The Truth

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This scene I got the idea from Balto 2 xD I was watching this the other day with my little cousins and I thought it was rather fitting because i feel Balto would act like Delgado

~Tayla's POV~

"Tayla... I... I need to tell you something... very important..."

As soon as I heard those words... I knew something was up... that something... was wrong with me. I take in a shaky breathe. "I knew there was something wrong with me" I was beyond worried.

"There is NOTHING wrong with you. You have a proud heritage" Delgado tried to explain.

"Oh sure!" I look to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact.

Orian who was sitting beside me stood up. "Should... I go?" He didn't know if he should stay or go since this sounded like important news and didn't know if this was meant to just be between family.

"No, no Orian... you have to stay Prime" Delgado said. Prime? What the heck does that mean.

Orian stiffened for some reason and he looked more nervous then me now. He hesitantly sat down, not taking his eyes off of Delgado. His eyes were intense and he took my hand.

I didn't look at Delgado but I knew he was looking at me. "Your father was known as formal Colonel Leland Bishop"

"Don't you think I already know that?!" I snapped. I was tired of him stalling.

Delgado sighed sadly and looked to the ground. "Let me finish, Tayla... as you already now know he is the leader of MECH... but you don't know what M.E.C.H is or does... and you don't know your mother."

"I do know her! Her name is Layna, a nurse. your and Sharp's sister and my fathers wife!" I growl. Orian looked to me, I could tell he was worried about me. He had never seen me like this before.

Delgado sighed and looked to the ground. "Alright... um..." He cleared his throat... "let me refraze that... you know who she is... but not what she is..."

"Then what is she?" I said annoyed with a hint of anger. I was expecting to hear she was a criminal or someone who wasn't right in the head or something like that... but I couldn't convince my self. My mother was kind and gentil.

There was a moment of silence.

"Sharp, your mother, and I.... we...." He looked down to the ground as if he was questioning if he should say this. "W-we are not from this... world."

I scored and crossed my arms, leaning back in the chair and shook my head looking at the door. Debating if me and Orian should leave. I look to Delgado dead in the eyes. Mine showing I wasn't messing around and i was going to snap at any minute. His showing pain and sorrow. "If your going to be making up lies and cracking jokes then I don't want to hear it" I snarled.

"Tayla, no that's not-" I stood up and grabbed a very startled Orian and left for the door. I opened it to notice my car wasn't there. I went all the way out and looked around the front yard. I look back in the house but Delgado wasn't there. Then I heard something... like scraping metal on metal.

Then I felt my heart race and my body tremble when I saw this giant metal being stand up behind the house.

I scream and Orian pushes me behind him and his truck... drives forward on its own?!

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