Carrying Battle Scars

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~Tayla's POV~

Where was I? I was in a middle of a field of flowers.

I look to my right and say a figure. I slowly sit up and see it's my mother. I quickly get up and try to shout out to her, but nothing left my mouth. I looked at her and she looked at me before turning around and walking away.

I couldnt breathe I tried but I was choking.

All of a sudden.

I jolted up. Gasping heavily and welcoming fresh air into my lungs. I was in my bed... my heart was pounding.

I look to see Chance was on my bed looking at my strangely.

I sigh relief as I collapse back on my bed and cover my eyes with my hand.

"Phew, hadnt had that one for awhile..." yes, I had dreams of my mother, some repeated them selves.

I groan loudly as Chance makes his way up to me and barks.

"Okay, Okay, I'm up" I sit up again and pat chances head before getting out of bed.

I put chance down and go into my bath room to have a shower.

In the shower I had a metal break down.

All the pain from my life hit me all at once. Nothing out of the normal for me, I have had these emotional shifts lots of times.

All of the sudden i got the arge to conflict pain on myself. I have done this losts of times also.
for me, it is a stress reliever.

I grab something sharp and cut myself on my wrist. I was angry at the world, and at myself.

Tears streamed down my face as I watch the blood get washed off my arm and down the drain.

Once done I put on some clothes. I warp a towel around my head and get on my bed.

I look over to see Chance playing with his bowl. I smirk a sad smirk.

I lay down on my bed, closing my eyes and just try to relax.

I feel something touch my hand that was hanging off the bed. I open one eye and look to see Chance was rubbing his head under my palm with his lead in his mouth.

"You wanna go for a walk?"

He barks in response. I groan before pulling my self off the bed and grabbing his lead from him.

I head down stairs. Chance fell on the last stair but was alright, he got up straight away and scrambled after me.

"Silly dog" I say smiling at him.

We get outside and before I open the gate I put his leash on.

Then I start the long walk into Nevada desert.

~Optimus' POV~

I went out for a drive. The base was loud and I just needed to get away.

Still it would have been nice to have someone with me...

I was about to head back and drive down another road when a familiar dog came running and barking at me. I slammed on my breaks barely missing him.

I activate my holoform and walk out. He seemed in a panic barking at me. I looked at his collar "chance?" I read.

He barks again before running off in the direction he came. I look after him. He sees I wasnt following and came running back to me before barking again.

I'm Fine (OptimusXOC love story, TRANSFORMERS PRIME)Where stories live. Discover now