Alien Racism??

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A loud crack. The stench of grease, smoke, and powder. 

These sounds and smells do not belong to the forest. Grayson Scott knew this because she woke up in the middle of the forest. She is soaked in mud and her feet ached. "What happened..?" She rasps, raising a hand to her head where a major hangover-like headache is brewing. 

The girl takes in her surroundings. Soft green grass lay under her and the bright sunlight did it's very best to blind her. With an irritated groan, Grayson pushes herself up. Standing, she leans on the nearest tree trunk. "No more eating pastries before bed." She mutters. 

The cold, slimy mud in her feet made Grayson shiver. She glances to the side, where her boots lay neatly side by side. With a sigh, Grayson picks up her boots and starts for home, pondering how she is going to explain her absence to Axelia. 

"Morning Malik," Grayson calls, waving to the man standing by the stables. The man sends back a cheery smile. "Morning Gray!" He responds, setting down the large pain of water. "Out for a morning run?" Malik asks, leaning a shoulder against the stable post. He looks at the girl in front of him. 

Grayson reaches up and pulls a stray leaf from her hair. "Something like that." She replies, rubbing mud from off her hands onto her pants. The tall, dark-skinned man chuckles, stepping toward to young girl rubbing crusted dirt from her nose. 

"Sleep hunting again?" He asks in a voice barely above a whisper. The girl's doe-brown eyes flickered around the vacant stable. Her evident sigh was response enough. 

"I don't know what happens." Grayson blurts. "One minute I'm in my bed, the next I'm laying in a pool of mud." 

Malik strokes his dark goatee. "What about your nightmares? Do they still happen?" He asks, gazing at Grayson. The girl averts her eyes, and the combat trainer notes the uncertain shudder of breaths her chest reveals. 

"I'll take that as a yes," Malik says, his brow furrowing in worry, his eyes flickering a rose colour. 
"Gray, this has been going on for too long."

"You think I can control it?" She explodes. "You think I can just wish this all away? I can't! I hate waking up soaked in sweat. I hate re-living the horrible nightmare I call my past!"

Malik is silent. What could he say? What was there to say? Then a stern cough broke the tense silence. Grayson and Malik turn to see Drace, his cold blue eyes darting between them. 

"Morning Drace." Malik deadpans, a new tension settling in over the previous one. "Malik." The captain of the guard grunted. He turns his attention to Grayson, an unimpressed look on his face. "Alpha, you are wanted in the castle."

The girl nods once, brushing past the older boy with a low growl. "I suggest you shower too." DRace calls, earning nothing but another growl from Gray. 

Once inside, Grayson heads straight for her quarters. Closing the door, she pulls the sweaty, mud-caked shirt from her head and tosses it to the side where it lands in a pile of equally filthy clothes. The girl trudges to the connected bathroom and flips on the water for a shower. 

She wanted nothing more than to relax in a hot bath, but for the sake of time, it just wasn't possible. Removing her remaining clothes, Grayson slips into the shower. Her stressed muscles begin to relax under the warm water. She sighs heavily, letting the steaming water run over her aching back.

Slowly, Grayson can feel herself at ease. Her shoulders relax and her tensed muscles slacken. She stood there, breathing in and out, in and out. Grayson relished the quiet moments she had to herself in privacy. It was peaceful, gave her time to think, be herself, relax. 

But it never lasted. Peace and safety were always short-lived. 

"Your majesty!" A perky voice calls from the hall. Groaning, Grayson knocks her head against the tiled wall. That didn't help her headache at all. 

~ ~ ~ ~

The only thing keeping Leonardo awake was the sweet fruit they munched on for breakfast. "You good bro?" Raph asks, regarding his brother with a suspicious eye. "You look like you spent the night training..."

Leo blinks. "Y-yeah...I just had some trouble sleeping. That's all." He responds, looking away. "Right..." Raph rolls his eyes but doesn't press. Leo was glad he didn't. He wasn't quite ready to explain why he was up all night with the daunting queen of Lycadia. 

"Well, comrades," The professor greets warmly. "I believe it is only natural that we take the day to sightsee." Mikey's eyes grow wide. "For real? Awesome!" Everyone agrees and it is decided. After breakfast, the crew exit their housing and are met with a glaring Drace. 

Casey yelps and leaps into the nearest pair of arms, which ironically, are Donatello's. Mikey dives behind Raph. "Oh, captain!" Fugitoid addresses. "What a great coincidence! We were wondering if we could perhaps tour your town. Sightsee and pass the time as we await the repair of our ship?" 

The captain of the guard seemingly rolls over the idea of his unwanted guests getting out of his way in his mind. "Go. Enjoy the town. Don't cause trouble." With that, he turned and trudged down the hall. "Yes!" Mikey cheers in a whisper behind Raph, hugging April.

A couple minutes later finds the small band down in the courtyard, walking on a path leading to the town. "Howdy." A voice startles them. Turning, they see a man with soft brown eyes, a warm smile, dirty trousers, and a pitchfork in his grasp. 

"Greetings, sir!" The Fugitoid says, cheerfully. The turtles and their human friends wave awkwardly. "You bunch must be the 'guests' I heard about." The man leans on his pitchfork casually. "Yes, we are," April confirms. 

"Does everyone know we are here?" Raphael grumbles, earning Leo's elbow in his side. "Umph.."

The man laughed. It was a genuine, humorous laugh. "Word travels fast around here, son. I guess it's known all over that you have arrived." The red-masked turtle looks away. "Great. Just what we need, more attention." 

Leo ignores his brother and turns to the man. "I'm Leo. These are my brothers, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, and our friends, April and Casey." He introduces. The man tips his hat. "Malik, combat instructor and equine trainer at your service." 

He nods to April and Casey. "Been a while since I've seen any Terren. Nice to meet ya." April shakes her head. "Actually, we are human, not Terren." She corrects with a smile. 

Like a flash of lightning, Malik's smile turns to a look of horror. "Human?" The two teens nod, confused at the look in the man's eyes, which flicker yellow. "Don't let anyone know you are human." He warns. "What?" Casey asks. "Why? You guys got some type of serious alien racism going on or something?" 

Malik backs up, taking his pitchfork with him. "Don't let ANYONE know you are human or are travelling with humans. For your own good." With that, he leaves. Leaving the crew desperately confused. 

"Well, then," Donnie says, breaking the silence. "Anyone want to proceed on our tour?" 

Here you go!  Hope you enjoy!  And what do you think is going on?? Why did Malik react to humans that way? Any ideas? Theories? Let me know!

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