Having A Talk

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~Miko's POV~

we were dropped of near base, we told Tayla we were going to muck around a bit. she fell for it and went back home. We walked into base laughing our socks off and shouting about what just happend.

"Omg did you see that?!" Jack laughed "how she bet that player and socked him in the face!"

Ratchet and Optimus turn around. As our guardians come into the room.

"Haha of course! And what about the cops when we were waving at the when Tails was driving backwards like a pro! Like dude where did she learn to drive BACKWARDS!?" I shout.

Raf was still shaking, what a baby. At least he was laughing as well.

"I never seen that before, IT WAS AMAZING!" Raf shouts....I didn't expect that...
"The way she gave em the slip and zoomed passed drivers and omg shes amazing!" Raf says

"Someones gotta crush" I say.

"And just where have you three been? You were supposed to be back here an hour ago." We all stop and freeze before turning around to see Ratchet and every other bot staring at us... "and what is this about, cops?"

Our guardians walk up to us putting their hands on their hips or crossing them in disapproval.

"Scrap" we all say.

We all tried to make up lies ... but we said them at the same time and we said different things ... this is when optimus came up crossing his arms and giving us a stern look.

We all gulp "dude...  busted" i say.

"Raf?" Optimus says. Shoot for a party pooper he sure knew who to pick on to spill the beans.

"Dont you rat us out Raf" I say giving a accusing finger.

"Miko" bulkhead said sternly "where were you?"

"Um" I put my two index fingers together.

Raf started sweating.. "Rafael" optimus says again, a bit more sternly.

Goodie two shoes here cracked like a egg that was greeted with a knife. Explaining and telling everything very fast ... the bots where taken back at his speed of talking.

We were neck deep in scrap ... we were in soooooo much trouble. From our guardians and Optimus especially... also Ratchet but he didn't care to much he just kept mumbling something along the lines of... "teenagers, these days... rif raf ... hooligans.."

Jack and Raf went home being lectured by their guardians and now it was my turn. Bulk was going to throw me to the wolves If there was anything left of me once he was done.

Before I could leave to face my doom, Optimus stopped me. "Miko, Do you know why Tayla would do such a reckless act?"

Optimus kneels down to my level.

"Which part, the street racing in an abandoned factory, or the cop chase"


"Well she was racing for money, and she was driving from the cops to protect Jack, Raf and I"

Optimus seemed taken back by this. "Raf mentioned she was driving backwards, as if she was used to it, or a pro at it, is what you said... do you know how or where she could of learned to drive like that?"

I shrug Which Optimus only hums to... "I shall look further into this..." he finaly says... it was getting a bit awkward.

"Sure thing big guy!" I say. Thinking I was off the hook.

"Miko" I turn around again  "you and the others are far from 'off the hook.' " I slump.

"Wow prime, your getting better with your earth sayings" I wink at him before running to my next talk beating.

~Optimus' POV~

I found it very strange that a young femme (female) such as Tayla, could drive with such skills and know exactly where to hide from the police.

I watch as Miko runs to Bulkhead and the two of them drive out of Base.

I then stand to my full height once more.

"Sounds like your sweetspark is quiet the trouble maker." Ratchet says.

I hum in agreement "I shall talk to her tomorrow" i say as i turn around and head to my quarters "and shes not my sweetspark" i say as i pass Ratchet.

AN: Short chapter but I'm going to do like a getting to know each other chapter between Optimus and Tayla. I also think I will introduce Taylas father in the chapter after that chapter or 3 chapters after it. I JUST REALLY WANT TO SCREAM OUT QHO IT IS, ITS SO OBVIOUS!!! tell me what you guys think. Do you guys want me to tell you after the talk between Tayla and Optimus, or 3 chapters after it :3

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