Pick me Up

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"What the hell is this?" Jimin questions gruffly, poking the weird organ that lies in between his legs.

Taehyung looked down and saw that he had the same thing. He was also confused at what it was, so he grabbed it and flinched at how strange it felt. The humans were chuckling at how clueless and stupid these two seemed. Luckily, Hoseok wasn't around, since he fell asleep again after embracing Jimin. After a short, but grueling battle of who would carry him to bed, Yoongi cradled him, bridle style, to Jungkook's bedroom. Taehyung and Jimin wanted to take "their Hobi" up, but they soon realized that they couldn't walk at all without falling. It reminded Jungkook of when Hoseok first came here. Seokjin figured Hoseok passed out since he hasn't eaten in two days, it would make sense, seeing how thin the boy is.

"It's a dick." Namjoon explained as he snickered at how clueless the two looked. "To put it simply, all human males have it. It's how we make babies, you see, when a man and woman love each other very much--"

"Does Hobi have one?" Taehyung asked, cutting Namjoon off. The purple haired male's eyebrow twitched in annoyance from being interrupted.

"Yes, he does." Namjoon gritted out, trying to keep his patience. "Like I was saying, every male—"

"Wait, hold the phone," Behind Jimin, Taehyung replied with, "Holding." "Humans can actually create babies? So how does it work? Can two males have babies like we can? And how do you actually make babies?" Jimin asked Taehyung, who just shrugged. Namjoon was being held back by Jungkook, he was so close to beating up these two naked males on their couch.

"Am I a joke to you?" Namjoon yelled, flustered. Behind him, Jungkook coughed out a "maybe".

"Do you guys not create babies?"Seokjin asked out of curiosity.

Both males on the couch shook their head, Taehyung looked over at Jimin, wondering who was going to start explaining. Jimin sat there, silent and blushing, so Taehyung took over.

"Well, you see... it's kinda embarrassing to talk about... It's pretty private." Taehyung started, also starting to blush. "But basically, we go to the 'egg store' and the town psychics choose which egg is best for which family. Afterwards, the egg gets born into a fish and then the fish slowly turns into a mermaid."

"Ohhhh, so it's kinda like ours." Jungkook said.

"No, not really." Namjoon sighed, face palming.

This ending up leading to a three hour conversation of how babies are made and just random, stupid stuff. Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jungkook actually had some fun talking with Jimin and Taehyung. They learned that Jimin was actually part of the town psychics before he ran away and he had special symbols to prove it. The large blue and purple circle on Jimin's shoulder and back with two large dark stripes across both his forearms were still there and the other three males were mesmerized by it. Taehyung talked about Hoseok a lot, both because the others were interested and due to how cute Hoseok seemed in those stories.

Namjoon, being the smart and shameless one, was telling Jimin and Taehyung way too much about the human body than Jungkook and Seokjin were comfortable with. Jungkook was speaking passionately about video games and his medical classes, to which Seokjin answered with, "You're smart, we get it!". The eldest of the group, Seokjin, was asking them everything about mermaids, from what they ate to how they survived. Jimin would laugh and answer all of Seokjin's questions while Taehyung would get into stupid arguments with Jungkook about how swimming was better and faster than walking.

"It's so much faster, besides, what's lighter than water?" Taehyung argued.

"I don't know-- AIR?!" Jungkook retorted.

"It doesn't feel lighter though, and besides, when you're in water, it's like you're floating. Are you saying that floating and moving isn't faster than just moving?!"

"I don't even know what the hell you're saying at this point."

While the boys were bickering and enjoying themselves downstairs, Yoongi was staring at Hoseok's soft features as he slept. Yoongi was lying on the cramped bed right next to the orange haired male. Soon, their peaceful moment was broke by the ringing of Yoongi's phone.

"Fuck, who the hell would care about me this much to call me now?" Yoongi mutters under his breath, careful to not wake Hoseok up as he took the call.


"Min to the fucking Yoongi! Where have you been all weekend!?" His sister, Min Yoonji, screeched into his ears. Yoongi cringed and held the phone away from him and Hoseok as he could hear incoherent screams from the other end.

Once the screams died down, Yoongi got brave enough to put the phone next to his ear again.

"Sorry, Yoonji, shit happened and I needed to stay here both yesterday and today. I'll tell you later." Yoongi gruffly said.

"Spill the tea, sister." Yoonji said.

"Not now, I'm in bed and--"

"OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Yoongi groaned at his sister's reaction. "I'm so sorry, bro! I wouldn't have called if you were getting laid!"

"I'm not getting la--"

"I'm really sorry about that, but no matter now. So how did it feel? Did you bottom or top? Did you use protection? Were they handsome or cute and had any sort of kinks? Did you try coconut oil like I recommended, cause that is the shit.--"

"For fuck's sake, I didn't get laid, Yoonji!" Yoongi whispered shouted into his phone, feeling his cheeks grow warm and pink.

"Ohhh, I get it, you're just sleeping in someone else's bed with someone next to you and you're staring at them--" "Oh, hey you got it--" Yoongi said, cutting Yoonji. "and the both of you guys are naked." Yoonji finished.

"No, asshole, none of us are naked."

"Ah, so you admit to being in someone else's bed with someone next to you!" Yoonji exclaimed.

Yoongi doesn't remember pressing the hang up button, but he did. The dull sounds of his angel breathing next to him comfort him. After about a few minutes of labored breathing, Yoongi hears the cutest whimper in his life, and turns on his side to find Hoseok awake and rubbing his eye with his sweater paw. 

"Yoonie?" Hoseok whispered, eyes all big and innocent. Yoongi swore he felt a thousand degrees hotter. Hoseok stretched out his arms, inviting Yoongi to cuddle him. He obliged immediately, snuggling the orange haired male in his embrace.

"Is Jiminie and Tae okay?" Hoseok asks.

"They're alright, just worry about yourself for now." Yoongi replies, running his hand through Hoseok's hair. 

"I'm tired, Yoonie... cold." Hoseok brought his sweater paws up to his face to muffle his yawn and Yoongi almost died from cuteness overload right then and there. 

Yoongi quickly threw a blanket onto both of them, covering them completely.

"Better?" Yoongi asks, cupping Hoseok's face.

"No." Hoseok pouted, cutely before pointing at his lips. "Cold here."

And just like that, Yoongi exploded on the spot.

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