Stir It Up

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~Optimus' POV~
I never expected this "solar surfer" to work, I thought she was lying ... but then they took off. I was more then surprised, worried and unsure of whether I should transformer or not, I saw Jack and Raf run after them, but then for some strange reason they run back towards me. I didn't understand until I saw Tayla and Miko heading straight for me. I didn't know what to do I couldn't process what to do quick enough and before I knew it, they came to a halt, right next to me.

[Bit of a time skip]

~Tayla's POV~

"I know what we can do for our science project!"

They all give me knowing smiles.

I lift my head just a little as I was still on the ground, i grip the grass in my hands trying to regain feeling in them. "W-what? ... why are you looking at me like that?"

And then it hit me. They wanted to use my Solar surfer.

"Oh no no no no, it's not even finished! So many things are wrong with it! One of the boosters dont work, the sail is ripped, parts are breaking off it everywhere! It doesnt even have breaks!"

"Oh come on! We would be top of the class! The science fair is our biggest grade"

"And we are not letting Ratchet help us like last time!" Miko growls. "I'm already failing school."

"Ratchet?" I ask, that was a strange name.

"Her grandpa, it's a nickname" Jack butted in, "hes kind of a whacko"

I swear I saw the truck move

"Kind of?" Miko asks.

They all look at me again as i get up off the ground. I give them a stern look back.

"Oh come on Tayla"

"We can fix it up!"

"Yeah come on Tayla! It'll be fun!

The started begging me now.

I sigh. "Alright, alright, fine, I'll go look for the old plans"

"your won't regret this Tayla"

*start song, FYI great song!*

~Optimus' POV~
I felt sorry for Tayla, I wonder what happend to her carrier. I watched the kids as they started to grab some stuff. Intrested at what they were going to do.

~Tayla's POV~

I go through some old papers and move a few stuff around the place until I found the blue prints.
I can't sit here while I go nowhere
Chase my dreams through the polluted air
I rolled it out on the work bench while brushing off old wood chips.
Walking on a wire, running out of time
There's no room in this ol' heart of mine
I read through it and point out some stuff as the others look then run around looking for stuff to use.
Bill collectors waiting down the hall
We go outside and place down the new wood and some red, black and white paint.
Neighbors scream and crack the bedroom wall
We go to the furnes and Miko pumps the fire as I hold a metal bar allowing it to heat up so I can bend the bar.
Nerves jump off the pavement, passion hits the street
I take off the sail, and the old boosters.
Angers cookin' in the city heat
I grab some better solar sheets for the sail.
World's too crazy, I can't take no more
I wash the new sail down with the hose to clean off the dust and webs. I also put the metal in a bucket of water to cool it off.
I won't stay here locked behind the door
I pull up my sleeves, glade that I took some of dads "special treatment" for my scars were gone.
Baby, stir it up, got to break it up now
Jack puts the old parts in the trash with Miko.
When I think about tomorrow, ooh, I can't wait to
Me and Raf look at each other.
Stir it, got to shake it up now
If I have to beg or borrow, I'm not gonna take it anymore, mmm, mmm
We get two new boosters out of the shed, Raf looks at me questionably as if asking where did you get these from. I just smile a nervous smile.
Hungry minds do stare you in the eyes
We look at the plans again.
Spread it thick and lay the biggest lies
Miko comes over with the paint, jack quickly takes it off Miko and hands it to Raf ... I can only imagin why.
Don't say what you feelin', must play hard to get
Miko pouts crosses her arms and sulks, we all laugh.
All those time bombs tickin' in your head
Raf paints the whole board black as Jack holds it up to help him do both sides.
So much pressure to keep holdin' on
Pack my clothes up, baby, I'll be gone
Me and Miko go grab some soft drinks for all of us.
I've got to stir it up, got to break it up now
We come back and the boys gladly take the drinks, it is a hot day.
When I think about tomorrow, ooh, I can't wait to
Raf goes back to painting, going to the sides of the board and doing a line of white then a line of red on top of it. It looked really good against the black.
Stir it, got to shake it up now
If I have to beg or borrow, I'm not gonna take it anymore, mmm, mmm
Once he was finished we layed it down to dry.
Can't find love because it's trapped inside
I go back in the shed to put the paint back. I find a photo of my mum and me on the wall above the desk. I take it off and sigh looking at it, I then touched her face gently with a shakey hand as if afraid the photo would crumble.
Can't find freedom flirting with the line
Make some room in this ol' heart of mine
I look outside side to see Jack cutting the Solar sheets staying on the lines Miko drew on when Raf measured them.
So much pressure to keep holdin' on
Pack my clothes up, baby, I'll be gone
I put the photo in my pocket and head back outside. I grab the boosters and place them on the back of the board as miko holds them in place. I then meld them together. I then put some wires into the board connecting them to the boosters and making some buttons to control them.
Stir it up, I've got to break it up now
When I think about tomorrow, I can't wait to
We then put the solor sheet on the new bars that we put together, then I slot it in and lock it with help from a wrench (ratchet would be proud. 😂) We connect it to one of the buttons then test it out. The Sail folds down, we press it again and it pops out. Miko and I high five each other ... a bit to hard. We both wince and shake our hands out. In the corner of my eye i swear i was the truck shake, as if amused.
Stir it, got to shake it up now
If I have to beg or borrow, I don't wanna take it anymore
I then put on the handle bar to help steer it.
Stir it up, got to break it up now
When I think about tomorrow, I can't wait to
We all stand back and look at it as the sails glow in the sun.
Stir it, got to shake it up now
If I have to beg or borrow, I don't wanna take it anymore
"This actually looks pretty damn good" Jack huffed.

"Good? It looks badass!" Miko shouts

"Yeah, it sure does" Raf second her opinion. Sounding a bit breathe takin.

"Who wants to go for a test drive?" Miko asks already running toward it and jumping on.

AN: It still looks the same guys, just with a paint job and new/fresher parts.

I'm Fine (OptimusXOC love story, TRANSFORMERS PRIME)Where stories live. Discover now