Plot Against The Throne

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Morning comes too fast for the turtles. The events of the night before still fresh in their minds. Leo is the first to get up. Then Casey. The two decide to go out for a walk. Walking out the castle gate and down the path to the stable and training arena, the turtle and boy talk. 

"So, about that wolf last night," Leo mentions. "I was out cold." Casey reminds him. "I remember it attacking those wicked cool monsters and then I fought for our lives and was knocked out." The dark haired boy grins, jumping around as if he were on steroids. 

Leo laughs. "You fainted, Casey! Like a teenage girl who'd seen her nail chipped." The boys laugh as they draw near to the training grounds. "Mornin' fellas." Malik greets. The two nod and smile. "Morning, stable dude!" Casey responds, tipping his invisible hat. 

"How is it going?" Leo asks. The man wipes the screen of sweat from his forehead. "Good! Lots of young pups to train, but they all listen when their warrior hero arrives." His brown eyes sparkle in laughter. 

"Who teaches them?" Leo questions, his eyes noticing the red patches on the man's knees, sleeves, and hands. "Oh, someone much familiar to you." He says with a wink. From behind him, in the stable, a figure emerges. 

Grayson Scott buttons up her shirt, her eyes are tired and pained. She looks up and her eyes lift up to meet Leo's. Instantly, her lips curl into a smile. There is dried blood on her lip and straw in her messily braided hair.

"Hey, guys." She greets, reaching up to ruffle her hair. Her tan shirt rides up, exposing her golden, toned stomach. Casey whistles and nudges Leo, who is literally drooling. "Get your woman, bro." He whispers. 

Grayson pulls a piece of straw from her hair and walks up to stand beside the combat trainer. "What brings you two out here." She questions. "Nothing much!" Casey replies. "Leo here just wanted to see you." The girl's mouth twitched in humour and her eyebrows raise. 

The turtle's face blushed ad he cleared his throat. "S-so, what happened to your lip?" He asks. The young girl tenses. "Oh, this? Nothing. Just practice in the arena. Nothing to be worried about." She reaches out and takes the leather armour from Malik's hands and proceeds to put it on. 

"By the way. While you're here, why don't you two watch the sparring match?" The Alpha offers, clipping a sheath around her waist. "We'd love to!" Casey grins, throwing his arm around Leo's neck. "Who you sparring against?" Leo questions. The girl grins. "Only the best sword fighter in the kingdom." She replies. 

The four walk toward the arena. A gate leads to the entrance. Several young stable staff pull the gates open and fit Malik in battle gear. A young girl shuffles up to Grayson, holding out a sword. The taller girl takes the weapon and nods for the girl to leave the arena. 

Casey and Leo lean against the gate, watching. "So, this is your little girlfriend huh?" The human boy teases. Leo rolls his eyes. "I will shove your hockey puck down your throat, Jones." The athlete slaps the turtle on his shoulder, laughing. 

In the arena, Malik holds his sword up, standing in a defensive position. Grayson twirls her sword skillfully. Leo and Casey watch as Malik runs at Gray, his sword swinging for her head. The girl ducks and stands, her elbow coming down on the man's back. Malik grunts, but only stumbles. He dodges the girl's oncoming blade and ducks, weeping his leg. 

Grayson jumps over Malik's feet. This gives Malik the opportunity he needed to ram his shoulder into the girl's chest. Grayson falls back, coughing. Leo winces in second-hand pain. His eyes widen as Malik swings his sword at the girl's head. 

Grayson rolls out of the way jumps up, placing her blade on the back of the man's neck. Her chest heaves and her teeth gleam as she grins in triumph. "I win. Again." She lets the man stand. "I didn't doubt you once, your majesty." He says, sheathing his sword. 

Grayson looks over to Leonardo. "Leo. I want to see how skilled you are with those swords at your back." She says. Casey pushes the blushing turtle forward. "Go on, man. Show her what you've got!" 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mikey yawns and stretches. April is already awake and making breakfast. "Morning crew!" The Fugitoit says joyously. "Where is Leo and Puck head?" Don asks. "No idea, dude," Raph grumbles and collapses on the couch. The door suddenly opens and Drace storms in, full death glare and all. 

"Your ship is repaired and ready for you." He announces. "That is splendid!" Honeycutt cheers. "Glad we'll be out of your hair soon," April says. The captain grumbled. "Thank goddess. It's about time." He mutters, turning and slamming the door behind him. 

"Well, that is good news," Donnie says, breaking the tense silence. "We can get on our way!" The professor. "We leave at noon!" Mikey's smile fades. "What about Leo? I think he likes that girl from before. The queen?" There is silence. 

The Raphael speaks. "That's his problem. We warned him not to get attached. If he caught feelings, too bad for him." With that, he gruffly picks up his weapons, sheathing them. "Let's go see the ship." 

Donnie, Mikey, April, Raphael, and Professor Honeycutt exit their room and begin walking down the beautiful hallway. "Wait." Donatello halts. "Do you hear that?" He asks. the purple-masked turtle looks to the door to his right. Everyone stops to listen. 

"She will be at her weakest." A low, scrappy voice whispers from the direction of a door. "We can strike then." The group huddles to the door. "Are you sure this will work?" Another voice asks. This voice is deeper but less enthusiastic. 

"You imbecile." The more authoritative voice shouts. "The runt is so stupid, she won't suspect a thing. She has been distracted of late with those newcomers. They have served the purpose of distracting her for us." The turtles' hearts stopped. 

"Are they talking about the queen?" Mikey questions, his voice soft and whiny. "Shh." Raph hushes, pressing himself closer to the door in an attempt to hear more clearly. "The time is almost right, captain." The more authoritative voice says. "We must do this in order to restore the honour of the Lycadians. A mutt like her doesn't belong on the throne." 

The approach of footsteps causes the crew to turn and dash for their quarters. Once inside, the human, turtles, and cyborg collapse on the couch. "Did we really just hear that?" Raph wonders aloud. "Someone is plotting against the Queen," April mutters. "More than one person. This is big." Honeycutt says. "We've arrived here just in time for an attempted de-throne."

The crew sits in silence. Not knowing how to tell Leo, and not knowing what to do.

Well, well, well. This is quite a bit of drama don't you think? Who do you think is plotting against Grayson? And is there something you'd like to see in this story. More of a specific character or something? Let me know! :)

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