Is Hope Too Much To Ask For?

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The turtles shake their heads. "We don't have all day to hear a long story," Donnie says. "Drace's soldiers are probably searching for us by now." 

The red-haired girl looks up at the purple banded turtle, visibly agitated. She rolls her green eyes and looks down at the large book on the table. "My grandfather would tell me stories when I was younger.  It was a different tale every night. But one, in particular, stands out at this time." She looks to Leo, whose arms are crossed. 

Asterin continues. "I did my research and found the whole myth in this book of legends and old tales." She flips through the old pages. "A long time ago, there was a king. An Alpha who was a just, righteous, and fair ruler." 

She stops as she reaches the page she was searching for. "He was knowns as the greatest leader Lycadia had ever had. One day, he was betrayed by the one he thought would stick beside him through all troubles thick and thin." She looks at the turtles who listen intently.

It sounded all too familiar. "What happened next?" Mikey asks, his blue eyes large with excitement at a great story.  Asterin looks back to the book. A large battle broke out. It was long, bloody, and messy. In the end, the king was slain by his betrayer, who used his own sword." 

Professor Honeycutt nods. "In Lycadian culture, killing someone with their own weapon is seen as a great taunt. The greatest disrespect and offence." Asterin nods agreeably. "Its a rare occurrence, since Lycadians are generally loyal and protective over one another. But this happened."

She turns back to the book. "As the king lay dying in the battlefield, he called upon the moon goddess to not let him die. To let him have his revenge on the one who betrayed him. He pleaded for one last chance to put an end to his enemy." 

Asterin flips a page and continues to read. "The moon goddess grants him his wish and he got his chance to kill his enemy." Casey tilts his head. "So, how does that happen?" Asterin's face is grim, her lips in a thin line. 

"The king did die. But he was reborn in his alternate form. Unable to shift to his other form. " There is silence as everyone takes in the information just dumped into their brains. "But Grayson didn't pray for some diety to give her time..." Leo protests. 

Asterin nods. "I don't think she knows about this myth." The tall red-head explains. "But it makes sense that it would happen. She was betrayed by her best friend. Killed with her own weapon. In the noblest way possible." 

She motions to Leo. "Protecting you." April looks up. "Like the legend of the Pheonix." She mutters. "How can you prove this is the same case as Grayson?" Raphael questions, his arms crossed. Asterin shrugs. "To be honest, I can't. But it has to be." She looks at the crew, scanning their uneasy faces. "Because Lycadia will fall is it isn't."

Mikey looks at the girl quizzically. "Who was the one who betrayed the king? Was it his best friend like Grayson?" Asterin smiles sadly. "I wish. It was the worse betrayal you could ever think of. It was the love of his life." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

The smirk on Axelia's Face is unrivalled. With the big idiot on the throne, she can control Lycadia. Of course, she would never have been a match for Grayson herself. But Drace. All the pent up anger and resentment made it easy for her to suggest to him the 'noble' thing to do. 

Now as Drace's advisor, she would put her control into place. It was a glorious victory. And the greatest threat was out of their- no....her way. Axelia could care less about Drace and his intentions with his position of power. 

Swiftly, she enters the throne room, the doors banging shut behind her. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Deep in the forest, a father and daughter hunt for fish in the river. "Papa," The girl addresses, looking up at her father who pulls the net from the water. "Why is the new Alpha a big bully? Doesn't he want the best for the kingdom?" 

The father smiles sadly. He is a dark-haired man with a scraggly beard and callused hands from working long, hard days in the fields. "The new alpha is a menace. He only wanted the throne for power, though some suspect it is the old witch, Axelia behind it all." 

The boy frowns. "The old Alpha...the girl. She was kind. She didn't make you pay so much and you and mama were happier." The man tugs in more fish before looking at his daughter. 

"The new Alpha makes it illegal to hunt for food. That makes it harder to provide food for you. He takes most of what we produce in the fields and leaves the scraps at his feet for up to gather up like scavengers." He pats the young Lycadian's head. "Not to worry, baby girl. Your mother and I will not let you and your brothers go hungry."

The girl smiles at her father. As the man pulls in another load of fish, he suddenly yelps in pain and drops the net, releasing the long-awaited catch back into the water. "Papa!" The young lass kneels by her father. "Your back?" 

The man smiles weakly. "I'm fine." He assures. He'd been overworking himself in the fields and his back was wearing out. Lately, it was getting worse but he kept it to himself. He didn't want to worry his daughter or the rest of the family. 

"Grab the tackle, we have enough for supper. Goddess knows I was being greedy." The girl nods and packs up the bag of bait and extra net. "Help an old man up." The father encourages. The young pup grabs her father's arm, helping him to his feet. 

"Citizen!" A strong voice thunders. The man freezes, a cold chill running up his old, crooked spine. He turns to see three royal soldiers. "It is against the law to be in the forest." One of them says, her hand tense and above her sword hilt. 

The man bows profusely and grabs his daughter's arm. "My apologies. My little girl and I didn't get notified. P-please let us go this once. We will return home and not return." He backs up a little more. 

"Wait!" Another soldier commands. The girl clings to her father's cheap leather tunic like a lifeline, her heart pounding so hard, it sounded like thunder in her sensitive ears. The man in front draws his sword. Both citizens stay frozen in their tracks as the young man snatches the bag from the girl and dumps the contents onto the grass. 

"Look what we have here." He chuckles darkly. "Fresh fish." He looks to the older man. "You are a good liar, old farmer. I would have filed your pounding heart under intense fear, but dishonesty is another one." 

The female soldier smirks. "Looks like we've got some traitors, Soren." The third soldier, a shorter young man stays quiet, standing behind the two aggressors. Soren grins and speedily snatches the little girl from her father, holding her arm in his rough grip. "I wonder what we do with traitors..." 

The man falls to his knees. "Please! I-I'm begging you! Spare my child! Do what you want with me, but leave my girl alone!" Soren shoves the girl at the woman who grabs her arms, holding her as she thrashes and screams. 

Soren looks down at the kneeling man. "Oh, we'll do what we want all right." The soldier kicks the man down and kicks him in the ribs multiple times. The man cries out in agony. The young girl flails in her captor's grip, tears streaming down her face.

 A low, ominous howl echoes the darkening sky. Soren pauses to look up, as did the others. They look around, their acute hearing trying to locate the sound the mighty howl, but it seemed to come from all around them. 

"Who else is with you, farmer!" Soren demands, yanking the man up by his collar. "Only me and my daughter! I swear!" The frightened man stammers. The woman sniffs the air. Soren...someone's out there...." 

Well, here you guys go. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hope the myth story Asterin told isn't too long. ;) 

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