2010 © Samantha Thomas
It had been 3 weeks since I had gotten the phone call from the insurance man, and I still felt like I was on the phone with him. My mind had been blown away with thousands upon thousands of questions, scenarios, and possible answers, you name it I thought/think it. Relocation from the government, hiding from an abusive family member of girlfriend, owed money to the wrong people, to witnessing something obscene, and no where near lastly, just your average sick sadistic con man.
I was on my way to drop off Tiffany some lunch at work because she was low on cash. I made her some English muffin pizzas with a ceaser salad. When I got there, just like everywhere today the sun was super warm for such a late in fall kind of day and the air was so fresh and clean. I sucked it in savoring the crispness.
When I reached the office I went straight to the counter and asked for Tiff, Maria the receptionist said she'd be a few minutes, Tiff just took in very sick twins and was getting them settled in their room. So I took a seat in the 'well' section and waited.
Everything as it was, was normal as a pediatrics office would be, but I couldn't help the feeling of being creeped out all of a sudden. I felt a wicked chill creep up my spine and attributed it to the air inside and dismissed it. I sat with the food in the chair next to me and my hands on my lap fidgeting, I decided to take a look about.
The place looked a bit packed today mostly mom's in here, and a few dads. As I looked from face to face speedily noticing nothing until I my eyes found this one lady. She looked to be on the short side, with vibrant red wavy hair, and she was staring right at me, even though the posture of her head suggested facing downward, her eyes were up staring right at me, with a creepy look inside them.
The child she was accompanying didn't even look a thing like her, dark hair, dark eyes and the child seemed as if very stiff in her movements. I didn't know four year olds could do impressions of robots, while at the Doctor's for a sick visit as their seating arrangements suggested. But I suppose that means nothing in the wake of the wonderful world today for adoption.
Even though I had long since looked away I still felt her beady eyes boring into me making me ridged with unease, and I too must admit I was still peeking at her to confirm this from my peripheral vision. Her daughter had just come up to her and said mommy but it wasn't your average 'mommy' from a child to his or her mother, or even a 'mommy' from a sick child. It seemed very forced and wicked out of place, and mechanical, that made the unease easer to stay with me and keep me completely uncomfortable.
Suddenly a few little kids hopped in front of me scaring the utter poo right out of me honestly this whole 'Doctor's' creeped me the heck out. And I'm leaving in one.. Two.. Three... "Samantha?" my head snapped up in the nick of time, "Tiff said to go on back, into the lounge ok? She'll be right with you." I wasted no time at all.
When I got back there I only waited like two minutes and like 32 seconds before she arrived, I totally wasn't counting, not at all. "Oh thank God girl!" I let out in a theatrical huff, "What is it now drama queen? Is my lunch cold? Because I will not pay I tell you! Not a dime!" she said in mock anger, that's when I decided to tell her, I must say I was a bit hesitant because of what she might think-again-of me.
"Um...," Tiff began and I knew it, "So what do you think?" I asked eyes at a slight crinkle, "Well I don't think much, I'm-I'm sure its nothing girl, if anything funny was going on I'm sure we'd know about it in terms of abuse or anything you know? And as far as the creepy stare, she's here on a sick visit imagine being a parent and the sleepless nights you would endure, never mind on a sick week you know? And think about it, everyone in here is occupied with a child or more, you're here by yourself imagine how you must look you know?" she finished. And wow she's completely right, I never thought of it that way, I suppose I would too if I were in her or anyone's else's shoes. But on a second silent thought to myself, that didn't explain the mechanical child... huh.
And that was that, Tiff gobbled up her lunch like a greedy gremlin and I was off doing my own thing for the remainder of the day.
While in line at McDonalds later in the day I found myself yet again feeling a tad-understatement-empty, and strangely I looked down at my phone, with the thought of Jace in mind. I looked hopelessly at my phone searching again for answers in inanimate objects, he hadn't called, he wasn't calling, and he just never would. I sooo burnt that bridge. I surely suck. 'Whatever' I guess, the line was moving I tossed my phone onto the seat next to me and pulled forward.
After I got my sludge I parked and wolfed it down. Then after had just finished thinking of Jace my mind went dreadfully to Cas. I mean what really was it about this guy? Yeah accidental accident in all, unlikely friendship, yadda yadda, but what truly was it, was-is-it still, that keeps me locked and loaded when it comes to Caspian? He's super hot, and OMG to look at and like the weirdest, sweetest guy at exactly the right time in life, I suppose this is useless because everything about him his amazing and everything I've always wanted. He's gone, went so fast like this-I- was nothing, some nice guy, but somehow even that doesn't matter to me.
And then even more enigmatic he's a COMPLETE FRAUD! The irony, and audacity. Ya know? Because I had Jace the clearly better choice-because, he stuck around and still would be around if I hadn't tazered his affection for me severing anything we might've had together-nice sweet hot extremely hot guy, who's into me despite my freaking issues. The guy who I poo on repeatedly because I'm a complete lost-puppy-like freak.
"Save me I'm lost, oh lord I've been waiting for you, I'll pay any cost, save me from being confused.." Carolina liars sang signaling that my phone was ringing-fitting isn't it? "Hello?" I answered, "Yes, may I speak to a, Samantha?"
uh ok, I'm thinking,
"Um sure who is this may I ask?" "This is Great Things In All Packages. I'm calling because I have a package, and I'm afraid I need an address to deliver." "Well who is it from?" I asked, is it me or does this sound odd?... "I-I'm not sure I'm afraid. How about that address ma'am?" -Ok correct me if I'm wrong but if a delivery shop has a 'said' package for me and obviously its not from me to me, then shouldn't they know all this info, if this IS 'legit?'
"Ok listen, here's the thing 'pal' I'm not really sure if I'm buying this whole business, so who is this really? And why the hell are you asking for my address?" I decided, no beating the bush today just out with it. "Um.. Excuse me ma'am but I assure you this is a 'legit' business." his tone mimicked mine on the word 'legit' his voice was a bit unsure, and shaky but it was like he was forcing the words like willing me to believe him, "Yeah sure how am I supposed to believe you? Its not like you can give prove that I'm willing to take over the phone dude. Unless there is another way, then I'm willing...."
"Yes of course. I understand that your willing, that I'm most certain now, I can surely get you the proof you need if you just give me your address you see, very simple miss." His tone started of easy going and light, but as soon as it came to the 'That I'm most certain now' yadda business his tone became dark and calculating WICKED CREEPFEST! "Listen loser I don't know what kind of funny stuff your trying to pull here, but your REALLY freaking me out. Listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth, Your-Not-Getting-My-Address-LIKE-EVER! Um k? Now if you would give me your business address I'd be glad to pick it up but, like I'm assuming, you're a creepy fraud and couldn't possibly provide me with this information so, goodbye now!"
And just like that I hung up my phone Boop! Done! The rest of my day and night were sickeningly simple, so boring so that I will continue no further.
The very next morning, after finishing up our breakfast the doorbell rang rapidly, and very rudely if I may say. Tiff and I exchanged baffled looks and went to see who the early bird pest was. And let me tell you we were not prepared for what we then saw, no way in hell...
Angels and Death
FantasyDo you believe in Angels? What would happen if an Angel lost faith and rebelled? What would happen if he took his charge with him? Guardian angels are assigned a charge the moment before conception. They stay in the invisible folds around each and e...