Meeting Her "Guardians"

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Song and video are not mine.

Warning, attempted suicide please do not read if this can trigger you or if this makes you uncomfortable.

~Optimus' POV~

The team and I rush back to base as soon as the kids were safely on bored. None of us saying a word. We were driving quiet fast, egar to get back.

What just played out at the childrens school, was more then what we expected.

The team including myself just thought Tayla wanted some space, or that the kids might of done something to hurt her without knowing or meaning too.
But it was a different case...

Her father, Silas had just taken her from the school grounds, practically threatening her, saying he will take more then just her eye. Whatever the scap that meant.... was that why she had a fringe over her eye?

My energon boiled as I slammed on my breaks and transformed in base, the others do a more calm and slower stop.

"What in the allspark?" Ratchet said walking over to us, sounding a bit breathe taken.

Agent Fowler walked out of his office and put his hands on the railing. "what happend?"

"T-tayla's father ... hes, hes" arcee stuttered.

"Well? hes what, father christmas?"

"Silas" Bulkhead said.

My optics narrowed.

"Silas?!" Ratcher and Fowler shout.

"That's in possible!"

::well, apparently it isnt:: bee whirled.

The kids walk over to us looking scared and worried.

"Ratchet, search Silas Bishop on our data base..."

Ratchet doesnt move, still shocked. I give him a warning glare and he quickly regains himself and nods. Hesitating for a seconded, looking for the right keys, before typing in my request.

"No results found" he says.

I hum in thought and go over all my sightings with Tayla. I remember everything, including the conversation when she took a lot of interest in the army. perhaps... I mean, her father has special tactics it's worth a shot. "...Search Colonel Bishop"

The web loads, until mant results pop up of the same man.
A photo, as clear as day, of Taylas father... and a lot, of information.

Colonel Leland Bishop was a member of Special Tactics with the US army with ambitious weapons idea which included project: Damocles a space operated satellite. 18 years ago However, the project was mothballed, Bishop going insane by this refusal,  killing his wife Layna Bishop and suspected murder of his 7 year old daughter, Tayla Bishop, whose body was never found. Evedinets of this was when Bishop was discharged from the army, who were going to take her away and bring her into the caring arms of her Uncle Delgado Hellaro. once on arrival, Bishop and his daughter were no where to be seen. It is believed Still bent on his weapons ideas, Bishop went rogue and funding the terrorist.
Bishop is charged with the following:
Weapon selling and illegal experiments.
Mass slaughter.
Abduction for experiments.
Refusal of arrest.

Warning issued:
This man is highly dangerous and armed. If spotted do not engage. Please call your local police immediately.

I clenched my fists not wanting to read anymore.

How could this man be Tayla's ...
A girl, who is so sweet, kind, considerate and gentil, be the daughter of that... that monster.

"He, killed his own sparkmate" I spoke in a hushed whisper.

I'm Fine (OptimusXOC love story, TRANSFORMERS PRIME)Where stories live. Discover now