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~Tayla's POV~

I was chatting to Bumblebee. I could understand him! How cool was that?! We were pretty deep in conversation when I heard footsteps behind me and a shadow towered over me. I knew who it was... Optimus...

Bumblebee stopped talking and stayed back for his leader to talk.

I sigh and turn around at him.

"A-am I forgiven?" He asked sadly. His optics saddened with a deep blue.

Unexpectedly, I hugged him. He stiffened then hugged me back. But then I kicked him hard in his shin. He yelped and let go, jumping on one ped and holding the other.

I turn my back and cross my arms. "I'm still mad at you... not pissed. Just mad."

The others stood in shock.
Bulkhead spoke up first. "Are you sure your not pissed?"

I froze. "No... wait..." I said waiting expectantly.

Optimus tripped up on a rope and got splashed with freezing cold water from a bucket that then landed on his helm. He yelped again.

I grin. Okay... He has had enough now. I turn around and walk to him, taking the bucket up a bit just to reveal his dermas and kissed them. He stiffened then kissed back. "You are forgiven" I murrmered.

He purred softly.

I take the bucket off his helm and helped him up.

"The great Prime... foiled by his lover" Ratchet shook his helm.

Miko, Raf and Jack laughed.

I saw my uncle looking at me, smiling sadly.

I huffed at him, crossing my arms and turning my head away. He was going to be a lot harder to forgive.

I could tell he was upset... But so was I

Optimus sighed softly. Hugging behind me and kissing the top of my helm. "Sweet spark... if you can forgive me... I'm sire you can forgive him... you know... He didn't really lie... But he didn't tell you... And that was for your own good"

I sigh, frustrated. "Yeah Yeah.... I know. It's just been a long arse day"

Optimus froze. "....Arse?"

I groaned softly. Ratchet was teaching me cybertronian anatomy. "Aft... in your language"

Optimus blinked shocked then. "What does an aft having something to do with the day-?"

"Don't worry! It's a matter of speech." I kissed his cheek as I saw my Uncle go up the elevator and to the top.
"I gotta go talk to him..."

Optimus nodded, understanding. He grabbed my hips before I walked off and kissed me, nuzzling my neck.

I smiled and kissed him back before hurrying up.

I saw him there, sitting down sadly. I walk over to him and sat down with a sigh. "Your a real butthead, you know that?"

Delgado sighed sadly, but nodded. "Tayla... I am so sorry.... i-i should of told you"

Tayla looked out over the view. "Indeed you should have." They sat in silence before she spoke again. "I can see your positionin this... and though I hate how you didn't tell me... I can see why you didn't. I forgive you"

He blinked. "W-wah... really?" his eyes full of hope.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, really. But just to at off some steam and because you really tested my limits." She smacked a raw egg on the back of his head. "What the f*ck?!" egg yolk dripping in his hair. It stunk! "There... now your an egg head" with that, she stood up and went back inside.

He froze there for a moment... then Got up as Tayla was waitimg for him in the elevator. Once they reached the fround she walkednout, proud and with a skip in her step and a smile on her face.

Delgado headed out a little after her.

The bots all stiffened and.henheld tjeor nose. "What the frag is that smell?" They asked him.

"Don't even ask" he replied.

They all look to Tayla who was sassily walking to her room.

"Remind us not to ever mess with her" Arcee said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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