More than you think

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Yoongi didn't get the reaction he was expecting. He was expecting a shocked and offended expression or a long talk about how he was being super fictional and childish for a freshman in college, but instead he got a wide smile and a pair of interested, twinkling eyes. Jungkook looked around, just to make sure no one else was listening, before eventually speaking.

"Why? Have you seen one too?"

The other boy nodded in confirmation, slightly shocked at the fact that Jungkook has seen one too. Jungkook smiled before digging into his light blue backpack, clearly in search of something. Yoongi could hear rustling from the inside of the backpack, it sounded like he carried a camera in there judging by the sound of metal and glass. After a few moments of searching, Jungkook proudly pulled out a large light yellow colored folder with the words "JK's Diamond" on it. Jungkook then plopped it onto Yoongi's desk with a small exaggerated hand gesture.

The boy slowly took the folder and opened it, not really knowing what to expect. Once he took a glimpse of the pictures inside the folder, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

Inside the folder... are pictures of his angel.

Yoongi was certain of it, he could recognize the feminine figure, the soft-looking and tan skin, the bright orange hair, his pink tail, and most of all, the black sun on his arm. Yoongi couldn't see his face though, the pictures were just of his backside and his pink and orange tail. The mermaid was perched on top of a different rock and it looked like he was talking to a seagull that was perched on his arm. The other pictures show the mermaid doing other adorable things like comb his hair with a branch or decorating his hair with different types of shells and starfish. The last photo that Yoongi flipped to is the orange haired mermaid jumping off the rock, his orange hair bouncing cutely.

After Jungkook realizes that Yoongi has seen all the photos, he asked him about the mermaid on the page.

"I-I.." Yoongi stuttered, he's speechless.

"I know, right?" Jungkook said as he smirked. "He's a pretty one. I call him my diamond, cause that's how precious he is to me. I met him, kinda, when I went to the beach to take some photos of the sand, the bright blue ocean, you know, that sort of stuff. But instead, I met the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

Jungkook didn't notice the other male clenching his fist around the photos, crumbling them a tiny bit in the corner. Yoongi has beyond furious, how dare this boy think that his angel belongs to him? This mermaid was Yoongi's, and he wanted the mermaid to know it too.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was dreamily looking off into space. His eyes glittered and shone with love. Any person could tell that Jungkook was a lovestruck, whipped mess. The ashburn haired boy sighed and reached over to take the photos out of Yoongi's grasp. Yoongi gave them up reluctantly, shoving the pictures back into the folder before aggressively slapping it in the other's hand. Jungkook took no notice to his behavior and started to continue his story about how he met the mermaid.

"Anyway, as I was about to leave, I saw the creature on top of this rock. He was facing the other direction so I got the opportunity to take a few photos of him before we swam away. Did you ever see a mermaid?"

Although Yoongi has already answered his question before, he nodded in confirmation again. His throat suddenly became dry as he tried to speak.

"Where did you see this mermaid?" He asked.

"Oh, well...... ummmm.... you see.... I don't really remember...." Jungkook nervously started.

Yoongi could understand his hesitation with telling him the location. After all, if someone asked him for the location, they would get a punch in the face and a threat.

"It's the beach near Busan, right?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook gasped and covered his mouth with his hand before nodding slowly. Yoongi reassures him.

"Shhhh, don't worry... I saw my mermaid over there too." He whispered.

Jungkook was relieved, he placed his hand on his chest to rest his heartbeat before opening his mouth once more.

"Soooooooooooo?" He said with a perverted look.

"So what?" Asked Yoongi, who was legitimately confused at Jungkook's weird expression.

Jungkook giggled for a moment before replying.

"How beautiful was yours? Can it even compare with mine?"

Yoongi froze for a moment, his mind running at a million miles per hour trying to find what to say. Should I admit that we saw the same one? Or lie?, Yoongi thought, I don't want him to think that I might be a competitor for my ange— l mean, his "diamond". Besides, he might be able to help me see him again, after all he is studying to become a marine biologist.

Yoongi's heartbeat started to pick up as he thought of the mermaid again. He started to daydream for a second about the creature's orange hair and how soft it would feel between his fingertips, however he was quickly dragged back into reality when he hears Jungkook clear his throat, obviously irritated with the lack of answer.

"I couldn't really get a proper look at mine." Yoongi quickly fibbed. "All I really saw was them jumping into the water with their fish tail."

Jungkook raised his eyebrow, skepticism stewing in his mind, however, he quickly shrugged it off once Yoongi started talking again.

"Hey, not to be rude, but do you know how to find or lure a mermaid?" Yoongi asked, pretending to be shy by twiddling the hem of his shirt with his thumbs. "It's just that, the one you saw is beautiful, I just want to see one close up! Besides, I bet you want to see your diamond again right?"

Yoongi wanted to mentally slap himself for forcing his mouth to say the diamond part, but he knew that in order to find that mermaid, he needed that help. Jungkook quickly answered back.

"Yeah, actually, I spent some time researching it last month. The process is pretty simple. And if you're that interested, I'll let you tag along next time I head over to the beach."


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