She leans forward and licks his cheek, making him chuckle. "Good luck with your kingdom." He smiles.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As the ship lifts off the ground, the turtles press against the glass, taking one last glance at the beautiful planet they had grown to love. "Do you think they'll be ok?" Casey asks. "Do you think without us, Drace and Axelia will take over the kingdom?" 

Honeycutt sighs. "We can never know for sure." Everyone silently looks over at the blue-masked turtle who still stands by the window, watching Amarog grow smaller and smaller. 

"Preparing for the temporal jump!" Donnie calls. "Excellent," Honeycutt responds. "Strap in, everyone! We're heading home!"

My, my, my....what an emotional rollercoaster.... Hope you guys enjoyed this last chapter. Look forward to the epilogue coming soon! ;)

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