Make a Wish

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"Mommy! Mommy!" Screamed the six year old.

The sound of padded feet made its way to the mother's ears as she turned around and smiled at the sight of her only son running toward her with a blinding smile. The beautiful mother opened her warm arms, ready to embrace the child running towards her.

"Come to mommy! Mommy missed wittle Yoongi so much today!" She cooed as she scooped up her giggling son off the floor. "Was mommy's wittle Yoongi good today?"

Yoongi could only smile and laugh as his mother continuously tossed him into the air with her delicate and soft hands. The mother could only smile wider, it was these sort of moments that made her grateful for being alive. Seeing her son so happy made every hard passing day worth it in her eyes, she would do anything just to see Yoongi's face light up with happiness. She stopped tossing her child and resorted to kissing him repeatedly on the cheeks, the forehead, and the temples. She loves giving her son love and attention and Yoongi loves to receive affection.

"Yes! Yes, mommy!" Yoongi giggles out through the endless assault of kisses. "I have been bestest boy in the entire world! Can I show you? Oh please, mommy, let me show you what Yoongi did today!"

The mother laughed as she gently set her precious child onto the floor. As soon as Yoongi's feet touched the ground, he sprinted towards his room, dragging his giggly mother with him by the hand. Yoongi's mother had to lean down in order for Yoongi to be able to grab her hand like that, but she didn't mind at all, quite the contrary, she found his actions to be adorable. The pair trudged and skipped through the hallways until they both reached Yoongi's bedroom.

The door was completely covered in puppy and kitty stickers with a white sheet of paper taped on with the words "Yoongi's Room: DO NOT ENTER UNLESS COOKIES" written on it with purple and black marker. Yoongi gently pushed open the door to reveal a almost completely cleaned room.

To say his mother was shocked would be an understatement, her eyes began to well up with tears as she started to hug Yoongi to the point where he was almost suffocated. Yoongi was a great child, he never cheated, he was smart, and he was extremely popular at school, but he was the type to never clean his room even if it killed him. The room's light blue walls held beautiful patterns of dinosaurs and eggs and almost seemed to have a healthy glow. The bookshelf neatly held all of Yoongi's books and figurines while his desk was completely clean and had neat piles of papers on it. The carpeted floor was spotless of stray clothes or food crumbs.

Yoongi looked back at his mother with the most innocent and prideful eyes of which she has ever since in her entire life. He tilted his head a tiny bit to the left, allowing the light of his room to hit his face at the most perfect angle and create an adorable image.

"Did I do good, mommy? I did it for you." He muttered, embarrassed as he fiddled with his thumbs.

His mother at first said nothing, but she just picked him again and showered him in kisses. Her tears finally dripped down her face as she gently praised him.

"Oh, Yoongi! You have been such a good boy today!" She squealed as she bounced her son in her arms. "I love you more than there are lies in a politician statement!"

"What does that mean, mommy?" Yoongi questioned, as he furrowed his eyebrows adorably.

"Don't worry about it, honey."

Later that night, the mother and her son were both cuddled on Yoongi's bed, reading a picture book about an alien called Tata and how he travels the world in order to become a universal superstar. While reading, Yoongi's mother suddenly recalled a story that she was told as a little girl.

"Yoongi - honey, do you want to hear another story?" His mother said to her son, who was currently snuggling into his pillow.

Yoongi replied with a sleepy nod and a low grumble as he buried his face more into his pillows.

"So, one day there was a handsome prince who lived in the beautiful kingdom of France. The prince was the object of envy of every boy and girl in the kingdom. The prince, however, wasn't interested in either of those suitors, he would much rather just sit on the beach and peacefully watch the sunset.

One day, as he was watching the sunset, he spotted something in the distance. It was a gorgeous pattern of simmering pink scales. The prince couldn't believe his eyes as he saw the most beautiful being climb onto a couple of nearby rocks and wring out his hair. The first thing the prince noticed was the tail that the man seem to have. He was a merman, like the ones in the legends. The prince sat there in shock as the merman left the rocks and swam away. From that day forward, the prince loved the beach even more and he would sit there everyday just to catch a glimpse of the beautiful creature once more.

However, once the kingdom heard of this, the king got angry and arranged a marriage for his son. If that wasn't bad enough, he banned him from going to the beach again. " The mother recited.

Yoongi's mother let out a gentle sigh as she continued.

"But his love for the sea was too strong, and he desperately wanted to see that merman again. Every night he would sneak out of the castle to take a walk around the beach. One day, he was feeling particularly musical and decided to bring his flute with him to the beach. While he was playing, he spotted a few air bubbles popping on the surface and suddenly two piercing blue eyes were staring him with awe. The prince kept on playing, pretending not to notice as the eyes began to swim closer and closer to him. It was the merman that the prince had saw all those years ago. The prince reached out his hand and offered it to the shy merman. Slowly, the merman lifted up his entire head from the water and set his delicate hand on the prince's.

From that day forward, the prince would play his flute everyday on the beach and the merman would join him. They fell in love with each other and longed to be in each other's arms. So, the merman asked with the witch that lived under the sea to be with the prince and was granted with human legs. The prince overthrew his father and married the now human merman and they lived happily forever. The End."

"Have you heard of mermaiden, Yoongi?" She softly whispered to her sleepy son.

"Yes! I heard they're pretty and super duper hot at the same time! Can I have one, mom?" He replied, suddenly more awake.

His mother chuckled as she brushed away some of her son's bangs as she stares lovingly into his eyes.

"Maybe one day, but for now, keep studying. Maybe if you study hard enough, god will grant your wish and bring you a beautiful mermaid to keep and love! Wouldn't you like that, Yoongs?" She cooed as her son giggled.

"I would, mommy! I would like that a lot! I will become the best studier in the world!" 

Yoongi's mother smiles and kisses his forehead as Yoongi was gently lulled into a calming sleep.

"I hope you get your wish." She whispered. "You deserve it."

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