Episode 17

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My Heart Will Go On

Bobby: You know when I knew Rufus was done for? The day I met him. The only question was, who first, him or me? Now, you want to stand there and therapies, or you want to get me some coffee? Make it Irish.

Sam: Why would a handyman have gold just lying around in his garage?

Dean: I don't know. There is definitely a skeleton in his family's closet. I mean, accidents don't just happen accidentally... You know what I mean.

Dean: Good. Good stuff. Anyone own a slave?

Russo: What?

Dean: Routine question. Any ties to the Nazi Party?

Russo: Excuse me?

Dean: Did grandma ever piss off a gypsy?

Sam: Wait, so you saved a cruise liner because...

Balthazar: Because that God-awful Celine Dion song made me want to smite myself.

Sam: Who's Celine Dion?

Balthazar: Oh, she's a destitute lounge singer somewhere in Quebec, and let's keep it that way, please.

Balthazar: Ah, yes. Unfortunately, there's still an Ashton Kutcher. And you still averted the apocalypse, and there are still archangels. It's just the small details that are different, like you don't drive an Impala. Yes, yes. 'What's an Impala?' Trust me, it's not important. And of course, Ellen and Jo are alive.

Dean: Ellen and Jo? What?

Balthazar: Yes, they're supposed to be dead. You see, I save a boat, one thing leads to another, which leads to another thousand things, and yada, yada, yada. To cut a long story short, they don't die in a massive explosion. Mmm. Anyway, let's agree I did a good thing. One less Billy Zane movie and I saved two of your closest friends.

Dean: What'd she look like?

Sam: Kind of like a librarian.

Dean: Your kind of librarian or my kind of librarian?

Sam: Well, she was wearing clothes, if that's what you mean.

Sam: What did we do?

Castiel: Nothing of import, just the tiny matter of averting the apocalypse and rendering her obsolete. I think maybe she's a little irritated about that. And then you go and dangle yourselves in front of her...

Sam: So we've pissed fate off personally.

Ellen: Yeah, you ever hear the saying 'you can't stop fate'? You know, cleanest fix would just be to sink the boat.

Bobby: Why would you say that?

Ellen: Well, because, right now they're all dying bloody. It's not the same as never being born.

Dean: So, wait. Did... Balthazar really, uh, unravel the sweater over a chick flick?

Castiel: Yes. Absolutely. That's what he did.

Sam: Poor bastard. Doesn't even know how good he had it.

Dean: Yeah, well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I say we keep our mouths shut.

Sam: Yeah. I'm with you. Should we wake him?

Dean: Nah. That's probably the best he's felt all week.

Balthazar: Oh come on. I saved people. I thought you loved that kind of thing.

Sam: Yeah, but now those people and their kids and their kids' kids, they must have interacted with- with so many other people, changed so much crap. You totally Butterfly-Effected history!

Dean: Dude. Dude. Rule one, no Kutcher references.

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