I Cheated Death And He Wants A Divorce

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A low growl comes from a cluster of trees a ways off. Everyone looks towards the direction of the bloodcurdling snarl. "Show yourself!" Soren shouts, dropping the farmer and holding up his sword.

Slowly, a large, dark form approaches. Soren, as brave as he is (or thinks he is), trembles as the figure emerges from the trees. A large wolf with snow-white fur and golden yellow eyes that seem to glow. Fear strikes the hearts of every person present. The female soldier shoves the girl to the quiet soldier who catches her gently. 

The female soldier runs at the wolf and unsheaths her sword. The large beast lowers its head, squaring its shoulders. The young girl turns her face to the man's chest, not wanting to see what comes next. 

And she didn't. The sounds make the girl want to break down crying and then throw up. The wolf takes a few steps forward and bares its teeth, blood and gore dripping from its jaws. Soren charges the wolf, sword swinging. With a swipe of the wolf's paw, the soldier loses his sword. Soren ducks the beasts snapping jaws and pulls out a knife, leaping for the wolf's back. 

The little girl runs to her father. The other soldier runs away, his thoughts only of his own safety. The white wolf tosses aside Soren's mangled body and shakes. Blood stains the snow white fur around the wolf's mouth. Blood of its own body stains the fur on its shoulder. 

The little girl tries to help her father up. She catches her breath as the white wolf approaches. But it now isn't growling. Shuffling its nose under the man, the wolf pushes him up enough for the girl to get him to stand. 

The man looks through a blurred vision at their saviour. "Thank you..." He whispers. The wolf looks to the girl once more before turning and running off into the night, disappearing into the trees. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The stumbling soldier crashes into the throne room, a pale white face and shaking limbs. Drace looks at the young man quizzically and amused. "What is the meaning of this?" Axelia demands from her place beside the throne. 

The young guard steadies himself and tries his best to calm his breathing. "S-sir....Alpha....W-we were on patrol and..-" 

"Shut up and spit it out," Drace says, rolling his eyes. "Get to the point." The soldier wrings his hands tightly. "I saw the former Alpha, Grayson....your highness." 

Drace's icy blue eyes flicker a bright yellow then, a violet. "What?!" He bellows, standing abruptly. The young man flinches and falls to one knee. "It's true, sir. She was in her wolf form. She attacked us, killing everyone but me. She tore them to pieces." 

Drace looks up to Axelia for confirmation, support...anything. But the goth woman looks as mortified and terrified as him. "You tell lies!" Axelia blurts. "You must be one of those riot makers!" She points accusingly at the soldier. 

"There is no possible way in all dimensions that the bastard runt could be alive." Axelia rages as if to not only convince the soldier but herself. "Drace?!" She glares over at the Alpha male. Drace glares back. "You saw me run her own sword through her chest! There is no way she is alive! People don't just come back to life!"

Axelia's heart, as stone cold and black as it is, beats rapidly against her ribcage. "Lockdown." She mutters. The two men look at her. She looks to the young soldier. "Go lock down the whole castle. No one enters or leaves. If there are any suspicious persons, or if anyone questions the orders, kill them."

The young man winces at her words, but nods, turning and running out of the throne room. Drace falls back down into his seat. "This is insane." He breathes, his chest heaving in fear and guilt. "This is on you." He growls. 

Axelia looks at him. "Excuse me?" She snarls. The Alpha looks up at her from his hand. "This is your fault!" He shouts. "You know she's cursed, and you used me to do your dirty work so that if this all went sideways, you would be able to walk away with clean hands!" 

Axelia smirks, laughing in an ear-shattering cackle. "You pathetic mutt! You fed on all the tales I sent your way! You think I would give you the throne because I wanted you to get the recognition you deserve?"

The sandy-haired man held the sword hilt at his waist in a white-knuckled grip. "You evil witch..." The boy growls. "Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Axelia shakes her head, waggling a bony finger. "Remember who killed the former Alpha." Drace's eyes narrow at the woman. How could someone be so manipulative and psychotic?

Soldiers run around the halls, closing doors, locking and bolding them. A large growing shadow creeps up on them one by one, leaving nothing but a howling scream from each as it moves on to its next victim. 

Drace paces the floor of the throne room, his hand behind his back, the blue cape at his shoulders flowing behind him. "We're safe in here, right?" He asks, his forehead wrinkled with worry. 

Axelia runs her hand along the arm of the throne. She looks up, uncrossing her legs. "We'll be fine. Relax, Drace." She rolls her emerald green eyes. "We have the whole militia guarding the castle, plus the door is bolted shut." She traces her finger around the edge of the arm, her long nail scratching the marble with a screeching shing

"There is no way, she'd get in here." The tall woman reassures. The screeching howls of agony, fear and pain make Drace's stomach churn. "You are willing to sacrifice everyone's life if it means you get to live? He turns to look at Axelia who reclines on the throne. The woman smirks. "Wouldn't you?" 

Drace is disgusted. "You are a monster..." He shakes his head. "People are dying out there! You caused this!" Axelia doesn't react to his accusations. "And what would you call the monstrosity trying to break down your throne room door?" 

The sickening crunch of metal splintering causes both Lycadians to freeze. The two mighty doors shift, signalling that the lock on them had been demolished. The doors to the throne room are thrown open, and there, standing with raised hackles, deranged glinting eyes, and a blood-dripping muzzle is none other than the young heir herself. 

Wow, this is really going somewhere, eh? Let me know what you think! Do you think Drace is feeling remorseful? If so, why? What do you think of this version of Grayson?

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