Dinner Night - Optimus' POV

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Do not own song or video! I used this song cause my OCs name is Tayla this one is Taylor the only difference is the ending sound so WHY NOT USE IT.

~Optimus POV~
[At the party a few moments before Tayla comes]

I was here at the dinner, the meeting had just finished which I was glare for because these men were talking about the autobots and if Tayla were here, well, that would be hard to explain.

But now, I was worried, was she going to come tonight?

I felt lonely even with my team here.

There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

I gazed my optics around the room. I hated these big gatherings.

I heared whispers and gasps and I looked to see what was going on.

A beautiful, elegant women was walking into the room.

I went to join back into the conversation with Arcee and Bulkhead when I realised that that femme was no other then the women who has been on my processor all night.

Your eyes whispered "have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me

My spark seemed to stop until it was just her in the room I could see. My spark started to race when I saw her heading over to me.

The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy

She walked right up too me, everyone who knew I was a prime or an autobot who could accidently step on them, would never do that...

She bite her bottom lip cutely before speaking, her angle like voice flooding my audios.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate dresses?" She spoke with a smile.

She had me under a spell, and the first thing she had to say was that?

I had too try and hold back a laugh. I had too remember my team and very important people such as Fowlers team were here.

I had to keep the prime attitude just a little longer...

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too

I had no idea I was giving her love optics, nor did I care right now. I sighed softly.

I heard Ratchet talk to the children near the buffet table.

"Love struck" he said annoyed as if he knew I was trying to hide it. The children giggled.

I couldnt help it! this was all so new to me.

It was then I realised I hadn't said anything to her question and panicked.
"Oh- I um, no ... you haven't told me you don't like d-dresses" I face palmed

That was a rhetorical question idiot.

Tayla giggled and smiled.

I felt like I was about to melt into a puddle. She was so perfect, even if her father is our second biggest enemy... I think I love her.

"You... I.. you're ah... uh" I couldn't think of a good line. Me, the bot of wise, inspirational speeches, was stummped.

Arcee came to my rescue. "I think what Orian is trying to say, is you look beautiful, Tayla" But she just had to say it in a teasing way.

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