Catch of the Day

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"I'm just saying, Yoongi, if the you had a choice between being able to have babies or not being able to jack it, what would be your choice?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi pondered for a second before answering.

"Well, I would assume both would led to each other, like, logically, if you can't masturbate, then you can't have babies. And by that logic, if you can't release sperm, you can't have babies and masturbate. What? Do you mean like you get a vasectomy? Or like you can only savor release inside someone?"

"Yeah, sort of. Like your swimmers just don't work properly unless their inside someone." Jungkook snickered under his breath.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the immature freshman. They were both heading over to the ocean to conduct their plan in mermaid capture. Before they left, their teacher started the class with a lesson on sexual reproduction and anatomy.

It was a lecture that left every student really uncomfortable and it was so awkward afterwards that it was almost funny. Long story short, not the best 7th lecture to have with a bunch of strangers.

"Well, I would just either hire a lot of prostitutes or get a boyfriend. Both shouldn't be too hard." Yoongi replied, fiddling with his phone.

"That's what she said." Jungkook coughed into his hand.


Yoongi drew his attention to the window of the car, and watched the bright colors of the beach and the sunset move past the car. He internally groaned as he thought of the homework he was gonna have to make up because of this trip. Although, it did make him feel better knowing Jungkook would have to do the same. He slipped on his headphones, letting himself get lost into the music.

"We're here, hyung."

Jungkook's smooth voice knocked Yoongi out of his daydream.

"Thanks, Jungkook, for everything. And hey, if we do get a mermaid? What do you want to do with it?" Yoongi asked as he fumbled with his seat belt.

Jungkook seemed to pause for a moment before replying.

"Well, take pictures and record a video, that's obvious, but maybe I'll just release them back into the ocean. Unless, of course, if they know about my diamond, then in that case I'll threaten them to tell me of his whereabouts."

Yoongi nodded at Jungkook's answer, he was glad Jungkook wasn't petty or an asshole. Any other person would've done something to endanger the mermaids, like kill one and study their innards or put them in a aquarium for some money.

The duo got their supplies and headed towards the beach, kicking up the sand as they do.

However, both were in complete shock to see what had washed up upon the beach.

A certain orange haired male was lying on the beach with blood trickling down his forehead. His stomach area and legs were completely surrounded by scattered, weird pink and orange colored scales. As the wind blew, some of the scales flew away towards the ocean.

Jungkook and Yoongi quickly dropped all their supplies and rushed over to the unconscious body, almost tripping over the sand mounds on the way. Jungkook rushed over and lifted up the body, bridle style. Yoongi came over a second later, just in time to see the other brushing off the giant pink scales from the boy's thick thighs, shove some into his pockets for later study.

Yoongi gasped as he recognized the boy and judging by Jungkook's face, he could tell who it was as well.

It was his angel, and Jungkook's diamond, except, he had a human body. It was this point, Yoongi and Jungkook both started to blush furiously and tried to avert their eyes from the beautiful and naked boy in Jungkook's arms.

"God, this guy is light. It's like he doesn't eat anything." Jungkook murmured to Yoongi, as not to wake up the boy.

The boy was very skinny, but toned as well. His sun-kissed skin also seemed very squishy and soft, Yoongi couldn't help himself from reaching over and caressing the sleeping boy's cheek with his hand. His time was cut short when Jungkook started to drag him away towards his car, leaving Yoongi to pick up the stuff they dropped.

The male grumbled as he rapidly brushed the sand off of Jungkook's camera. You would think this kid would take care of his stuff, especially since it was expensive. But then again, a diamond is worth more than everything they had combined.

After picking everything up and carrying them in his hands, he found Jungkook waiting for him beside his car, still holding the orange haired boy in his arms. Jungkook seemed to be mesmerized by the boy's soft features and bright orange hair. Yoongi snickered to himself and brought the other back into reality.

Blushing, the ashburn male motioned for Yoongi to open the back car door for him. Yoongi sauntered over, running his hand through the fluffy tuft of orange hair in Jungkook's arms before opening the car door.

Jungkook glares at him before turning his attention to getting the boy into the car seat and bucking up his seatbelt. Being as gentle as possible, Jungkook set him down in a sitting position, with his back resting against the seat. As he was reaching for the seatbelt, the unconscious boy unknowingly nuzzled into Jungkook's neck, stopping his movements immediately.

Yoongi muffled his laugh with his hand as he watched his friend's cheeks grow into a attractive shade of pink. Jungkook froze, not knowing what to do, nor wanting this moment to stop, the boy's lips were resting on his neck and they felt so warm.

Luckily, the sleeping orange haired boy shifted again, removing his lips from Jungkook's neck. Sighing in disappointment and relief, the ashburn haired boy buckled up the seatbelt and got up to shut the car door gently.

Yoongi watched as his friend walked to the driver's side and opened the door, embarrassed. Jungkook inserted his keys and started to drive towards his own dorm. Yoongi simply put on his earbuds and stared outside at the quickly retreating sunset, occasionally glancing back at the boy in the back.

My angel is back... Thank you mom, god... For finally bringing me my mermaid.

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