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"HA hA HaHa." Taehyung laughed maniacally, his large hands went to grope his blonde hair. "Jokes. Nice job Jimin."

Jimin clenched his fist tightly as Taehyung continued to laugh his scales off.

"Seriously, though." Taehyung said angrily, as he jabbed a veiny finger on Jimin's chest. "The hell you think you mean? I wouldn't know? I have loved Hobi as long, if not longer than you. Even better, I'm the one he trusts most, so who do you think he would want to date more? Also, by the way, I already made it to 2nd base. He gave me a kiss, right here." He gestured to his lips. "Don't try to play with me, Jimin. I'll break you."

The other mermaid had to restrain himself from punching Taehyung in the face as he turned around and swam away from the blonde mermaid. Jimin finally let the tears flow from his eyes, the salt tears joining the seawater. The black haired mermaid let a pathetic sob brush past his lips as he only quicken his pace. How could he have been to stupid? He should have been trying to court Hoseok, not scare him.

Wiping his puffy eyes, Jimin decided to search two more places before his search would finish.

Jimin rounded a corner of coral before stopping in his tracks and smiled for the first time in weeks. There, lying on the rock, was Jimin's princess, Hoseok, he was sleeping gracefully. Hoseok's orange, fluffy bangs covered his eyes as the sunlight shined down upon him. Jimin silently swam up to the sleeping mermaid and used his hand to brush the other's bangs away from his face.

Tears started to flow from Jimin's eyes once more, but this time, they were tears of happiness. Happy to see his princess, happy to be near him, happy he was, for once, replacing Taehyung by his side.

The black haired mermaid brushed his hand by Hoseok's cheeks, marveling at how soft the skin is. A light red started to creep up those same cheeks as Jimin realized that he woke Hoseok up.

His large doe-like eyes stared back into Jimin's red, puffy ones. Suddenly, Jimin reached over and embraced Hoseok, burying his face into the other's orange hair.

"Jimin-ssi ?" Hoseok whimpered.

"Shhhhh, call me Jiminie." Jimin replied, his voice a little muffled.

Hoseok turned an even darker shade of red as he heard the possessiveness in Jimin's voice.

"Y-yes, Jiminie..." Hoseok squeaked into his ear.

As soon as Jimin heard that, he couldn't control himself anymore. He lifted Hoseok up and leaned forward, not giving the poor mermaid time to collect his thoughts before Jimin kissed him.

Hoseok's mind couldn't process anything at that moment. All he could think about was Jimin's soft lips and how they were on his own. They were so soft and firm against his own chapped one's, and they seem to catch his own in an intense kiss. Hoseok closed his eyes in nervousness, he couldn't bare to face Jimin's eyes. Jimin noticed this nervousness and silently chuckled to himself, his princess couldn't be anymore adorable than he is right now.

Jimin tilted his head, wanting to taste even more of Hoseok's sweet lips. The orange haired mermaid whimpered in his hold, accidentally leaning more into the kiss as he did so.

After what seemed liked an eternity, Jimin pulled away, a string of saliva connecting both their lips before being broken by the water around them. Jimin licked his lips, savoring the honey-like flavor of Hoseok's lips. Hoseok couldn't believe it: The Park Jimin, the psychic of their reef, that everyone swooned over, just kissed him. On the lips.

If it weren't for Jimin's hold on him, Hoseok probably would have passed out and swept away by the ocean current. The younger wrapped his arms around Hoseok's waist as he cooed at him.

"Aww, how precious, my princess is getting so shy over me." The black haired mermaid said.

That only gave the elder more of a reason to start pushing himself away. Hoseok was trying to mask his red face and burning skin from the other, however he was failing miserably.

"Jiminie is so proud of you, letting me in so easily." Jimin cooed at the sight of a flustered Hoseok.

"Ji - Jiminie.." Hoseok stuttered.

Jimin hushed his princess as he gently traced the sun tattoo on Hoseok's forearm. Hoseok quietly moaned as he felt Jimin's finger pad dance across his skin, leaving a burning feeling in its wake.

Jimin smiled to himself, he never felt so happy before, his princess is in his arms, moaning for only him. The sounds coming from the elder were music to his ears and it was like his own personal orchestra. All of his joy came to a screeching halt, when he hears Taehyung scream in the distance.


For the second time this week, Hoseok was aggressively pulled out of Jimin's grasp, only to be met with the familiar chest of Kim Taehyung. Hoseok let out a cute squeal as his head suddenly rested upon Taehyung's chest instead.

The blonde haired mermaid was furious, he had just came over, also looking for Hoseok, only to see him hugging his mortal enemy. To make matters even worse, that same enemy was touching his Hobi in a way that only he should allowed to do.

Jimin smirked as he replied with his cocky voice.

"What does it look like? I'm trying to get to 3rd base, since it was so easy to finish the second." He licked his own lips for extra flare.

Taehyung gripped onto Hoseok's soft skin much harder and more possessively as Jimin strode over with his green tail. He reached out for Hoseok's smaller hand as he muttered to him.

"How about your Jiminie take you home? After all, it's the least I can do after you gave me such a sweet time today."

"Or how about Jiminie can go fuck off and let me take him home?" Taehyung growled.

Hoseok was letting tears fall from his eyes as he listened to the two handsome mermaids fight and bicker. Hoseok always hated it when people argued, it reminded him of his sister getting killed.

His sister, Jung Ji Woo, was happily married to her dream mermaid. He was handsome, strong, and would do anything for Hoseok's sister just to keep her happy. Hoseok also liked him, they would sometimes hang out while Ji Woo was searching for fish and eat berries off the Wishing Trees.

However, Ji Woo's beauty attached another mermaid as well, someone not as pure. He was infuriated at the fact he couldn't have Ji Woo, so he poisoned her with a sea urchin spike while she was out fishing. Hoseok remembers the bickering, the screaming , and the pleading of his parents for the police to go out to look for her, but they all failed.

The arguments and pleading became more physical and Hoseok's father nearly lost his tail. The hurtful words cast upon Hoseok and his family were too much to bear. Eventually, Ji Woo's husband set out to look for her on his own, but was killed as well. The killer was never found, and remains a mystery to this day.

After having a flashback to Ji Woo's death, Hoseok pushed himself out of Taehyung's arms and swam away from both Jimin and Taehyung. Hoseok's eyes were blurry with tears as he swam in a random direction, just wanting to be alone. He could hear the faint yells of Jimin and Taehyung, calling out for him to come back, but he ignored them.

Little did poor Hoseokie knew, someone was hot on his tracks, and they didn't have a very friendly agenda.

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