Hook, Line, and Sinker

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"I didn't know that baiting a mermaid required bribery." Yoongi chuckled as Jungkook puts the finishing touches on his little project.

"It's the only way it would work, hyung!" Jungkook whined as he tries to steady his hand. "Mermaids are attracted to shiny things, plus, I spent all year making it! Also, it has look real, otherwise, it won't work."

The project Jungkook is so attached to is a small but accurate replica of a conch pearl, one of the rarest pearls in the world. The largest pearl is about the size of a marble and had a gorgeous pink tint to it.

Currently, Jungkook was dabbing some finishing touches onto his replica. Luckily, they were hanging out in the university library, so almost no one was around them. That also means no one will suspect that the two were forging a pearl to get some Mafia money or something.

"How do you know that the mermaid won't instantly swim away once you start pulling the string?" Yoongi questioned, reading his textbook.

"Easy, there will be a net surrounding the area, once I feel the tug, you will loop the net around and catch them!" Jungkook said.

Yoongi now understood why Jungkook needed his help in the first place. He had to admit, it was a good plan, but something in his head told him it wasn't gonna be as simple as it sounded. Also if you said the plan out loud, it sounded kinda stupid.

"Couldn't we just lure in the mermaid with a piece of meat or something?" Yoongi asked, ruffling his blue hair.

Jungkook gave him a hard stare.

"Hyung, you nor I will not be sticking our dicks into the ocean and hoping for a bite." He replied.

The blue haired boy couldn't stop his laughter while Jungkook shook his head continuously with mock disgust as he continued.

"Like, really? We would either end up with a bloody penis or get arrested for trying. Maybe if we're lucky, we'll mentally scar a child while we're at it."

Tears started to flow from Yoongi's eyes as he doubled over laughing. He definitely had to write down some of these quotes from Jungkook, and maybe he can publish a comedy book with only those sentences.

As Yoongi was on the verge of passing out, Jungkook lifted up his "pearl" up to the sunlight and smiled as he saw the object glimmer and shine. The "pearl" was a bright whiteish pinks and is about a quarter of the size of a marble. The boy smiled to himself, impressed with his own work.

The beauty of the pearl reminded him of the mermaid, his diamond, and he confirmed that the mermaid's eyes were much shinier than this pearl.

"Not gonna lie, mate. That's pretty good craftsmanship you got there." Yoongi said, as he snatched the "pearl" out of his hands to take a closer look. "And just double checking, this is water proof, right?"

"... How dare you assume that I would be that stupid? Of course it is!"

Jungkook threw his hands into the air, as Yoongi chuckled and placed the object back onto the table. The "pearl" started to roll against Yoongi's textbook until Jungkook caught with his hand and gently placed it into a wedding ring box. Jungkook shook the book slowly to hear the sweet sound of the "pearl" bumping against the walls of the box. He then placed the box into his front backpack packet.

Afterwards, the duo started to clean up the paint tubes and colorful water from the library table.

"So when will we be doing this plan?" Yoongi inquires, picking at his nails.

Jungkook smirks as he whispered.

"Next week."


"See you later, Jungkook."

"See you later, Yoongi-hyung!"

The blue haired male smiled as he watched Jungkook gleefully run down the street, almost getting run over by a bike in the process. Yoongi opened his door with his keys and stepped inside his home. He could smell the scent of brownies and macrons flowing from the kitchen. At first, he was confused, he lived alone after all, but the smell of sweets reassures him that only one person is here.

"Hey Yoonji." He muttered with a warm smile on his face. "I didn't know you would be coming, you should've warned --- I mean, told me."

Yoongi's younger sister poked her head out to address her older brother.

"Sup Yoons? Don't wanna see your older sis? I made sweets! For myself mostly, seeing that you came home disgustingly bitter." She said.

Yoongi quickly took off his shoes and rushed to tackle his sister. Yoonji met him halfway and they both crashed into each other.

After spending ten minutes goofing around in the kitchen, they both settled down onto Yoongi's couch to talk and just snack on some treats and chips. They ate in silence before Yoonji started to speak up.

"Sooooooo? Anything worthy enough to tell me? Any cute boys around? Any douche bags you want to rant about? Come on....." Yoonji whined as she popped another piece of cookie into her mouth.

Yoongi momentarily stopped chewing and thought about it.

"Well, I saw a mermaid a few weeks ago." He said as he shrugged.

"Oh cool--- WAIT A MINUTE. NANI THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?!" Yoonji screamed as her cookie bit fell from her hand onto the couch.

She quickly picked it back up and ate it before telling her older brother.

"What? I like cookies, fuck you." She flipped off her brother as he made a disgusted look. "Anyway, are you dicking with me right now? Cause, last time I check, mermaids was a terrible movie and a fake ass statue."

"Nice," Yoongi nodded as he sipped from his water bottle, "I'm not dicking with you, Yoonji, I promise."

"Easy to say when you're the one doing the dicking." She muttered.

"We should stopping say the word 'dicking'."

"I agree. Amen to that, brother!"

The two siblings clinked their water bottle as they laughed. As soon as the laughter died down, Yoonji leaned over to her brother.

"But are you actually serious? If you're lying and you confess to me now, and all you're gonna get is a punch to the stomach." Yoonji said casually, watching the water swirled around in her bottle.

"I'm actually serious. They were so beautiful too, they had orange hair, and a pink tail, and the softest lips--" Yoongi started.

"I literally stopped caring after you breathed before your first word, but I got the gist of it." Yoonji interrupted. "Go after that lucky son of the sea and win his heart, or whatever mermaids have. After all, mom did give you that promise, right?"

Yoongi smiled as he titled his head up to stare into his ceiling.

"I will, sis and thanks, for everything."

"Does this mean you won't be the only one in our family that's still single?" Yoonji smirked.

"Shut the fuck up."

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