You're Not Like The Others...

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~Optimus' POV~

Today was the day, I was going to talk to Tayla. Today was the day, that I also just realised I have not said a word to her let a known a full on conversation and too top it all off, I had no idea where she was located. She could be anywhere in Jasper Navada. I had already checked her house and no one answer the gate.

So now I was aimlessly doing blocks of Jasper Navada, trying to see if I could locate Tayla.

I was on the same street that I had gone around five times already when my holoform saw Tayla on her Skateboard going down the street. I hit on my breaks and turned around.

 I hit on my breaks and turned around

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She wore this. Yes ... skatebording in shoes like that. Mmmhmm *clicks finger* DEAL WITH IT 😂 ALSO THIS DOES NOT BELONG TO ME, CREDIT TO ITS OWNER.

~Tayla's POV~

It was the day after the race night and I had encountered a problem, I was on police radar. Not. good. My father was going to strangle me so I decided that I needed to lay low for a while, and to do that, i need a new car.

Luckily my dad has connections in Jasper Navada and I was Very lucky that one of my dad's best suppliers is not only my Uncle, but he lives in Jasper. He sells things like weapons, parts and cool stuff to us so my dad can sell or craft it into useful things, some things that I find I never wanted to use (such as weapons and stuff that can hurt or kill.) But most of all, he had cars.

"Delgado" I greeted as I hopped off my skateboard. Delgado was from Mexico. Apart from all the weapon selling and all that, Delgado was actually a good man.

"Bishop" He greeted as he grabbed an old rag and whipped his greasy hands. Much like my, father Delgado was an ex-soldier. "Ha sido un tiempo" (it's been a while) he says as he comes up to me and hugs me, like one of those bro hugs that you pat each other on the back.

"18 years... Me extrañaste?" (Did you miss me?) I say with a raised eye brow and put my hands on my hips.

He laughed "Estaría mintiendo si dijera que no" (I would be lying if I said no.) "You have grown since the last time I saw you. You have also improved on your spanish, you almost had me fooled." He says as he puts he hands on the work bench and leans his weight.

Delgado knew me since I was born. He was my mother's big brother. My dad and him were very close and even though they did not part on the best of terms they still had each others backs and Delgado still supplied for us.

Delgado had pitch black hair and blue eyes. He wore a white shirt with a streatched out collar and blue Jean's.

"So, you got a ride for me?" I ask trying to hide my excitement. I had texted Delgado a while ago before I headed over here. He told me he had a new shipment a few weeks ago. He also said it needed a few touches here and there so I didnt really expect something to grand.

I'm Fine (OptimusXOC love story, TRANSFORMERS PRIME)Where stories live. Discover now