El Diablo

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~Jack's POV~

I just finished my shift at K.O burger and I was heading out side to Arcee. 

"Hey Arcee, how's it going?" Jack asked

"Fine Jack, how was your shift?" 

"Er, it was okay." I looked up about putting my helmet on when I see ... "Tayla?!" 

She didn't hear me, she was on the other side of the street, why I sounded so surprised was because she was walking ... By her self ... Her house is way out of town. "Arcee do you think we could?" 

She didn't have to be told twice she revved and sped up to Tayla "Hey Tayla wait up!" Tayla stopped and turned. She looked surprised. "Jack? That's your motorcycle?" 

"Uh yeah" I say 

She smiles "It's cute, we should go for a ride sometime, I have my own motor bike, in fact I'm here to go pick it up now." 

"Oh cool, wanna lift?" I offered 

"Sure why not" she hops on the back "thanks" 

"No problem" 

She gives me the directions and Arcee drives to the place. I leave Arcee outside and go in with Tayla.

~Arcee's POV~

I should probably call back to base and say we are gonna be late.

::Arcee to Optimus::

::This is Optimus Arcee, what's seems to be the problem?::

::Nothing Optimus, just wanted to call in and say we might be late::

::have you Incounted a problem?::

::no it's just Jack is with his girlfriend helping here grab her motorbike the mechanics:: I smirked teasing Jack.


::A sweet spark Optimus::

::and who is this ... Girlfriend?::


Next thing I heard surprised me ..l I heard a rev. 

::Optimus, are you alright?:: 

::fine Arcee, wait there until I come::

"Uh sure:: 

That's was ... Weird.

~Optimus' POV~


My engine revved in jealousy. I had nothing against Jack, but I do not like sharing what is mine. Mine? What am I thinking?! I  a prime I'm not supposed to feel these things!

I was driving to Jasper, heading to Arcee's coordinates.

~Tayla's POV~

"Hey Sabre!"

"Aye Tails! How you doing?"

"Tails?" Jack asks me

"It's a nickname" 

He nods

"Have you been looking after my baby?"

"Oh only the finest for you my dear, I know better then to mess with you and your family., and may I just say, your ride is the smoothest two wheeler I have ever work on"

I stiffened at that because Jack was here. Sabre was a friend of the family, and the only one in Jasper, apart from my mothers sister Sharp and my two friends Damion and Jonas who we can trust. Damion and Jonas are the only friends Dad lets me have, because they work with him, They are best pals, they are around the same age as my dad and I think of them as family more then friends.

I'm Fine (OptimusXOC love story, TRANSFORMERS PRIME)Where stories live. Discover now