Meeting Her "Guardians"

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Damien. Damiens right arm is metal, but you cant see it because he always wears long sleeves and a glove on his hand.

 Damiens right arm is metal, but you cant see it because he always wears long sleeves and a glove on his hand

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Jonus and Damians motorbikes

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Jonus and Damians motorbikes.

~Optimus' POV~
Holy frag... I had just dropped of Miko, Raf and Jack to talk to Tayla and see if she was alright. I heard Jack yell "Tayla, what were you thinking?" Then there was a pause and I heard gunfire and engines.

I looked over to see someone on a motorbike being chased by other motorbikes and cars. At first I though decepticons, but they were no decepticons. They were civilians.

I'm Fine (OptimusXOC love story, TRANSFORMERS PRIME)Where stories live. Discover now