Trust Fall

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Was he being too bold? Hoseok really didn't seem to think so, after all, for the past two days, Yoongi and Jungkook have given him so many kisses on the forehead and cheeks. The warm loving feeling they gave him seemed to match with the ones he got from Taehyung and Jimin, so Hoseok wanted to see if their kisses felt just as sweet.

Yoongi was the first lab rat to be tested, and so far, he seems to scared to step up to take the test. The taller male was rubbing the back of neck nervously while looking away at the ceiling above them, blushing hard on both cheeks. Hoseok was slowly becoming overwhelmed with nervousness himself, but it was too late to back down now. Hoseok's orange hair bounced in the air slightly as he shuffled towards Yoongi, reaching out to grip the other's shirt.

Because Hoseok was shorter than Yoongi, he had to look up in order to find Yoongi's eyes. As he looked up, he could see Yoongi's piercing dark brown eyes staring back at him, full of nervousness and a bit of lust.

Neither boys remember who made the first move, but they will never forget how well their lips fit with each other's. Hoseok could feel himself melting in the other's hold. The gentleness of each other's hold drew them even closer together. The kiss was sweet and innocent, no tongue, no moaning, no other intentions, just a pure and cute kiss.

Yoongi knew that Hoseok was probably still an innocent bean, and it took every ounce of willpower he had in his body to not pounce onto the frail boy in his arms and mark him as his. The orange haired boy's lips were soft and delicate against his and it felt absolutely magical. Yoongi began to rake his cold, pale hands through the soft locks of Hoseok's hair, relishing in the cute squeaks Hoseok made from his actions. After about a minute of soft kissing, both of them pulled away. Hoseok's face was painted a pretty shade of pink that spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears.

"You're amazing," Yoongi whispers, "We don't deserve someone like you."


Embarrassed, Hoseok buried his face into the pillow and wrapped himself up in more of the blanket. Yoongi chuckled at how cute he looked. Soon, light snores could be heard coming from Hosoek's mouth as he dozed off. Yoongi smiled and leaned over to plant one more peck on his lips until--.

A quiet but audible knock suddenly broke the perfectly peaceful atmosphere between the two of them. They both ignored the first knock, but more and louder knocks followed. Yoongi grumbled as he begrudgingly lifted himself from Hoseok's sweet embrace as he opened the door. There stood Jimin and Taehyung, who were being held up by Namjoon and Jungkook, they were definitely looking for Hoseok.

"Where's—" Taehyung started to say before being shushed by Yoongi.

Yoongi walked away from the doorway and allowed the four other boys catch a glimpse of the sleeping Hoseok. Jimin cooed and nearly fell out of Namjoon's hold trying to get to the boy in the bed. Taehyung wasn't much better, he was smacking Jungkook's forearm as a way of telling him to move.

Once all five boys managed to get inside the room, they all plopped beside the bed just to watch Hoseok breathe. Jimin laid his head down on the bed, allowing his black locks to brush against his own forehead as he stared lovingly at Hoseok. Taehyung reached his hand out to feel and caress Hoseok's hip underneath the blanket. Yoongi was sitting in a chair in the back of the room, talking with Jungkook about excuses they can use to get out of doing homework for their class.

"We could just say we're sick." Jungkook says. "Or say we have family issues."

"Or we can just pull an allnighter to get it all done." Yoongi replies, clearly having experience in the art of procrastination as a younger teen. "Besides, wouldn't it be suspicious if we both do that on the same day? People will start assuming and the teacher won't buy it."

Jungkook huffed, puffing out his cheeks cutely as he disagreed, he was a good child, so doing something like this on the second week of school was a huge no-no. But, he loved Hoseok way more than he loved sleep, so he agreed to spending all night learning and catching up with Yoongi.

"He's soooooo precious when he sleeps." Jimin gushes, blush surrounding his cheeks and eyes sparkling with glee.

"Damn right he does." Namjoon said, laying his head down on the bed next to Hoseok's blanket covered thigh. "Speaking of which, we need to wake him up soon, Jin-hyung is making us a really late dinner."

Hearing that caused both Taehyung and Jimin to instantly perk up with interest.

"Food?" Questioned Jimin.

"Food." Taehyung repeated.

Both men gleefully hugging each other while muttering some stupid song and crying tears of joy. Namjoon and the others laughed at the silly display, but no one noticed how Hoseok stirred under the blankets because of the commotion.

"Mmmmmmmmmm" A cute groan escaped from Hoseok's lips as he rises out of the comfy bed.

Jimin and Taehyung pounced onto the bed, almost crushing Hoseok in the process. They showered him in kisses and praises. Hoseok was turning a burning red in the process as he tried to get them to stop. Unfortunately, his giggling didn't seem to help strengthen and tone, so neither boys took him seriously. Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi watched the display with envy, wanting to be that close to Hoseok as well.

Finally, Hoseok managed to get the two boys off of him. Once he did however, he asked them one fatal question.

"Jimin, Taehyung, how did I get up here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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