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Yoongi groaned as he parked his newly bought car near his destination: The beach. He will be heading to college in a few weeks and wanted to visit the local beach one last time.

He has kept his promise throughout the years, studying as hard as he could and got into the best college in Seoul. While he was proud of his achievements, he couldn't help but feel a little bit unsatisfied. He felt cheated of his promise. The promise he had made so long ago with his mother.

It was silly, Yoongi thought to himself as he laid his head onto the steering wheel, but why does he still think about it constantly? Mermaids or mermen couldn't exist, it was impossible and Yoongi knew it. He had been aggressively studying biology for the past 4 years, so how can he still believe in people who live as fish, eat like fish, and is half a fish?! It goes against nature!

As he sat in his car, he popped a strawberry candy into his mouth. He sucked on it as he opened his car door and stepped out, only to be greeted with a gentle sea breeze and the fresh smell of sea salt. Yoongi smiled as he walked down the path to the beach, getting some sand in his shoes the further he went.

Once he reached the sand, he undid his shoes and carried them in his hand as he continued down the beach. The sand felt soft and fine as Yoongi walked through without much difficulty. Finally, he reached the shore, arguably the best part of the beach in Yoongi's opinion.

The sun was beautiful, it shone with a rich gold and yellow hue as it slowly descended under the horizon. The sky was painted with streaks of purple, pink, and dark blue. Yoongi exhaled as he watched the waves crash onto the shore of the beach. The bright yellow sand was decorated with an orange tint as Yoongi kicked his feet and smirk with amusement as the sand scattered at his whim.

Yoongi loved the beach. He loved it more than anything else in the world. He loved the sounds of the waves and of the wind, the birds, the soft whispers of the sand. He enjoyed the fresh scent of the ocean and the saltiness in the breeze. The sandy shores soothed his mind and his soul, it could calm him down even when he reached his breaking point.

The waves crashed against the sandy shores as Yoongi walked along the bank, gently sighing as he did. Suddenly, in the distance, Yoongi spotted a shiny object resting on top of a rock. He wasn't close enough to properly see what the item was, but he could see the reflection of light that it emitted.

It moved. The shiny thing moved. It's alive...

Yoongi racked his brain as he tried to think of what the item could possibly be: A glittery seagull? A washed up fish with abnormal scales? A unicorn horn? Satan? He rushed towards the object. He felt a desperate need to figure out what the thing was. His feet kicked up the sand as he ran, some of it landing in the ocean with a small splash.

As soon as the object was only a few meters away from Yoongi, he took some time to catch his breath before looking up. His eyes went wide as he stared at the creature that was only a few meters in front of him.

Oh..... my........non-descriptive religious figure.........

Yoongi quickly dived behind some rocks that lined the shore. He rubbed his eyes and pinched his sides, just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming or seeing incorrectly. He peeked over the rock and was once again, blown away.

It was a mermaid. They're beautiful, even more beautiful than Yoongi had intentionally thought. They have bright, soft orange hair and dark brown, kind eyes. Their skin was tan and pure, almost as if it was kissed by the sun itself. Their slender, feminine figure was so tempting that it was sinful. Across their arm, they had a small, black tattoo of the sun. Finally, the crown jewel of the magical being, the gorgeous tail. It was sleek and shiny, each scale had a beautiful shade of a pink and orange-ish color. The end of the tail was a solid peachy pink.

The mermaid seemed to be lost in thought as he dried out his short, orange hair. Yoongi could tell he was grumbling something inaudible under his breath due to the fact he could see his lips move.

Oh god, his lips. They were so pink and so soft-looking, and Yoongi swore he could see them shining in the sunlight along with his tail. Yoongi swallowed a lump in his throat as he started to notice..... slightly less important details, like how the sea water droplets streaked down his face and tail in an almost sexy fashion.

"M- maybe god heard my prayers and thoughts in the car just a while ago." Yoongi stammered as he started to drool over the god-like figure in-front of his eyes.

The mermaid suddenly turned towards Yoongi's direction. Yoongi dove under the cover of the rocks before hearing a huff from the mermaid.

"Taehyungie! If you're playing with me again, it's not funny! Give me back my necklace!" The mermaid spoke with annoyance.

After hearing the mermaid's delicate and alluring voice, Yoongi nearly melted on the beach right then and there. His voice was so cute. It sounded fragile, yet confident, it also sounded submissive, yet sharp. Yoongi started to dream about how that voice might sound like when he's screaming and moaning for him to go fa—.

Yoongi slapped himself, both physically and mentally, he shouldn't be thinking about this. The sound of the slap triggered the small mermaid, causing him to cower slightly in fear.

"Who's— who's there?" He stuttered as he held his hands across his chest protectively. "Please, show yourself!"

Yoongi stayed silent, hoping for the mermaid to dismiss the sound for a fish or a bird and go back to styling himself. As much as he wanted to look at those brown eyes staring back at him, he felt like it would be better for him to stare at him from a distance. However, once the mermaid said his next statement, Yoongi froze for a moment.

"If you don't come out! I'm leaving!"

Yoongi quickly jumped up from his hiding spot and faced the mermaid. The mermaid's face was decorated with fear and he quivered at the sight of Yoongi. The boy tried to reached out to comfort the small creature, but the mermaid flinched and dived back into the water.

"No, no! WAIT! Please don't go! I won't bite..." Yoongi's voice slowly trailed off as he saw the glimmering tail swim farther and farther away from him.

He fell onto his knees as he stared at the sunset. The beach was his favorite place, and now he's torn. Does he love it for bringing him his angel? Or does he hate it because he might never see his angel again?

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