"I'm fine" ...
A new girl has started the same school as Jack, Raf and Miko. But who is she?
No one seems to notice her and when they do, they just whisper things to their friends.
She wore many scars, some deep, some minor. Not that anyone notice...
I sway my bag around the front side of me so I could unzip it and get out my Bose Bluetooth headphones and my Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus. Being careful not to run into anything for I was still skating on my skate board.
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*great head phones by the way, noise cancelling and built in Google assistance, I know what am going to get for my birthday XD*
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*I Got This Phone In Rose Gold :) Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus*
I Connect my headphones to my phone via Bluetooth it put my phone in my pocket and fix up my bag on my shoulder.
"Okay Google, play One Little Slip by Barenaked ladies" I say as I put my headphones on.
"Okay, playing now"
*play song above*
I couldn't help but smile at the song, it seemed to be telling the story of my life.
It was a recipe for disaster
Now that i had full attention of my surroundings I could pick up the pace with out the fear of causing an accident. I swayed right and left on my skate board so I would get this zig zag affect, being carful to dodge pedestrians.
A four-course meal of no sirree
I placed my foot on the ground and pushed it forward and repeated this action to gain some much needed speed, especially if I wanted to get to school in time. I couldn't help but let an amused huff escape my lips, the new girl is late for the first day of school, such a cliche.