Stop Telling Me I'll Be Okay!

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Grayson's eyebrows furrow. What was Axelia talking about? Did she want Drace to win? Why? Suddenly, a sharp pain erupts in Grayson's shin as Drace kicks her down and stands. Icy blue coals burn in Drace's eyes as he attacks more viciously. 

Grayson does her best to avoid the rapidly swinging sword blade. The crowd falls quieter as they watch Drace lift his leg and kick the girl down. Leo's heart stops as he watched the girl he's grown to care for fall back into the dirt. He nearly lept to his feet as Drace's sword swung at her head. 

Grayson rolls out of the way just as her challenger's weapon hits the spot where her head previously was. Pushing herself up, Grayson looks up just in time to see Drace's armoured knee up closer than she wanted to.

Spots swarm in Grayson's vision. She tastes blood and she is sure her mouth was full of it. Lights blinded her and a loud ringing deafened her. Drace raises his arms, shouting to the crowd. "Is this your queen? Your fair and loyal ruler?!" He taunts.

Leonardo shoots out of his seat. The Fugitoid grabs his arm. "Sit back down. You'll just make things worse." The cyborg cautions. Reluctantly, Leo sits back down. 

The captain of the guard kept shouting. "You don't deserve to be ruled by a half-breed mongrel!" He shouts to the crowd. Grayson forces herself to sit up. The pain in her head doubled with every motion she made. 

Thick, crimson liquid trickled down the side of her mouth. There was shouting. She couldn't make out the voice, but judging from the volume, it was Drace. Her sword and helmet lay a few feet away from her, the helmet planted on its side in the dirt.


The fight!

Grayson attempted to crawl across the musty ground towards the blurry outline of her sword. Before she could reach it, however, a foot stomped onto the blade. "Damn it..." She mumbled, her mouth full of blood. 

Drace grabs Grayson by her collar and yanks her up. "Is this the kind of ruler you desire?" He taunts at the crowd. "A worthless mutt?" 

There it was. The word. Mutt. 

A worthless dog. 

Tears stung Grayson's eyes. The world seems to slow down as Drace slams her to the ground. Blood flies from the girl's mouth. The pain in her head grows and a sharp pain explodes in her chest. 

A strangled yelp gurgles from Grayson's throat as the man's foot crashes into her sternum. Grayson can't breathe. She can't think straight. 

In the stands, Leonardo can't take it anymore. He watches as the army captain lifts Grayson's own sword and raised it above her heart. "No!" He cries, leaping out of his seat. "Leonardo!" Honeycutt scolds. But the honourable terrapin didn't pay him any attention. 

"Stop!" He shouts. Drace pauses, looking up to see the blue-masked turtle climb down the wall into the arena. The audience is silent save for a couple of hushed whispers and jeers. 

"Leonardo." Drace smirks, removing his foot from the girl's chest. "Your little mate and I were just chatting about you." The commander says, twirling the heavy royal sword with ease. Leo whips out his katanas, glancing at the groaning young queen who lay on the ground. 

"Get away from her, Drace!" Leo orders. The Lycaon laughs. A deep, bellowing howl. "You have bravery, cold-blood. Too bad it will be put to poor use." The man smirks. "You should have left our world when you had the chance." With that, the two cross blades.

Grayson coughs. She couldn't move a muscle in her body. Turning her head, the half-breed caught her breath as she sees Leonardo fighting Drace. A heavy hammering in her head made Grayson groan. A foreign heat burned in her chest. Her vision began to clear and adrenaline rushes through her veins.

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