The Smell of an Old Leather Jacket

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The days passed on and the crew was enjoying Lycadia. Especially Leo. Or was that because he was secretly feeling strange feelings whenever he was around the young queen who his family still hadn't met. It was bizarre yes. The whole time they were there and they hadn't even seen the ruler. 

The great and proud Leonardo was getting soft for some girl? No way! The young turtle shakes his head and groans aloud. "You alright, bro?" Donnie asks, looking concerned. The blue-masked leader blinks out of his trance and fumbles for words. "Y-yeah, sure. I'm fine Donnie....I'm....gonna get some air." 

Standing, Leo makes his way out of the room, trudging down the hall, shoulders slumped. "Pull yourself together, Leo!" He scolds himself. Suddenly, the sound of angry shouting arises from the throne room ahead. Leonardo checks behind him before approaching the large doors. 

Loud voices come from the other side of the door and Leo listens as best he can. He cannot make out any words, but the level of anger and bitterness in the tone of voices gave him chills down to his spine.

Who was arguing? It sounded like Grayson. Who was she yelling at? Axelia? Drace? Leo notices a small crack in the door and leans forward, squinting through the patient opening. The turtle's heart stops as he sees that it is indeed Grayson and Axelia. The tall pale woman was wearing her usual black dress while the young ruler wore something different. Over her white shirt, she wore a brown leather jacket. The jacket was definitely a mans. The sleeves are a bit fitting and the body a bit bulky. It also didn't fit the fashion of the natives at all. It looked'Strange.' Leo thinks. Why would Grayson be wearing an earth jacket for a man?  

Leo listens as Grayson and Axelia argue. "Axelia, are you even listening to me?" Grayson shouts, her hands clenching into fists. "I will not raise the taxes of the townsfolk! The rouges raided our supplies last night, not the commoners! They work hard to provide for their families!"

Axelia's face was glowing red. Her burning eyes matching the blaze of a fire."I am your guardian, which means I am the closest thing to a parent as you will get, Grayson Scott! And I am telling you to do it!" The tall woman demands. Leo notices her long, bony fingers twitching. "You are not my mom and I will not listen to you! I am the Alpha of Lycadia! My word goes, not yours!"


Leo flinches as he tries to comprehend what he just witnessed. Grayson's head flew to the side, her body stiff. Four long claw marks drag up the right side of her face. Axelia heaves a sigh, wiping her blood-stained, long-nailed hand on her black dress and grabbed the girl's face, forcing her to look at her. 

"You are nothing but a hybrid," Axelia says, the words rolling off her tongue like venom. "A half-blooded child of a troubled queen. You will answer to me because your mother put me in charge of you before her tragic death. Don't you ever forget that I am your superior." The tall pale woman states, glimpsing to the brown jacket in disgust. "And burn that piece of rubbish you are wearing. Or I'll do it for you."

With that, Axelia strides off, leaving the throne room through an alternative exit. Leo is still frozen in disbelief. He watches as Grayson lets out a breath and lifts a hand to her bleeding cheek. How could Axelia do that? Sure she seemed untrustworthy, but abusing the young queen? Was that

A small sniff echoes from the throne room and Leo backs up, his head spinning. What had he just witnessed? How could Grayson let Axelia do that to her? Wasn't there a line that even the young ruler's guardian should never be allowed to cross?

While Leo was having his mid-life crisis, Grayson steals across the floor of the throne room and pulls open the large door to the room. This, in turn, causes Leonardo who was leaning back against it to tumble to the floor. 

The two are astonished a little embarrassed at the side of, well, each other and Leo stutters for words. "Uh, um, G-Grayson... Hi." Leo mentally smacks himself. 'Really genius?'  The girl drags the sleeve of the leather jacket across her eyes, wincing as it touches the four long marks on her face. "Leo. How long have you been standing here?" It wasn't a question. She knew he had been standing there. 

