Swimming with a Beat

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Hoseok couldn't believe it, he just got seen by a human! He couldn't believe his luck, first, his friend, Taehyung, stole his favorite pearl necklace and now he just broke the mermaid code. His fins were desperately moving against the current to move as far away as he could from the rock he was just perched on. He could still remember the look of surprise and shock on the human's face as well as his poor attempt at trying to make Hoseok stay. Hoseok had to admit, he was very handsome, his bright brown eyes, his fluffy looking hair, and his porcelain skin all had Hoseok feel dramatically inferior. The more the mermaid thought about it, the more he wondered if he swam away in panic or shame.

Hoseok's face began to burn with embarrassment, his hair was also probably still a mess from the seaweed and his scales were laced with salt.

"You probably look like a mess right now, Hoseokie." He muttered to himself as he sadly swam through the reefs.

His hands were crossed and hugging his body protectively as he shyly swam towards an underwater rock that was surrounded by beautiful and colorful reefs. He gently sat down on the rock, momentarily releasing his hands from his body to help set himself down onto the smooth, cold surface of the rock. Hoseok huffed and released a couple of air bubbles into water. The mermaid watched the bubbles danced to surface, swaying to and fro while still keeping their circular shape. He sighed and laid down on the rock as the water slowly became darker and cooler.

"I better start heading back, don't want Tae to keep worrying about me." Hoseok stated out loud as he begrudgingly rose from the rock and swiftly swam towards his home.

Taehyung, meanwhile, was pacing back and forth with his tail with his hands gripping the necklace even harder than before. He was waiting for Hoseok at the edge of the reef where they lived with the other mermaids. The light behind him glimmered and shined as he stared into the darkness of the ocean where he and the other mermaid were playing earlier today. They were originally planning to come back together, but Hoseok wanted to wring out his hair due to the fact that their seaweed fight got it messy. Taehyung reluctantly agreed and started to swim back while keeping his eyes on his best friend as he lifted himself onto a nearby rock. As Hoseok was cleaning out his hair, Taehyung couldn't help but become mesmerized at his friend's beautiful, shiny pink-ish and orange-ish scales, his slender figure, his tan skin, and his fluffy orange hair. Taehyung could feel his heart pounding in his chest and his face turning a light shade of pink. Not knowing what to do next, he suddenly swam up and jumped out of the water, shocking his friend as he reached for Hoseok's favorite pearl necklace, ripping it off his neck. Taehyung snickered and jumped back into the water, raising the necklace in victory as he shouted.

"I have held your necklace hostage! If you want it back, get home as quickly as you can and pay me with a ransom of a kiss!"

And with that, Taehyung quickly swam towards their home, ignoring Hoseok's whines.

His Hoseokie hasn't come home yet and he was getting very worried. Was it because I grabbed his necklace and he got mad? Taehyung thought as he bit his newly polished nails, Oh, I hope he'll come back soon, if he doesn't Jiminie-hyung will be so freakin pissed. Taehyung felt his body temperature drop as all the worse possible thoughts creeped their way in his mind. Shark attacks, lost in the current, found by a fishing boat, killed by gunfire, washing up onto the beach.........

Taehyung grabbed clumps of his pink and blonde hair as he desperately tried to make the bad thoughts go away. The pearl necklace gently bumping into his cheek as tears slowly became prominent. Just as he was starting to cry, two warm arms swiftly wrapped around him. Taehyung looked down and saw his favorite hyung, Jung Hoseok, clinging into him as he buried his face in his chest. Hoseok gently lifted up his face and looked deeply into the other mermaid's eyes. His small hands reached up and slowly wiped away the other's tears as Taehyung embraced him.

Hoseok was abruptly turned around by Taehyung as the latter began to refasten the pearl necklace around Hoseok's neck. The white pearls were cool against the mermaid's skin and shone brightly.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." Taehyung muttered into the other mermaid's ear. "Next time, I wouldn't even know what to do."

Hoseok flashed him a warm smile as he replied.

"I promise I won't Taetae."

The orange haired mermaid was immediately embraced once more as Taehyung rested his head on top of Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok could feel his friend's smirk against his skin and it caused him to blush.

"Now where's my ransom?" Taehyung blurted out with his cute voice.

Hosoek froze for a moment before trying to squirm out of Taehyung's grasp.

"No ransom! You already gave it back! There's really no need!" He shouted as Taehyung just hugged him tighter.

"Come onnnnnn.... please Hobi?"

Finally, Hoseok let out a big sigh as he leaned over slightly as he gave Taehyung a quick peck on the cheek. As soon as his lips touched his friend's cheek, he felt a soft bubbling in his stomach. It made him warm and giddy on the inside despite how cold the water is. The orange haired mermaid was as red as apple as his friend released him from his grasp and reached for his hand. Hoseok happily complied and intertwined his fingers with Taehyung's much bigger ones, however, he was looking away into the distance in pure embarrassment. Is it bad that he like the kiss and the softness that was Taehyung's cheeks? But what about Jiminie? He never liked it when Hoseok would show anyone else affection.

The two mermaids swam hand in hand as they both searched for their home among the beautiful coral reefs. If Hoseok had looked at Taehyung after the kiss, he would have noticed how pink his friend was, as well as the hearts in his eyes.

"Hoseok....." Taehyung whispered.

"Yeah?" Hoseok replied quietly.

"Lets hope Jiminie doesn't kill me for this." Taehyung said as he chuckled.

"Why would he? You didn't do anything wrong." Hoseok said with an innocent head tilt.

"Cause, he would hate the fact that I got to spend so much time with you today."

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