Two More

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"What do you mean you lost your camera's memory card on the goddamn beach?!"

"I think that sentence itself is pretty self explanatory, hyung." Jungkook said, watching the orange haired boy stumbling to walk.

After waking up for a second time, the boy lifted the blanket off himself and stared at his legs. He was fascinated with how his legs worked and moved. So after introducing themselves and letting Hoseok give them cute nicknames: "Kookie" and "Yoon-yoon", Jungkook and Yoongi both tried to teach the boy normal human stuff, like walking... and paying taxes, but that will have to come later.

Hoseok was walking like a newborn fawn, shaking adorably in the over-sized sweater Jungkook lent him. His hands were pressed up against Jungkook's chest as he struggled to even stand up straight. Yoongi was sitting in the corner of the room, sulking, when he tried to teach Hoseok how to walk, Hoseok nearly pushed him over when he tripped. So Jungkook offered to help instead, arguing that he was heavier so it wouldn't be as easy to tip him over.

"Well, I'm clearly too busy to go fetch it, you better go, hyung." Jungkook said, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's waist to steady him. "Careful!"

Hoseok slipped, only to be caught be Yoongi as he made his way to the door.

"Owwwwww..." Hoseok squeaked as he rubbed the back of his thighs. "That hurts... how do humans do this all the time?"

Yoongi opened his eyes, only to find out that Hoseok was situated between his legs on all fours. The elder blushed as he struggled to get the orange haired male up onto his dainty feet again.

"Don't worry about it, you'll get used to it." Yoongi grumbled as he failed at hiding his blush.

"I'm really sorry, Yoon-yoon." Hoseok mutters cutely. "Once mermaids like me reach the surface, we shed our scales and grow legs. So this is my first time."

"That makes sense, but can you go back into a mermaid?" Yoongi questioned.

Hoseok's grin faultered as he shook his head.

"No, sadly, once mermaids leave, they can't go back. That's why we banish mermaids by throwing them out of the water."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Yoongi said, scratching the back of his head. "Anyway, why don't you go get your shit yourself?" He said, this time directed at Jungkook, desperately trying to change the subject.

"If I go, who's gonna protect our precious wittle Hobi?" Jungkook cooed as he squished Hoseok's cheeks. The male in his grasp giggled as he playfully pushed Jungkook's chest with his tiny, delicate hands.

All three boys were unaware of a certain purple haired male staring at them from the doorway.

"I'll do it." Namjoon said with an excited tone as he entered into Jungkook's room.

Jungkook instantly shot his roommate a glare as he attempted to hide the confused Hoseok behind his back. Yoongi was preparing to kick the intruder in thigh and drive him all of the way to China.

"Hell to the fucking no! I may be the youngest, but I ain't stupid. You're probably gonna lock him up somewhere and kidnap him!" Jungkook hissed.

"So am I just a criminal to you? I have an IQ of 140, thank you very much." The purple haired male huffed as he crossed his arms.

"That just means you'll be able to get away with it!"

"You son of a --"

"The hell is going on here?" Seokjin interrupted, hitting Namjoon on "accident" with a frying pan.

Hoseok, being the confused and innocent baby he is, had to idea what was happening. All the boys in the dorm started talking over one another and it was clearly giving Seokjin a migraine. The talking gradually got louder until the eldest shut everyone with the loud sound of a frying pan against Jungkook's wall.

"Alright! That's enough. First of all, I didn't come to college to babysit a bunch of horny teens who can't resist a cute boy!" Seokjin said harshly, walking over to Hoseok and gently stroking his hair, confusing the small male even more. "And two, here's the plan. You two," pointing at Yoongi and Jungkook, "are going to get the kid's camera back--"

"But hyung--!" Jungkook started to whine.

Another loud, defiant clang cracked the surface of Jungkook's wall. Hoseok squeaked and buried himself into Seokjin's chest, completely ditching Jungkook's embrace.

"Did I effing stutter?!" He screamed, wiping away the tears that pricked Hoseok's eyes as he did so. That sentence seemed to make Jungkook shrink. "As I was saying, you a-holes get the camera and me and Namjoon will watch this complete and utterly adorable angel from heaven." His tone seemed to grow soft and gentle when describing the male in his arms.

Hoseok peaked from under his orange colored bangs and met with the beautiful face of Seokjin. He couldn't resist reaching over and caressing the other's cheek. Hoseok's eyes grew wide as he felt the soft skin under his finger pads.

"So pretty..." The orange haired male said.

The frying pan fell out of the owner's hand as his face grew hot and red. He was quick to peck the younger boy on the forehead and on his cheeks. The boy laughed and giggled while Seokjin gushed out affection towards Hoseok.

"Now go get your stuff, Kook -ah." Seokjin says as he picks Hoseok up and exits the room with Namjoon behind him.

Namjoon threw the duo one final smirk before closing Jungkook's door behind him.

Yoongi finally got some feeling in his legs, he swore he just went cold-blooded for the past three minutes.

"What. The. Fu--"


Yoongi sighed as Jungkook ranted in the car. He couldn't even enjoy his music because he could still hear the younger yapping away even with his earbuds in.

The trip to the beach felt a lot longer this time, the colors of the sky and water were now turning darker. The elder lets his fingers gloss over the cold glass the the car window as he traces the horizon. He admires the contrasting color of his pale skin and the deep indigo the sea and the fading pink and purple of the sky.

As they pull up to the parking lot of the beach, Yoongi quick undid his seat belt and rushed out. The cool sea air invaded his senses and calmed him while Jungkook was rushing down, still screaming profanities on his way down. Yoongi chuckled as it reminded him when he got angry about his 89.5 in school.

The cursing suddenly stopped and was replaced with Jungkook screaming "hyung" continuously. Yoongi quickly rushed over, thinking it was probably something important.

"What is it, Jungkook... Oh my god."

Once he reached Jungkook's side, he saw two more males lying on the beach, covered in scales of varying colors. One male had black hair and had green scales surrounding him while the other had a mix of pink and blonde hair with indigo scales instead. They were breathing heavily and their bodies are still covered in seawater.

"They must have just reached the surface." Jungkook mutters and he brushes the scales to the side to try to pick the boys up.

Yoongi snagged a couple of scales before doing the same. The duo lugged the two unconscious males into the car.

"Do you know why this is so weird? Nobody knew about these bastards for hundreds of years and now we, two normal college student, have seen three that washed up on shore?" Jungkook said.

"That is weird, you think these two have something to do with Hoseok?" Yoongi said as he directed his gaze towards the two males in the backseat.

"Oh definitely."

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