"Um..." Might as well tell her the truth. "Long enough to hear more than I should have." He admits. The girl holds out her hand, "Sorry you had to hear that." She says. The young turtle takes her hand and allows her to help him to his feet. "So..." Leo mutters, shifting his weight from foot to foot. 

"What was all that about?" He asks, glancing at the brown haired girl in front on him. She sighs, the curious look in her eyes turning to an unreadable emotion. "Come with me." She heaves, walking past him, grabbing his hand. 

Pink dust creeps up Leo's cheeks as he tries to register the feelings he is experiencing. Grayson's hand is soft. Slightly rough and calloused. But soft and gentle nevertheless. Grayson leads him out of the castle and down to the town. Grayson doesn't talk. She just looks ahead, her doe brown eyes alert and yet distracted. 

As they approach the village, the young queen releases Leo's hand, shoving her hands into her trouser pockets. Leo doesn't understand, but he doesn't ask. Too gentlemanly or too chicken, you decide. As the two enter the village, the air begins to chill. At least that is what it seems to Leonardo. 

He begins to notice that everyone they pass stare at them. No, not at them. At Grayson. He then realizes that they are glaring at her. In spite and hatred. Some in fear. Women hide their children behind them. Men growl and bare their teeth. Some hide in their shops and lock the doors, swinging around their OPEN signs. 

One young man shoves a girl into a fountain and runs off cursing in Lycaidan. Leo is speechless, not understanding at all. Suddenly, a large man about in his mid-forties spits at Grayson as they pass. Leo stops and turns to the man. "Hey! Watch it!" 

The air suddenly drops a degree, if that were even possible. Grayson shivers, her head down and her shoulders slumped. The young man spits out his toothpick and stands to his full height. "What was that, pipsqueak?" He taunts. Leo reaches for his katana. "You heard me. Apologize to the lady."

The man throws his head back, howling with laughter. "Apologize?" He bellows. "Are you insane?!" He shoves Leo back with one hand. "Word of advise, Craxnut. Watch who you piss off." Leo growls and runs at the man, but Grayson grabs his arm. "Not worth it, Leo. Leave him alone." 

Now the whole village is staring. Watching the drama unfold. The man's green eyes shift to a light pink and he laughs again. "So, your Highness." He slurs sarcastically. "Is this your new chew toy? He looks soft. Not much to sink your pup teeth into." A couple of people chuckle and snicker. Leo can feel Grayson tense behind him. He can hear her teeth grind and a growl rise in her throat.

"Can you even shift? Worthless!" The man taunts more. "I'll bet the moon Goddess took one look at you and said, 'where did I go wrong?' Hey, what's it like being a good for nothing mutt?" 

There it was. The word that haunted Grayson Scott til this day. 'Mutt.' The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and her heartbeat quickened. "Shut up." She growls, her fists clenching and her fingers cracking. The man's eyes shift to a dark orange. "What? sensitive? Did I hurt the little half-breed pup's feeli-"

That's the last word the man got out before Grayson launched herself at him, tackling him and throwing punch after punch at his face. It all happened so fast, that Leo was frozen in his spot while Grayson sat straddling the man's chest, pummeled his face.

"Gr-Grayson!" Leo calls, grabbing her shoulder. Grayson's head snaps around, and Leo jumps back. Her eyes are still brown, but the look in her eyes is complete rage, fear, something else? He teeth are bared and her fangs glint in the bright sun. She notices the sudden fear in Leo's eyes and her expression slackens. 

Slowly she stands, leaving the man unconscious on the ground. Everyone backs away, their heads lowered and their knees bowed. The all hold up their arms they way Drace did in the throne room on the first day the earth crew had arrived on Amarog. 

Grayson breaths out a heavy breath and walks right past them into the forest, Leo following cautiously. 

Wow. A lot has happened! What do you think? What do you think the man meant when he called Gray a 'half-blood' 'mongrel' and 'mutt'?

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