New Kid

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"Class, there will be a new student joining us today. Just thought you should know in case you all start asking why he wasn't on the attendance sheet." Mr. Lee muttered as he flipped through his lesson plans.

Yoongi snorted as he watched the other students start gossiping and muttering about this new student. It was stupid, they went to the top high school in Seoul, just so they could gossip about a new student?! It was pathetic.

Yoongi flipped open his notebook and started to record his thoughts for the day. This notebook was bright blue and had a few puppy stickers on it. Yoongi assumed that his mother was searching for reusable school supplies and found this mostly empty notebook for him to use. Because he had time to burn, Yoongi began to flip through the notebook for any nostalgia filled notebook pages. Most of the pages were empty, as he suspected, but there were a few pages that were filled.

The pages were filled with doodles and little comments. The first page was a childish drawing of a mermaid with heart eyes with the caption "When will I met them?". Yoongi suddenly felt touched, suddenly he reached for a red pen and wrote under the caption: "I met them yesterday, 9/28/19". Yoongi internally smiled as he recalled the beautiful mermaid. His happiness was soon replaced by bitterness and despair, also known as his teacher's voice.

"Ahhh, here he is. Introduce yourself, I guess. I don't actually care enough." Mr. Lee stated in his usual monotone voice as he flipped through the newspaper.

Yoongi was quickly snapped out of his thoughts and directed his eyes away from the pages and to the front of the classroom. He quickly also snapped his notebook shut to hide the embarrassing hand drawn pictures from his youth as well as his neat reply to it. The new student was shyly standing at the front of the class and his eyes were directed at the floor. His asburn hair was cutely cut to imitate some sort of Kpop star and his skin was a light shade of peach and flawless.

Once the new student raised his head, all hell broke loose inside the classroom. All the girls had their ovaries exploded and all the boys were either dying or just in shock at the handsomeness before them. His eyes were big and round and had a beautiful chocolate shade. His smile was blinding and two perfect rows of teeth. His face had the resemblance of an adorable bunny.

The only person who seemingly wasn't affected was Min Yoongi, he seemed uninterested in the new student. After all, he comes way short to the absolute god he saw a few weeks ago. As soon as the presence of the mermaid comes to mind, Yoongi blushes. He kept his head down as he tried to block out what the new student is saying about himself.

"... and I am totally in the love with the ocean. Yeah, I did come to study as a doctor, but I wish to be become a marine biologist someday. Trust me, I have read so many books and articles, that there's not a single creature that I haven't seen before!"

Yoongi lifted up his head for the first time during the new kid's speech. Not a single creature? Yoongi smirks and lays his head back against the seat. Maybe he would start his day by proving a kid wrong. Yoongi never liked to admit it, but he loved being a smartass. It was just so satisfying to know that you're right and they're wrong, unless you're wrong, then that's just embarrassing.

"...and that's all you really need to know about me! Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not taken. Yet."

As the new kids finished his speech, the hell of hell broke loose. The girls basically fainted on top of their desks with blood coming out of their noses while the guys either sat there completely frozen or started doing finger guns and winking at him. After a few seconds of silence, Mr. Lee eventually looked up from his newspaper. He eyes the classroom and took note of the passed out girls and shocked boys. Looks like we got ourselves a classic fuckboy, Mr. Lee thought to himself, would be a shame if he ended up getting all these girls pregnant.

"Well, clearly, we won't be able to learn anything today..." He told everyone in the class, he eyed Yoongi and gave him a almost "Good job, you're not a dipshit" look of approval. "I guess the rest of class is study period. Don't start smoking weed again."

Yoongi watched his teacher get up and leave the classroom, newspaper in his hand. The boy sauntered over and sat in the only seat available, which was the one next to Yoongi. The boy was winking and blowing kisses to all the other students, causing them to lose even more of their common sense and self dignity. Now that Yoongi thought about it, he never caught the boy's name. What was it?

"Hey." The new student said to Yoongi. "The name's Jeon Jungkook, what about yours?"

Yoongi cleared his throat and replied.

"Min Yoongi. Pleasure to meet you."

Yoongi stuck his hand and Jungkook eagerly accepted it. After the handshake, Jungkook spoke again.

"Sorry about this, but, and you'll have to indulge me, you're gonna have to be my only friend for now. I don't know if you can tell, but you're the only one that seems normal with my presence." Jungkook shyly stated as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Yoongi took a look around the classroom, the girls were drooling and fixing their makeup, presumingly so they could impress Jungkook , and the boys were all trying to act tough and winking at the new student.

"No problem really." Yoongi coolly said as he leaned back into his seat again. "Now that you're my friend, I do have a question about marine biology for you."

Jungkook perks up and leans towards his seat mate with curiosity shining in his eyes.

"What question? Well, I hope I can answer you, I'll do my best! I have been studying for hundreds of hours for this!" He  said, triumphantly.

Yoongi smirked as he whispered into Jungkook's ear.

"So you seen every creature right? What about mermaids?"

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